Politics and Religion

And now. MORE CARNAGE brought to you by Obama...
Snowman39 1842 reads

More hours cut back for the working poor. Last I checked it was not the 1% working at Denny's.

In addition to cutting hours, they are going up on prices. Last time I checked, the 1% wasn't eating at Dennys either.

I've always said you don't make companies pay taxes, they just collect it from the end consumer.

Once again. Liberal policies fucking the middle and lower class.

I still don't believe this ACA is a good policy. This will only raise the cost for the consumer, like you said the 1% does not eat at Dennys. Thankfully I have not been to a Dennys in years, I remember seeing Seniors in the morning, and young inebriated adults in the late evening hours. Neither of these groups have money .

Snowman39191 reads

after I finished a late shift at work. the ramifications of ACA are just starting

So....you really went to college.  And you learned how to read a Denny's menu, and nothing else. Nice work.

Posted By: Snowman39
after I finished a late shift at work. the ramifications of ACA are just starting

followme178 reads

The only reason you pretend elitists are knocking Denny’s and in a previous thread, Applebee’s is because Snow or I mention it.
I of course cannot prove it but I have no doubt you all have been to these places and enjoyed it, much more that you have the courage to admit it.

The fact is that these places are successful and contribute to the economy. Now because of the ACA they (and others too) are forced to make cuts and or raise prices all because

You’re Welcome
GOP = For God and Country = Truth

Snowman39245 reads

If you are going to lie, at least do it about politics. Why trash your credibility for something so stupid.

Oh, wait, can't trash what you don't have ;-)

poor getting fucked by Obama.

Looks like all they've got is strawmen and nonsequitors.


...owned by one franchisee.  The cutback in employee hours is not scheduled to go into effect until 2014 so it sounds like the guy is just posturing.

-- Modified on 11/15/2012 11:59:16 PM

The innercity slums are an edifice to liberal policies. Slums BTW, liberals avoid on their way to West LA and The Bu.

And the intellectual snob liberals like we have here's only answer is to mock you and offer up 99 weeks of unemployment and Hope and Change bumperstickers.

ALL food service businesses operate on thin margins. Their variable, or manageable costs are food and labor. We know food costs are going up ALL THE TIME. ACA is raising the cost of labor.
That has ALWAYS meant cut backs in hours and those who remain MUST DO MORE to keep their jobs.

Minimum wage was $1.25 or so when I started working. Now it's $8. And we still have poor.

Liberal policies ALWAYS fuck the poor.

Okay, bring on the "you're such a racist" canard gerbilboy.

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