New York

Take a look at the original post, and then take a look at my response.
frankie2003a 4855 reads

Now that's real rocket science.  You seem to have a low
threshold for calling someone a genius.

I try to be precise in my posts since all you have is the
text.  It's very different than speaking with someone.

If you see something wrong with a post, correct or amplify it.

Now, go argue with your SO.


frankie2003a4306 reads

1. Those boards are checked much less often than the regional
boards just by their very nature.

2. If I'm not mistaken, that board is moderated by Staff
himself.  In that case #1 may apply even more because he's
busy.  Also, he may opt not to let the post go through.  I'd
wait a few days.

Also, Staff doesn't necessarily read the NY board.  He may
drop by once in a while, but just by looking at his posting
history you can tell it's not too often.


-- Modified on 5/19/2004 4:55:47 PM

-- Modified on 5/19/2004 4:56:12 PM

TER and everything about it. You talk like you KNOW it all.
I mean, follow you responses to everything on this board and you answer as if you wrote the book.

What's up with that???????????????

Do you own stock in TER or are you just a genius???????

Your reply's are so assertive and sure of yourself, almost like you have coffee with STAFF everyday.

What makes you such an authority on all the subjects posted????

frankie2003a4856 reads

Now that's real rocket science.  You seem to have a low
threshold for calling someone a genius.

I try to be precise in my posts since all you have is the
text.  It's very different than speaking with someone.

If you see something wrong with a post, correct or amplify it.

Now, go argue with your SO.


Hey Frankie:
There is no denying that you are a very bright individual with seemingly a lot of time to navigate the boards. Your views are generally very astute and appear to be impartial.  So take the compliment when it is given.  You get what you give in this life.
(and you seem to give alot even tho we dont agree on many issues)

However I do respect your choice of women.


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