Porn Stars

Google Voice
Dfusethesituation 677 reads

IMO is the best option. Simply because it's free. You don't necessarily have to use your personal Gmail acct.  simply set up another google acct and link the phone number to that. I tried the whole bat phone thing, too much to keep up with (extra phone, extra charging cord, etc.).  

what is the best phone to use for the hobby (in order to keep my SO from finding out)?
Is Google Voice the best since it offers text and voice calling?  although you will need to disclose your email address

Dick_Enormis750 reads

TracFone.  Minutes and service days start at $20 which gets you 60 minutes and 90 service days.  Unused minutes will rollover as long as your service days are active.  

I use my phone but I use apps that mask my number. Apps like Burner, Sideline, Textfree

Dfusethesituation678 reads

IMO is the best option. Simply because it's free. You don't necessarily have to use your personal Gmail acct.  simply set up another google acct and link the phone number to that. I tried the whole bat phone thing, too much to keep up with (extra phone, extra charging cord, etc.).  

Honestly use textnow dot com , they will not as of the time of this post furnish any info or be compelled by LE to disclose your info.

Posted By: Dfusethesituation
IMO is the best option. Simply because it's free. You don't necessarily have to use your personal Gmail acct.  simply set up another google acct and link the phone number to that. I tried the whole bat phone thing, too much to keep up with (extra phone, extra charging cord, etc.).  

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