TER General Board

daddymerc 2684 reads

Hello fellow hobbyists! this may not be the topic you're looking for.....but, has anyone contracted any std's from a provider?! How can a provider be in this biz if ultimately their health and ours is at risk every time we meet?

god bless

was this a question or rhetorical question?  So how is this different then the real world?  I have had many male friends that have had sex with 200-300 girls- and no they did not pay for them.  I am sure there are many women out there with the same numbers.  My limited exp with providers is they seem to be more concerned with stds then your typical one night stand bar girl.  Most of my experiences in the civi world have been bb- not so with well respected providers.  So where is the real risk?

Again- from what I can see- this is a pretty old topic- use the search button and you will get all the replies you want.  

lookdown1803 reads

Well put.  I try not to allow 3bj.  Most that offer are nasty mouths.  Just keep it covered at all times.  NO GFE for me

I have hobbyed for over 30 years, and seen over 100 providers.

Therein lies a lesson.

Providers know what they are doing because this is what they do!  A responsible and reputable provider will study safety like her life depends on it because it does.

43 per cent of hobbyists have had bareback.  That is a lot of irresponsible providers... if polls are to be believed.  So, if she is studying safety like her life depends on it - according to Bengal Tiger - then why is the number 43 per cent?

There are lies, damn lies, and then statistics.

Lets look at this.  So 43% of hobbyist have had bareback, this must mean that 43% of providers provide bareback, no?  No!

What it means is that 43% of hobbyist had bareback at least once, and maybe only once, some time in their lives that and that it a lot of screwing.

I have hobbyed for over thirty years and way back in the 70's before AIDS became known, a few (very few) providers would provide bareback.

Now-a-days, I would have to say it is extremely rare.

So, the axiom that providers are safer than civie sex is not seriously challenged by the 43% statistic you offer.

Jadie987 reads

Yes one can use statistics to lie but it is easier to lie without using statistics.

I have also hobby for over 30 years and way back in the 70’s it was the norm to go bareback at all the Nevada brothels as well with other Provider. In the late 60 and 70’s the birth control pill alleviated the major concern, pregnancy, of BBFS and most STDs were easily curable with one shot in the butt cheeks. With AIDS and less curable STDs protective sex became more frequent in the hobby and with civies, in the 1980’s. This is reflected in the trend for US STD rates which peaked in 1970’s and has decline with the increase use of condoms. (http://www.cdc.gov/std/stats/trends2004.htm).

The axiom that providers are safer than civie sex is seriously challenged by the fact that Providers have many more (and probably riskier) partners and sexual encounters than most civies.  Now for a little more statistics, condoms are only 60 to 90% effective in preventing STDs.  Assuming the higher 90% figure and a provider having 500 protective encounters/years, her STD risk is equivalent to having 50 unprotect sex encounters per year.

I would never do bare fuck or greek and have never done DATY yet.  Although my favorite, BBBJ is a risk, I'm willing to take that risk with a responsible and reputable provider.

My biggest worry as far as STDs are herpes or genital warts.  A cover won't protect you from that and you can't always tell just by looking. And she or you might not have it.


Not only will I not consider BB under any circumstances, but the hapless fool who requests BB discovers to his frustration that he just ended our date abruptly. Any man fool enough to even consider BB with a provider is, in my opinion, totally unsafe. He may not have been successful with me, but I have no way of knowing whether he might have been successful with another lady just last week. For that reason, we are done right then and there. No excuses. I won't put myself at risk.

PS. I don't suppose it occurred to you that some of those 43% maybe lied? Guys do like to brag sometimes.

Jadie1627 reads

Lets get real.  In anonymous poll what advantage is to be gain by lying or bragging?

I hope you don't mean BBBJ!  I was seriously contemplating making the drive down to Topeka one weekend.  If you ended our date abruptly, I'd probably start sobbing uncontrollably!

I cannot stand latex in my mouth. The risks associated with oral are far less than those associated with vaginal or anal sex. Oral is a risk I'm willing to take, for FS its not.

Come on down and do some sightseeing! I'll be delighted to be your tour guide! :-)~

Jadie991 reads

Not all ladies are responsible and reputable providers (what percentages are???). Even if a lady is responsible the fact that she has many more partners and encounters may make her a greater threat than most civvies. An extreme example taken from a thread below: based on a 10% reviewed rate, from the large number of reviews (if they are true) this well reviewed lady has to be seeing at least 5 new clients EVERY day. Assuming this generally positively review lady is responsible and gets tested every 3 months she must be seeing 450 new clients between tests (if she could find the time to get tested).  Dare I say most civvies don’t come close having 100 different partners in a life time?  Many sexual active civvies are also responsible and do get tested. Wise people would say don’t rely on a lady or civvie being “responsible and reputable” but do take responsibility for your own safety that is compatible with the risk you are willing to accept.

-- Modified on 8/4/2006 7:36:05 AM

But IMHO, the civvies, of both genders, may not be as careful about safety and often don't think about it in the heat of the moment.

I take responsibility as well and even bring my own Durex covers because I know they are safe.  And I usually have a chat with her about her views on safety.  A provider would have to be high on crack to do bare fuck or bare greek.  Bare french varies and depends on how much risk both parties are willing to take.

Jadie1845 reads

“But IMHO, the civvies, of both genders, may not be as careful about safety and often don't think about it in the heat of the moment.”

How does this jive with the fact that in a TER poll 50% indicated they never been tested.  IMHO one of the major attractiveness of this hobby is the greater availability  of more risky sexual acts such as Greek, that cannot be obtain readily with a civie. Often I have heard complaints from ladies about being pressured to take more risk (ex. unprotected Sex).  How many submit to this pressure?

”A provider would have to be high on crack to do bare fuck or bare greek.”  

I suspect that the percentage of Providers having substance abuse problems is much higher than  for civies that have substance abuse problems.

-- Modified on 8/4/2006 6:33:15 PM

daddymerc1253 reads

thanks, everyone, for your help, info and candor!!
however, this Is still the risk for me. I'm on the Big side, and my ol' lady cant handle it! thus, i'm looking into Hobbying. But, come on, i'm not soo horny that i'm gonna run out and get together with a prospective playmate, and end up bringing home Herpes!!!

i've researched the risk involved with herpes, and i am in contact with a provider or 2 that offer bbbj, these ladies are well referred to and have a great track record for quality!

and i ask them, " how the hell do you know you're not infeccted!!??" they respond with the frequency of their testing, but it still has not talked me into it!





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