
And, you can bet your ass some guy paid it... once lol.
London Rayne See my TER Reviews 483 reads

I think another thing people don't get or maybe they never bothered studying Marketing or the Psychology behind branding, is that certain men are out there who will pay top dollar because of their ego...  it has nothing to do with the provider. They might not even be all that attracted to her, but they pay her because it makes them feel secure they can afford what most everyone else can't. It also makes them more sure about the fact that she is not going to be seeing all that many guys at such a high rate, and they like the idea of exclusivity. Many will pay a premium simply to be with a provider who is less likely to have been with 2 guys that day, or even that week. Those who are on a budget really cannot afford to be all that picky. They have to take what is in their rate bracket.  

Back to the big spenders...  They are made to feel superior simply because they can afford to pay the highest rates, eat at the best restaurants, drive the best cars and drop a few million to buy a private jet. Believe it or not, there are men who will seek out the most expensive lady in any given area under the delusion that she is better than the others simply because she charges more. It's just like any other brand/label snob who has to have the so called best of everything, and those beliefs carry over into the hobby because if you're going to spend 10k on a piece of art work, the woman on your arm better also be the most expensive. Anything less would never do says his ego..

WOOOOOOOOOOOsaaaa Porn Star Attraction $1500 for one hour?

While doing a little research this afternoon to figure out my future gift plans for my new site, I saw a name of a girl I used to dance with many years ago. She left dancing to become a "porn star". Naturally, I clicked on her profile to see how she is doing. Sadly, from what I read, the business seems to have eaten her up as the general review is she is very robotic. Robotic to me does not translate to she is enjoying what she is doing. I could be wrong about the business eating her up-maybe she behaves that way assuming guys are living out being a porn star role and just acts the part but after more than a couple reviews saying she is robotic- one "might" think she would warm up a bit. Even with mid level scores she is able to command $1,500.00 for one hour-good for her!!!!!!! Looks are always going to be subjective but she shows everything -face body etc so why a man would invest that sort of money into a lady he does not find a 10 to begin with is beyond me. With so much importance put on ladies being GFE and all the variants of what that means exactly, what is the mental lure to entice you to engage that type of session. I obviously know we all have different desires, but I am just curious as to the WHY that would appeal to somebody. I have been off the board for a couple of years -so if this has been discussed recently-my apologies.
Also, please do not take my question as to belittle her, somebody/something is only worth what somebody is willing to pay. If she was not getting that gift-she would obviously change it.  
I just love to dig into peoples mindsets on topics I just do not understand!

thisbud4u1497 reads

Her rate was $6,500 for the hour in Miami when she used to visit to make xxx videos for Brazzers.

I would prefer a three hour date with someone who is great to be around and then I would still have money left over for a nice custom shirt that I will wear more than once.    

My guess is that it has to do with the cult of celebrity that we live in, anybody who has appeared on a film, a TV show, anything having to do with the entertainment business is desirable.  I would also suppose that there are some people who may have become her fans who are simply thrilled to get to meet her and do her, even if the experience is robotic.    Why do people pay for autographs?  At least in this case, the prospect seems more fun than simply getting someone's signature.

Not my cup of tea, but we all hobby differently and that is fine by me.   Hell, I would probably have a hard time explaining some of my choices to other people.

She can ask for whatever she wants but that doesn't mean she can get it. Too many fabulous less expensive ladies out there

Dam.. that is one expensive lady..
i agree.. too many fabulous ladies for less expensive..

I mean I can understand the "wow" factor that Brenda exclaimed, but the insults? Sounds like some bitter envy to me. Same could be said about ANY of us as well.  No one is perfect. And no, I do not know this woman from Adam, but I do find it very off putting that providers would begrudge someone of making money simply because they charge less. Why is that? If every provider here could make 2k a date, don't act like they wouldn't. Yah, everyone just loves sucking strange d*ck for pennies on the dollar... sure LMAO.

And $1500 to some people is like $150 to other's Last I checked it was still a free country

If somebody is charging X, it is because some guys are paying X.    I don't understand why anyone would pay $1,500/hr., but then again, many guys would not understand why many of us pay $400/hr. or whatever it is that we pay.  Shit, many guys would  not even understand why some of us pay for sex at all!   To each his/her own.

I'm ok with anyone getting whatever someone is willing to pay them for any product!  Just look at tickets for concerts or sporting events!  I won't pay that, but that's just me.  There was a young girl that was just in the Tampa area a little while ago.  $500, but that was IF you could get her pimp/boyfriend to even return a call or email.  She went to Hollywood, comes back 6 months later and BOOM $1,500 per hr.  Again, good for her!  But I'm not that stupid!  As others have already stated, there are some absolutely amazing women around that treat you like a king, have great personalities, and they're a Fraction of that price.

Well her clients certainly were not thinking with their "big head".  Seriously though, not long ago I had the pleasure of spending time with Sweet Marie and she asked me the following question; "I see from your references that you spent time with Brooke Tyler and Jessie Yum Yum and I noticed what they charged, so tell me, do they have "Golden Pussies"?

While neither of these ladies are in the multi-thousand dollar range, they are more expensive that the norm and I had a good time with both.  Sweet Marie was better than one, and not as wild as the other.

So why did I go outside of my normal range?  To understand you need to know that I have been following both providers for 5 to 10 years, and I am getting older.  Old enough to know that one day I will be leaving the hobby behind.  For me seeing them was a dream come true so I paid for what very well might be a once in a lifetime session.  Also, while I did well financially, I am certainly no money center investment banker.  I never received a bonus like those guys would every year so if you make $20,000,000.00 per year why not.  One must balance the money input with its output.

So the answer is they have Golden Pussies, or (translated) the guy has a shit load of money and a massive desire to spend time with the woman.

Not to worry Brenda, I'm not done with my bucket-list and it still seems to be growing.

Why do women charge more than others? Because they CAN. It's really that simple. Higher rates do not equate to a better body, a better lay or even a more educated person... though they certainly should. Before I took my little break, my rate was a grand and I am not and never have been a well known entertainer. The reason I charged that rate was because my real job at the time was bringing in enough money for me to do so. I dropped by nearly 300 upon coming back because I am new again and in a new area to boot.

SimpleTruth445 reads

Is this a subtle way of saying that you are a bargain right now??

Some think 1000 or 1500 is cheap and some gripe about anyone above 200. Eh, whatcha gonna do.

ever read about charged $40,000 for a weekend.

I think another thing people don't get or maybe they never bothered studying Marketing or the Psychology behind branding, is that certain men are out there who will pay top dollar because of their ego...  it has nothing to do with the provider. They might not even be all that attracted to her, but they pay her because it makes them feel secure they can afford what most everyone else can't. It also makes them more sure about the fact that she is not going to be seeing all that many guys at such a high rate, and they like the idea of exclusivity. Many will pay a premium simply to be with a provider who is less likely to have been with 2 guys that day, or even that week. Those who are on a budget really cannot afford to be all that picky. They have to take what is in their rate bracket.  

Back to the big spenders...  They are made to feel superior simply because they can afford to pay the highest rates, eat at the best restaurants, drive the best cars and drop a few million to buy a private jet. Believe it or not, there are men who will seek out the most expensive lady in any given area under the delusion that she is better than the others simply because she charges more. It's just like any other brand/label snob who has to have the so called best of everything, and those beliefs carry over into the hobby because if you're going to spend 10k on a piece of art work, the woman on your arm better also be the most expensive. Anything less would never do says his ego..

those big spenders often write chest thumping ego reviews...

In all reality, how many guys can afford or want to afford $1,500 per hour with anyone, including Taylor Swift or Emma Watson? I would bet most guys cannot even come close to affording that type of money. The guys that don't blink an eye at that amount are probably very well off and can be in circles where they can get any girl to sleep with them just because they are well off and travel with a certain crowd. Of course this is all supposition on my part as I have never even come close to traveling in those circles. I don't feel envy for people who make a lot of money and want to spend their money for any luxury they wish. It's none of my business. I also don't argue with any escort charging as much as the market will bear. It's one tough business to be in. Being a man I just cannot fathom having sex with an old, ugly, fat woman no matter how high the fee. So, they have more guts than I do and should be compensated well. That being said, I have to search for escorts that are within my price range, I'm sorry to say. I'm not cheap just living in reality. I sometimes wish that being good looking, slim, and in top shape would automatically get me better rates. But, alas, that is not the way things work.

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