
Re:Last Call for Incall-September 14th:)regular_smile
jackieblu4umn 3029 reads


Why thank-you for the invitation! I will defineatly take it seriously- Kisses to you and thanks!  J.

jackieblu4umn4751 reads

Just putting a note out that I have free time to pamper and play yet for my September incall on the 14th, early afternoon to early evening. Everyone have a great weekend!

xxxooo  J.

Jackie, You have been admired from afar some day when you go to the Twin Cities just get a ticket at the airport to Chicago and cum on down for a visit.  (Just a thought)  I know one date you'd have.

jackieblu4umn3030 reads


Why thank-you for the invitation! I will defineatly take it seriously- Kisses to you and thanks!  J.

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