
I love them and I'm very knowledgable, they are totally safe!
palomamontecarlo See my TER Reviews 671 reads

I've gotten great feedback for them and a great alternative to the traditional ones.

-- Modified on 10/12/2014 3:43:21 PM

As a man in my mid fifties I have trouble with regular condoms.  I understand this is not uncommon for people my age.  I have had providers who were gracious enough to try to use them for me but they did not know how to properly use them where they stay in place.  Two providers were able to use them in mish and I had no trouble with orgasm.  With the regular condoms I have never achieved orgasm.  Has anyone who is a little older had the same experience.  Has anyone been with a provider who was knowledgeable when it comes to their use.  Provider comments would be very welcome also

I've gotten great feedback for them and a great alternative to the traditional ones.

-- Modified on 10/12/2014 3:43:21 PM

I noticed only VIP providers posted.  Besides appearance they also know their tools and how to best please their clients.  Thanks to all of you!!!    Deuce

Oral sex on a woman, it's best to insert it after.
I find it better to insert the female condom with a toy and then I insert my fingers and adjust the ring to secure it in place.
Practice, practice, practice!  
It's great for when you are the only man with multiple women.  
No need to keep
Changing the condom. Plus when it is lubed up it feels very similar or as close as possible to what it would feel like if you had nothing on at all.  
I always have them on hand and I am always more than willing to use them.  
The only negative is I find them visually unattractive.  But condoms don't really look any better either.

Good luck  


Elle Vegas

While I don't have much experience with them, I do like using them.   One thing that has been brought up against them is that you have to stop the fun to put one in her.  My response to that is, you have to stop the fun to put a male condom on too, so what's the diff?  She puts the FC in, lubes you up, makes sure you insert into it, and away you go.  I have popped in a male bag, but most of the time I do not.  In the FC, pop much easier.


It has to be inserted correctly and securely.    I was able to stay up longer than with a regular one and also felt I was doing BB!    Awesome.   Again, has to be done correctly.   It costs more and I usually take it myself not to burden the provider with the cost.

-- Modified on 10/12/2014 7:59:40 PM

It does take using the female condoms a few time to get comfortable with them  
I have found them to be great for guys that have issues with regular condoms and some guys just prefer them any ways....
I do have regular condoms too though...it's nice to have options  
Play safe

helps with insertion ;)

They are great for gentlemen who have trouble staying hard in a regular condom.

Best invention since sliced bread!

Tara xoxo

having VIP on TER is that you can look at a lady's profile now and you can typically find out if she carries FCs or not. :)  
I'll add my voice to the chorus as a firm YES- I love using them with my lovers. I think you'll find that they are so much nicer than the others in so many ways. My only two marks against them are that I can't put them on with my mouth like I can male codoms, and also that my copious natural lubricant is irrelevant. But in spite of those two minor considerations, I always use FCs. As others, I have male ones too just in case one of my lovers prefers them.

And any other digit you can get in there! Seriously I saw a provider this past weekend and we used the female condom it was a great experience. I first was exposed to the female condom about two years ago and have had good results in mish and doggy. I think it is a mind set, got the ladies I have asked to try it, they have been hesitant because of fear it will leak or pull out. It is kinda erotic to watch the ladies insert one. Some are very deft and insertion is easy, others have stood on their heads and helped insert with a dildo. Others could not get the ring in just right and it was uncomfortable, so she withdrew it.
Overall, the male condom is preferred. Some of them are thicker than others, I have a hard time with those (pun intended).
I usually take my own, thinner more sensitive , you can't always depend on the provider to have condoms. Be prepared, my motto!

I'd agree with all Elle said... They are not attractive on the outside. It's great for being with more than one lady at the same time. Very easy clean up! I always have them with me too ;)


I actually prefer them over regular condoms. They make everything feel more intense for me. I have creative ways to put them on as well so there isnt that awkward moment ;)


They are wonderful and even better in a double ;)
Hugs and kisses

I always carry them with me and like to give extras away as souvenirs too!  I just ordered a hundred of them online.  ;)

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