Porn Stars

Behind the Scenes Porn Studio Access?
Rodeo9112 39 Reviews 4439 reads

If anyone knows of a way I could possibly get a group of about 5 guys to get maybe an hour or two tour of a porn studio in the LA area, please PM me. Just trying to have something to eat up time for my bud's wedding party between the rehearsal in the morning and the dinner at night.


while it was certainly interesting and quite visually entertaining, it wasn't all that exciting.  In two of the instances, I was there with a friend of mine who was performing to keep her company as much as anything else.  They (the crew) took about 10 hours to do what they probably could have done in 4 or 5 if they'd have been trying.  There was a LOT of down time.  The director was also something of an auteur, being quite concerned about things like continuity and the like.  It was difficult to keep my yap shut at times, particularly when they filmed the two of them walking from one room to the other for the third or fourth time: "Umm, you know that everybody fast forwards through this part, right?"  

That said, it's easy for someone who's been to be blase' about it and maybe you'll get on a set with more action than the ones I saw.

Oh, as to the "how to make it happen," my suggestion would be to take the All-American approach to the issue: throw money at it.  Send emails to whatever companies strike your fancy and make 'em an offer.  If they say no, you'd be in no worse a situation than if you hadn't asked!

Also, check your messages, sent you a pm.

Compared to mainstream movie makers, porn people are very approachable.  Because porn is not (and possible NEVER will be) generally accepted, the number of people requesting to be on a porn set is infinitesimal.  So it is actually a novelty for producers, performers and crew to have visitors on the set, and they are generally very friendly.  A few years back, I was on a set as the guest of one of the performers, and the crew allowed me to hold something called a "C Light" during the filming of one of the scenes.  During the breaks they invited me to join them at the table of catered food, and they shared some stories and gossip.

Depending on how far in the future your bud's wedding party is, I would say the odds are quite good that one of the porn studios would be glad to have a small group of guys on the set.

If your event is in the distant future, I would recommend attending one of the major shows (like AVN in Las Vegas) which would give you an opportunity to present your request, in person, to producers and performers alike.  You may be surprised at how open they would be to entertaining your request.

If your event is coming up soon, then you may want to start contacting some of the production companies directly (see attached LINK) and if they are filming on the day of your event, you may be able to arrange a set visit.

Congratulations to the Groom and Best Wishes to the Bride!

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