
Providers in NW Miami-Dade
maxfiles 486 reads

Okay, not to be offensive, but what happened to all the really foxy providers in my area of town, or any part of town it seems? I have been out of the hobby for an extended period and for the last four months I've been trying to get something set up. First off, I live in the far NW corner of Miami-Dade County and I'm looking for outcall providers who can visit me in my residence. The choices are numerous but the providers are nothing like what I used to find and most of them will only do incall. And most disappointing the quality seems to have dropped off the scale. Time was that plenty of really great looking American women were available but now it's nothing like that.

Can anyone recommend:

Tall, attractive, blonde or brunette
Caucasian please. I'm not into Latinos. I know, I know this is Miami but c'mon, there can't just be only Latino providers out there

maxfiles351 reads

No replies to this kind of proves my point on this. And to follow-up, I've tried a few more times on this. I'm offering to pay above what the gals are asking to cover their expenses to come to my place. I have to insist on this because the last couple of times I tried the incall thing it turned out to be either a rip-off, the girl was not the one in the photos and once as I waited in the lobby of one of the nicer hotels downtown, a couple of cops came in and started hanging around and I was certain they were checking me out. No time to waste I got out of there quickly. I tried again just the other night and the girl said she could come by around 9 PM, which then turned to 10 PM which then turned to 11 PM. She called again around 11:30 and said it would be an hour or so more which by then the sandman was calling me to bed. I guess I should have known because she didn't ask for any references or anything else. I'm going to try again tonight but this one too has not asked me for references or verification. I suspect she too will be a no show.

take a few min to read a couple reviews, check my latest ad for my phone number xo

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