Las Vegas

Re: Why is that interesting?
WCedie See my TER Reviews 266 reads

Extremely well said Alyssa. My thoughts on point! xo

As I am preparing for my spring trip to Vegas, I am seeing that some ladies offer a multi-hour discount, and others do not.  My question is not so much about pricing, but rather is it driven by the desire, or lack of desire of the ladies to have this type of session?

I so seldom see ladies for a single hour as I really enjoy the connection and the ability to share my desires and to cater to her pleasures during our time.  It seems that an hour just isn't enough for me to get that connection.

I wonder if the longer time that allows for more "personal" interaction can be off-putting to some?  I know this paints with a broad brush, but it seems the "newer, and oft commented on high rate" girls don't often do multi-hour deals.  My assumption (and why i ask because i'm probably wrong) is that the newer ladies might now be as comfortable with the intimacy/connection as they are with the deed(s)??  

No haters please, this is just an observation based my research and I thought I'd ask....

I enjoy all time I spend with you guys, but I do prefer multi hours so that we do not appear to rush or anything.  We can take our time have a vodka and cranberry and really get to explore each other!

Love longer visits!  xoxo


You can really relax, and ENJOY each others company, with multiple hours.

I offer discounted donations for multi hour dates. I really enjoy multi hour appt. I always make sure to have or bring a bottle of wine or champagne so we can relax, converse, have a drink, and get to know each other on an even more intimate level.  

Jessica Havyn

I checked for some responses... and the guy who wanted the cheapo dates got more responses than my post.  Interesting.  

I'm sure as time passes that will change, but it gives pause..

All of your replies are from females, which is who you targeted.
His question targeted everyone, therefor a larger audience. And more males than females replied.  

There are a gazillion reasons that could be the answer the your q.. Plus it has been asked before. You're going to get what you want to hear from the ladies who discount and not what you want to hear from the ladies who don't..

I do. Why do I? Because I escort for two main reasons:
1) income and supporting a fun lifestyle on my terms
2) I don't want a boyfriend, so this helps compensate for my lack of motivation to date

So I actually enjoy going out for nights on the town.
That's my answer.

Extremely well said Alyssa. My thoughts on point! xo

The more time you spend with me the less it is by the hour. I enjoy dinners shows people watching dtrip clubs you name it.

I hope to hear


But I do discount my rate for multi-hour dates because I truly enjoy them and dinner dates.
Not saying that the ladies who do not discount their rates don't enjoy multi-hour.
But every lady sets her rates on what works best for her.
I do offer an hour rate but I agree sometimes an hour is just not enough time:)
Have fun!

-- Modified on 2/20/2015 1:14:49 AM

Personally, I enjoy the connecting part of the date since I like to treat our time together as if it is a real date.  This is why I like having a get to know you phone conversation before the date.  Multi-hour dates enhance that personal interaction level which in turn allows for a more intimate connection.    

Hope you enjoy your time here in Vegas!!


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