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She does not have rates posted
Kreativity 288 reads

And there are multiple rates for multiple blocks of time on TER. And the blocks of time versus rates are progressive amounts. One reviewer I can see making a mistake, but multiple reviewers making mistakes, probably possible but unlikely.

I had to go back to her page to rediscover that information. But I still do agree you all missed an opportunity.

Kreativity1211 reads

My question is if the rates on TER (vip access) are accurate. Reason being is because I called a provider for an appointment and we agreed on a time and told her I'd be there. Then I get a text from her few minutes later with rate information higher than her TER profile. I texted her back explaining that I was prepared to come but my understanding about rates was different. She replied back a sort of suggested that I was trying to haggle her down on her price.  

I took a screen shot of her TER profile saying I'm not sure if you were running a special but you've got quite a few reviews and there would be a higher rate I'm thinking if that's really what you charge. Her final reply was that she never charged those amounts and she is not sure why her profile shows that but she has quoted me her rates.

Obviously I cancelled suggesting to her that I know I sound articulate, but that doesn't mean I want to be quoted higher than her other visitors and left it at that.

NoYellowEnvelope403 reads

... because it requires a problem report to be filed to change them.  That takes time, and sometimes providers forget to do it when they change their rates.  

I think better sources for rates are those the provider controls:  her personal web site and sites like P411.  If the provider has a current ad with rates for the city where you'll see her, that's probably the best source.  

To avoid problems like this in the future, you might mention something like "I noticed your rates on X. Please let me know if that information isn't accurate", before the session.

Just because she's reviewed on TER does not mean she has even read her reviews here.  
And if she hasn't claimed her profile, granting the Free Provider Limited VIP to read her own reviews, or paid for VIP..... then she wouldn't be able to see the posted rates.  Thus, she'd have no idea that someone had quoted them incorrectly.  

Please try to look at it from her point of view: she has ads out there and maybe even her own personal website.  Those are the places where she is responsible for making sure her correct rate is posted.  
Most of the providers who have review profiles here on TER are not actually members here or even have anything to do with this site. This means that ALL info on such a profile is simply the word of others.  
So in this lady's eyes,  she's got her own information out there, and you went and took a rate posted by someone else and tried to hold her to it.  I'd probably see it as you attempting to haggle too.  

Personally, even if that wasn't your intention,  I think you cancelling on her when you didn't refer to her OWN website and ads for the correct rate was  an ungentlemanly thing to do.  But that's just me.  ;-

Kreativity346 reads

I understand Debbie. The conversation goes 2 ways though. I've seen profiles where a provider has multiple rates for the same block of time. In which time I would then ask if which rate was correct. But since she had multiple reviews with the same posted amount it seemed to me like she was trying to ask for more from me because maybe she thought I'd pay more for whatever reason. Plus she never mentioned her rate in the first conversation so I also took it like she was throwing out a higher amount there too.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Just because she's reviewed on TER does not mean she has even read her reviews here.    
 And if she hasn't claimed her profile, granting the Free Provider Limited VIP to read her own reviews, or paid for VIP..... then she wouldn't be able to see the posted rates.  Thus, she'd have no idea that someone had quoted them incorrectly.  
 Please try to look at it from her point of view: she has ads out there and maybe even her own personal website.  Those are the places where she is responsible for making sure her correct rate is posted.    
 Most of the providers who have review profiles here on TER are not actually members here or even have anything to do with this site. This means that ALL info on such a profile is simply the word of others.  
 So in this lady's eyes,  she's got her own information out there, and you went and took a rate posted by someone else and tried to hold her to it.  I'd probably see it as you attempting to haggle too.    
 Personally, even if that wasn't your intention,  I think you cancelling on her when you didn't refer to her OWN website and ads for the correct rate was  an ungentlemanly thing to do.  But that's just me.  ;-)  

VOO-doo377 reads

The first reviewer who sees her submits the rates listed on her profile. Those might have her rates a long time ago... she might have been in a different location or situation (slow season), etc.  

If she wants to change the default rates listed on her profile (or if someone else wants to change them) a problem report must be submitted. That doesn't always happen... especially if shedoesn't have a strong presence on this site.  

I don't think she's trying to upsell you... she simply quoted you her current rates.

Posted By: Kreativity
My question is if the rates on TER (vip access) are accurate. Reason being is because I called a provider for an appointment and we agreed on a time and told her I'd be there. Then I get a text from her few minutes later with rate information higher than her TER profile. I texted her back explaining that I was prepared to come but my understanding about rates was different. She replied back a sort of suggested that I was trying to haggle her down on her price.  
 I took a screen shot of her TER profile saying I'm not sure if you were running a special but you've got quite a few reviews and there would be a higher rate I'm thinking if that's really what you charge. Her final reply was that she never charged those amounts and she is not sure why her profile shows that but she has quoted me her rates.  
 Obviously I cancelled suggesting to her that I know I sound articulate, but that doesn't mean I want to be quoted higher than her other visitors and left it at that.

A provider's profile on TER is created by the first reviewer, and changed via problem reports. Many don't get changed. Many providers are not members of TER, some don't even know they have reviews here, and many who are members here have no clue how to change their own profile. A TER profile is not a reliable source for rates.

Posted By: perfectstorm
A provider's profile on TER is created by the first reviewer, and changed via problem reports. Many don't get changed. Many providers are not members of TER, some don't even know they have reviews here, and many who are members here have no clue how to change their own profile. A TER profile is not a reliable source for rates.
Hookers don't know how to change profiles to update.Why are not contact admin to get it corrected?Setting up a time than getting text of different rate bad business.Tell clients before setting up paid session rates not corrected

Most TER pages have links to the providers personal website. We spend money, time and energy to make sure our personal websites are up to date. Always refer back to that before taking TER's word as gospel.

it can be seriously out of date...  or totally mistaken.  Many ladies web sites have a default "Ask Me".  So politely inquire as to the rate for an hour of her time, if none is listed.    
In the OPs case, I'm afraid they got off on the wrong foot but she should appreciate the heads up.  (and I would suggest to her that she have it corrected.)  She is under no obligation to honor it...  TER is not her site.  Now that he knows the correct rate, he can decide whether to request an booking.

What are you saying, that providers take advantage of articulate-sounding clients? Why, because you have less "street smarts?" Please.

You were haggling, whether you admit it or not. And what if she were trying to put one over on you? What, is she supposed to say, "Oh, yeah. That's my real price. You got me." The price they quote you is their price. You're free to inquire about discrepancies between different prices on different sites or ads, but there's no reason to rebuke them with the price quoted on TER. Because, as people have said, that's not under her control.

Kreativity359 reads

Well if the rate is on TER I just assumed that SOMEONE paid the amount on there. Because what reason would one have to post a lower price than what they actually did pay.  

Sometimes people can take one who carries themselves in a certain way as a higher class and feel they have an opportunity to take advantage. So chose to look out for myself instead of being taken advantage of. Salespeople use this strategy sometimes to show a customer something more expensive and are willing to show their customer that they could have something less expensive.

Generally they save their upselling for the room. It's possible some providers might change their price based on the reading comprehension level of a client's emails or texts, but I doubt it. Especially when they can be checked against other sources.

You are usually safe in assuming someone paid the rate shown on TER, especially if the reviews mention it. So she may have been lying, or maybe not. But that isn't enough reason to assume the price she's quoting you now is illegitimate . It wouldn't be enough reason for me to cancel. If the price she mentioned was significantly higher than that shown on P411 or her website , that'd be another matter. If she responded to an honest inquiry with, "Stop haggling me," I'd think twice.  

But it sounds like you went off half-cocked. No one takes TER prices that seriously. You should have more information, like from her website or from asking her, before you assume foul play.

Any one can submit a problem report and change rates. The guy who did her profile initially may have just put some random amount, or it could have been a typo. You could have explained your confusion graciously to her and probably would't have had to post about it here.:)  

But, I have to admit that your comment about articulateness kind of rubbed me the wrong way. Because you are assuming that the vast majority of clients that contact ladies are "lower class" when in reality, that's not the case. There are so many guys that partake that are just like you. Articulation doesn't equal class (can't stand that word), behaviour does.  

Also, any really good salesperson knows that you do not judge anyone, as it is often the ones that you least expect are the ones that are loaded. And you always start with the most expensive and work your way down, that's sales/negotiation 101.

Kreativity332 reads

I don't believe in sales negotiation at all. My money is not to satisfy your need when I buy something it is to meet my own need for whatever purchase I'm making. I don't haggle so I don't like you be haggle either. I salesperson wins me over by understanding what I am looking for not by showing me something that I don't need. But and there is a but here if I am looking to buy, then I'm probably going to. If you show me that you believe the exchange is more about you than about ME then I'm likely to walk away from the deal because you're seeking to fulfill your own need and not necessarily mine. This is especially true when you are looking you gain me as a client.

Sorry dude, something is still not settling right. It's like you have some bias against escorts. Or sales. Or both. Or who knows. Especially when you were the one who was confrontational that her price was wrong, which would be interpreted as haggling, the very thing you don't like. And I find it hard to believe you don't negotiate anything at all in life.  

Personally, if you were my prospective client trying to make me jump through hoops to prove my intent, I would just pass. Life is too short for games with someone who is distrustful. Because then, you will always have to prove yourself and your intent to satisfy some else's insecurity and I don't  play that at all. Not in civvy life and definitely not here

Kreativity323 reads

If I never engage in what which seems like I must prove myself to gain trust then since "life is too short" I may never engage in anything beyond what which can be attained on the surface.  

Since you find it hard to believe I don't negotiate, then it's probably likely for me to assume that you actually do engage in relationships and aspects of life that are not always as they seem. Hell I doubt you are the provider you are now without progressing beyond the provider you are when you first start. That in itself required some type of proof to someone if not simply to yourself.

You play it EG. You just are unaware that you do. I totally feel you if you are saying that sometimes someone else's insecurities are not worth it. But I'm gonna say that opposite is also true that some insecurities ARE worth it that is. Sometimes the insecurity can be subtle, other times it can be complicated. It can lead you down a path that you might not otherwise have chosen for yourself. But if that's all true then you prove my point and understand why I felt the way I did.

Oh and EGYPT. You would see me as long as I meet the right criteria.

Is English your first language? That's a serious question, no offense intended.

First, you are correct in that I am not the same person as I was when I first started. Hell, I am not the same person now as in July, gratefully. Seriously, thank f*ck for change. It's so empowering and freeing. But that had nothing to do with this, this just benefited from it.  

Which makes it all so much easier to decline those who are not in alignment with who I want to spend time with, personally or professionally. You don't know me, so it's easy for you to sit there and ASSUME that I would see you based on whatever "criteria" you think that automatically is a Go, for an escort. Trust me, even 150+ reviews does not guarantee a yes.  

So no, I don't play it, don't have to either. You might feel that another's insecurities are worth, I'd rather spend my energy elsewhere.  

Aside from that, you talk in circles and while I am trying to understand your perspective, you keep digging a bigger hole that confirms my initial instinct was right on. Subtle insecurities or not, the instinct is pretty dang sharp.  

And why TF are you calling me Egypt? Is it because you are familiar with denial? (That's a rhetorical question, btw. We are done here.

VOO-doo338 reads

might have paid it 3 years ago, or in a different city, or when she was offering a temporary special...

She quoted you her current rates, and those most likely had zero to do with your level of education.

Besides, it sounds as if she thought you were haggling... it doesn't seem as if she cared about your 'higher class' (your words) or presumed income level.

-- Modified on 8/26/2016 4:09:16 PM

Kreativity320 reads

But why haggle if I already had booked and already had a rate in mind. If I'm able to understand that then she could understand how I can get that idea too.

I can't decipher this post. But to put it in the simplest terms, you would have incentive to haggle because the price you had in mind was lower than the one she quoted. She would have incentive not too because she doesn't want to lower her price. Why you can't grasp that her price on TER might not be her actual price, and why she wouldn't want to argue with you about it is beyond me.  

Also, admit to yourself that you cancelled because you didn't want to pay the higher price.

As has been mentioned repeatedly: her TER rate was set by her first reviewer and is clearly inaccurate. He could have typed it wrong, or it could even be a fake review and he just put in some random number. Does she have an ad or website with rates posted? If so, the onus was on you to follow that, not a TER profile which very often has inaccurate info (especially if the lady doesn't have access to it.  

And people will haggle at any point in time. Just look at the thread below where the dude wanted to haggle in the middle of a date. Just because you've already booked something doesn't mean you won't haggle. I'm not implying that you did try to undercut this girl, but we all keep telling you that you were wrong to assume that her rate on her TER profile was correct.  

Honestly, dude, you come off as very abrasive and condescending. That's probably what caused her to cancel more than the rate issue. Just learn from this mistake and don't rely on TER profiles as gospel for rate info in the future.  

Posted By: Kreativity
But why haggle if I already had booked and already had a rate in mind. If I'm able to understand that then she could understand how I can get that idea too.

Kreativity318 reads

I'm abrasive and condescending. Let's remember people we cannot get tone of voice from text. If you are not sure what I mean or how I mean something then just ask. I assure you I'm not with the intention of haggling her. I could pay her price, but didn't wanna feel taken. You guys understand that and know I'm not being condescending so stop it. Especially you Tobias, you're a smarter girl than that.

That being said her rate on TER being inaccurate is so understood. I suppose it is not a relevant point  that some reviewed could have posted to correct rate at that time.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
As has been mentioned repeatedly: her TER rate was set by her first reviewer and is clearly inaccurate. He could have typed it wrong, or it could even be a fake review and he just put in some random number. Does she have an ad or website with rates posted? If so, the onus was on you to follow that, not a TER profile which very often has inaccurate info (especially if the lady doesn't have access to it.  
 And people will haggle at any point in time. Just look at the thread below where the dude wanted to haggle in the middle of a date. Just because you've already booked something doesn't mean you won't haggle. I'm not implying that you did try to undercut this girl, but we all keep telling you that you were wrong to assume that her rate on her TER profile was correct.  
 Honestly, dude, you come off as very abrasive and condescending. That's probably what caused her to cancel more than the rate issue. Just learn from this mistake and don't rely on TER profiles as gospel for rate info in the future.  
Posted By: Kreativity
But why haggle if I already had booked and already had a rate in mind. If I'm able to understand that then she could understand how I can get that idea too.

VOO-doo396 reads

1) First, Tobi didn't mention tone... she just said that you come across a certain way. But, just FYI, TONE, in literature, is defined as the author's attitude toward his subject. One can absolutely deduce tone from writing style, word choice, and specific things the writer says.... Your attitude to this girl was definitely abrasive - you automatically assumed she was trying to pull one over on you, and confronted her with the information we *all* keep telling you was most likely incorrect.

2) Mistakes are made on profiles ALL THE TIME. Most reviewers aren't exactly giving a review the same effort they'd give to, say, a legal briefing. If they don't quite remember a rate, they might guess.  

I had someone keep changing the hair color listed in my profile. I think the dude was just trying to get two free days for submitting a problem report ... every time my hair color got changed, I'd have to contact admin w/the evidence on my site that proved my current hair color.  

I also had people mess up my information (wrong site URL, wrong location, wrong rate, etc), or post my private number (a number I no longer have)...

So yea, unless she's very active on this site (posts ads here, etc.) then you can probably assume that her profile might have some inaccuracies... anything you're not sure about is better learned from asking her, or reading her ads/site.  

3) When providers and clients are on the same side of an issue (and the consensus is universal)... it it's not because there is a conspiracy!!! You asked because you weren't sure, so take the advice you've been given from people who've been doing this for years.

4) I'm really not one to say this... but... some people just really shouldn't mix posting and hooch (half-kidding)

Kreativity361 reads

This is not something we aren't all familiar with. The conversation goes BOTH ways.  

For example. Look at the way the I disagree. I consider the other person's POV. And without insulting or being sarcastic I disagree providing factual information about why I feel the way I do. I have not altered or edited a single post.

So if you can say to me that you can get tone from text and I say the opposite is true what I mean is that the conversation goes BOTH ways. I'm not being sarcastic or insulting or irrate. But if you read my posts in a certain TONE then it could sound like I am.

You cannot correct me for sounding condescending and not correct your post for adding insults and sarcasm. Furthermore I do understand there is a consensus, but as I present a different perspective to the consensus is seem to be the only one willing to consider that there may be some truth to my perspective AND the perspective of others. Which means that the consensus is being kinda unbiased and actually making a few assumptions without asking questions about things that are not understood totally.

I ask because each response you give gets more and more meta, so I'm wondering if maybe we're just not understanding you correctly (possibly due to a language barrier).  

I guess what we're all confused by is your apparent unwillingness to accept that her TER profile was incorrect and that she simply gave you her standard rate. Does she have an ad or website with rates listed?  

Posted By: Kreativity
This is not something we aren't all familiar with. The conversation goes BOTH ways.  
 For example. Look at the way the I disagree. I consider the other person's POV. And without insulting or being sarcastic I disagree providing factual information about why I feel the way I do. I have not altered or edited a single post.  
 So if you can say to me that you can get tone from text and I say the opposite is true what I mean is that the conversation goes BOTH ways. I'm not being sarcastic or insulting or irrate. But if you read my posts in a certain TONE then it could sound like I am.  
 You cannot correct me for sounding condescending and not correct your post for adding insults and sarcasm. Furthermore I do understand there is a consensus, but as I present a different perspective to the consensus is seem to be the only one willing to consider that there may be some truth to my perspective AND the perspective of others. Which means that the consensus is being kinda unbiased and actually making a few assumptions without asking questions about things that are not understood totally.

Kreativity289 reads

I guess most of us cannot be objective. So I agree to disagree with you guys. I totally understand when you guys say look at her website not TER. The first reviewer rating may have been incorrect.

I don't agree with you guys saying I was trying to haggle her. I maintain that if I were looking to haggle a better opportunity to do this would be ME asking for a lower rate than what was quoted. I did not do this instead I cancelled after feeling she was trying to haggle me. The concensus seems to believe I was and that's fine. I'm gonna add that not 1 of you guys offered a deviation of one another's opinion so I absolutely agree a concensus has been formed but not one which suggests an objective POV. Instead you're incredibly limited to a few insults and sarcastic comments. I'm not a psychologist, but I'd say that is indicative of fear. It's common knowledge that people fear what they don't understand. Let me make a distinction before I'm taken out of context. You do understand that I'm suggesting the rate may be correct. You don't understand that there is a degree of validity in my post that none of you have acknowledged. I mean if TER profile is not written in stone, fine I can deal with that. That's the answer I was looking for everything else seems to be a compilation of a bunch of afraid people.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I ask because each response you give gets more and more meta, so I'm wondering if maybe we're just not understanding you correctly (possibly due to a language barrier).  
 I guess what we're all confused by is your apparent unwillingness to accept that her TER profile was incorrect and that she simply gave you her standard rate. Does she have an ad or website with rates listed?  
Posted By: Kreativity
This is not something we aren't all familiar with. The conversation goes BOTH ways.    
  For example. Look at the way the I disagree. I consider the other person's POV. And without insulting or being sarcastic I disagree providing factual information about why I feel the way I do. I have not altered or edited a single post.  
  So if you can say to me that you can get tone from text and I say the opposite is true what I mean is that the conversation goes BOTH ways. I'm not being sarcastic or insulting or irrate. But if you read my posts in a certain TONE then it could sound like I am.  
  You cannot correct me for sounding condescending and not correct your post for adding insults and sarcasm. Furthermore I do understand there is a consensus, but as I present a different perspective to the consensus is seem to be the only one willing to consider that there may be some truth to my perspective AND the perspective of others. Which means that the consensus is being kinda unbiased and actually making a few assumptions without asking questions about things that are not understood totally.

You asked for a lower rate. Not lower than what was quoted, but lower than what was told to you by her. You did so by showing her a screenshot of her TER page, which is more "objective," I'll grant you, than saying, "Come on baby, I've only got $X this week." But it's still haggling. They don't like it.

-- Modified on 8/28/2016 2:55:38 AM

There have been a few guys who I've seen make comments that they won't pay more than what a lady's lowest price has ever been.  So if Jane Hoe starts out in the business at a rate of $200 but then very quickly realizes she can get more and within a month she doubles her rate...... doesn't matter to these guys if it's 2 years later and she's now the most sought-after provider in town: they won't pay her current rate.  Hell, it wouldn't matter to them if she'd gone up 10 bucks; they won't pay the extra $10 because doing so would make them feel like a sucker.  

The old, "Well HE got it for less so I should TOO!!"  

Posted By: Kreativity
Well if the rate is on TER I just assumed that SOMEONE paid the amount on there. Because what reason would one have to post a lower price than what they actually did pay.  
Yep, that sounds like you feel if anyone else paid a rate lower than what she quoted you, then you are entitled to that rate, as well.  

I hope I'm wrong about that, because really..... that's not a very gracious attitude to have. ;-)

Posted By: Kreativity
Because what reason would one have to post a lower price than what they actually did pay.  
Maybe he just made a mistake?  People I've actually met HAVE made mistakes in their reviews of me so I know from experience that it does happen.  
He could have confused her rate with what he gave to another provider he saw recently or perhaps he simply mis-remembered it.  LOL.  :-)

If she's a reputable provider with no mention of up-selling in her reviews, then I doubt she was doing that.  

From now on, though, I recommend sticking with ladies who have their rates clearly posted on their ads or site so you don't have to inquire.  That should eliminate the suspicion that they're offering different rates to different clients. ;-

Kreativity306 reads

Providers do increase their rates for various reasons. It's not my business to tell her that she must honor a lower rate than she wishes to accept. It is her time and she is entitled to be compensated for that time.

As I read through your reply though I do not see the part when I say that I have seen profiles that show different rates for the same block of time.

If she increased her rate, then that's fine. Why not own up to it instead of saying the rate is wrong. Had she simply said she recently made an increase, then I'd understood but denying it makes me feel she has something to hide. If she has got something to hide then there's a part of what she's doing that doesn't have a client's interest in mind otherwise she could be transparent.

Posted By: Kreativity

 If she increased her rate, then that's fine. Why not own up to it instead of saying the rate is wrong.
Because, as others in this thread have been attempting to impress upon you, the rate really could be wrong.  It's completely possible that she has never changed her rates, they've always been what she quoted you, and thus........ the rate posted to her profile is "wrong".  
A mistake made by a reviewer.  ;-)
Posted By: Kreativity

 Had she simply said she recently made an increase, then I'd understood but denying it makes me feel she has something to hide.
Why do you believe she is denying a rate-change?  Do you recall seeing the rate from her profile on her own ads or site?  

If not, then why can't you believe what she told you about it being wrong?

Kreativity305 reads

Well it's not so easy to be honest with you. Granted, the reviewer could have posted a rate that's incorrect. Her rates have never been what is posted on her profile. I go ahead and believe that, then I am also disregarding that there are providers (not you Debbie) that do practice upselling tactics.  

Let me not contradict myself by saying I did not already read up on whether other gentlemen have had a nice time visiting her. Like I said before I don't like to be sold, I like to have an understanding and therefore an interest in what I'm buying so if I'm in the market it's likely that the interest is already there. But because I'm meeting this provider the first time and she meeting me, then wouldn't it also be irresponsible of me to assume she handles all her transactions the same. Especially if I have some sort of, let's be fair "unconfirmed" factual data to support a different perspective.  

Sometimes that different perspective may not even exist at all. There is something to be said about transparency though that most likely would have made me feel comfortable enough to keep the appointment instead I told her I'm gonna cancel because she was not upfront about it.

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
Posted By: Kreativity
  If she increased her rate, then that's fine. Why not own up to it instead of saying the rate is wrong.
 Because, as others in this thread have been attempting to impress upon you, the rate really could be wrong.  It's completely possible that she has never changed her rates, they've always been what she quoted you, and thus........ the rate posted to her profile is "wrong".    
 A mistake made by a reviewer.  ;-)  
Posted By: Kreativity
  Had she simply said she recently made an increase, then I'd understood but denying it makes me feel she has something to hide.
 Why do you believe she is denying a rate-change?  Do you recall seeing the rate from her profile on her own ads or site?    
 If not, then why can't you believe what she told you about it being wrong?

oes she have her rates posted on her own website or on her own ad?

Yes or No

Based on his most recent response to me, I have to assume that he never actually read her website. And rather than admitting that he made an honest mistake, he thinks we're all a bunch of "afraid people" ganging up on him. It's like arguing with Towelie.  

Posted By: Debra_Hollander
 Does she have her rates posted on her own website or on her own ad?  
 Yes or No?  

Kreativity289 reads

And there are multiple rates for multiple blocks of time on TER. And the blocks of time versus rates are progressive amounts. One reviewer I can see making a mistake, but multiple reviewers making mistakes, probably possible but unlikely.

I had to go back to her page to rediscover that information. But I still do agree you all missed an opportunity.

I've read your post. You are totally headache material, and saying anyone on this thread miss an opportunity is hysterically pathetic.  

I'm betting you told her she missed an opportunity, didn't you?



Kreativity264 reads

I'm totally okay with accepting some criticism. But there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it. She offers criticism, but doesn't know if her information is true. She offers it like it is fact when in fact nothing about it is factual at all. So when it's offered in this way it's actually meant with the intention to take a stable at insulting me.  
I don't feel insulted because she doesn't know me and definitely doesn't know the facts of the interaction. Others have actually liked her post. And she fails to asks questions of information when something seems questionable to her.

I find it ironic that her screen name is "maturegfe".

It's very simple: did her rates differ from her website or advertising? If not, then you have no leg to stand on. TER mentions another rate. Tell me, do you cling to other discrepancies in reviews for dear life as well or is it just rates? If her earlier reviews suggested a more closed menu and CBJ, would you confront her during a session if she went for BBBJ, exclaiming "but you must have done CBJ for someone else"? If a lady showed up packing twenty pounds and years more than what you were expecting, would she be off the hook if she were able to show screenshots of early reviews claiming she was an 18 year-old spinner?  

Also, if so many reviews state this price, why did you not see this before booking with her? A smart hobbyist researches prior to booking. If a client booked with me and then later confronted me about rates and cancelled citing reviews, I would think he was running low on funds and using any flimsy excuse to haggle.

I suspect you are correct that she has likely sussed out what class of person you are, but I'm pretty sure elocution has nothing to do with it.

On top of the page is usually a couple websites you can click on. These will take you their personal website and donations for incall and outcall. In most case outcall is more than incall, though sometimes the same.

The newspaper was from 1964.  I'm SURE if I took the paper into the dealership they would give me the original price!  Right?

Actually, if in half decent shape, it could go for 10X that, or even more depending on how it was equipped

When a girl first starts working, it's Usualy at a lower rate. But then as demand gets higher for her time she can make the decision to make her rates higher to get better clientele and only meet with the people she feels are better worth it.

My profile says I charge 200.. But I actually charge 250.  
The first guy that reviewed me, I gave him a discount to write the review.  

A lot of girls will lower their rates when its slow and no body calling them.

It's your decision to see her or not, if she says her new rates are xyz and that's not in your price range then just move on to the next girl that your more compatible with. Hope my answer helped !

Kreativity328 reads

Clear, concise, to the point, and directly at my question. Even provided an example without being insulting, sarcastic, or rude.

You see it does not take all of that to get to this. KIKILOVERKINK, may I please offer you something for being civil and classy? Are you visiting Chicago anytime soon, I'd love to visit you?

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