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Disposable wipesregular_smile
Larissa_Sweets See my TER Reviews 453 reads

I personally use disposable wipes which are kept in a wipe warmer. However, I will tell you that with that mentality, you won't get far, not to judging you and of course I say it with the most respect, but hotels are a great example and also towels. If you bathe yourself in my incall you will be using towels that once upon a time of ago someone else has used. :-( (Of course they are washed and treated) I've seen people that bring their own things (Mouthwash, towels, condoms, ect...,) maybe that's something you might want to do as well. That way you don't feel turned off. :-)  

As far as particular clients, everyone comes across those but if there is communication and honesty I don't think there should be a problem. (At least with me, I've seen many particular people and it always goes well)  

Hope that helps  


noway303331973 reads

As a newbie, I am fascinated by reviews where the courtesans provide cleanup with a warm cloth.  I noticed one provider mentioned that she hoped the dirty laundry from her incall did not fly out of her car because she had hundreds of cum rags.  Are these normally disposed of by the provider?  I would hope that such an intimate experience involves a cloth that will only be used on behalf of me.  Providers, for the benefit of a newbie, are we being too particular?  Just like I would not want to use a recycled condom, the idea of a cloth used on someone else, even if washed at high temperature, kind of turns me off.

Seriously I hope they are disposed no matter how well they are cleaned!

It's always a super nice touch when the provider used warm washcloths or hand towels to clean you up or help clean you up.  At end of one of my last dates provider got warm damp hand towels, straddled my legs, started to give me light soft kisses beginning from my neck down to my belly and then started to thoroughly clean me up.

A lot of times I've been given tissue, TP or paper towels to clean MYSELF up.  Oh hell, I was once given Burger King napkins to clean up!  (Unfortunately I'm serious, lol).


GaGambler671 reads

Do you have any idea how much DNA has been left on the towel, sheets, and especially bedcovers in any given hotel.

You don't honestly think hookers are going to throw out perfectly good towels and linens when they are completely washable and good as new after being washed.

I suppose you also expect your hooker to be a virgin, do you think about how many dicks and how much jizz she must have had over the years? If so, you really need a new hobby.

If I'm going to spend my time on a date with a...hooker (as you call them) and in a hotel room, I'm hoping the comforter/bed covering is going to be clean. Especially if she's been there all day and I have an evening appointment.

I work in a hospital.  I am more than fully aware what types of DNA can be left on bed sheets, etc.  A lot of major hotel chains don't come close to cleaning bed linens, towels and the such as we'll as hospitals do.

Oh....and your last two points.... I really can't comment on them in depth because they really don't justify any comments.

No hard feelings and have a good evening :-)


GaGambler544 reads

and it also has nothing to do with how clean the lady is. It's the Bedspreads that are truly nasty as they are rarely washed and when they are washed they don't get the same treatment as do the sheets and the towels.

A lot, actually most hookers will lay a towel down over the bedspread which makes them a LOT cleaner and more sanitary than the thousands of civvies who have been there before her or you.

and please don't misinterpret my use of the word "hooker" as a sign that I don't respect the women I see, many of my best friends are hookers, I just don't see any point in trying to sugarcoat what we do by using politically correct language.

they go into the cum dumpster..

Alan_Nimm513 reads

that the provider will dispose of all sheets after a single use (if she has her own incall), since they will likely get cum and other bodily fluids on them?  How about towels, which may have traces of cum etc on them?

When you stay in a hotel, do you insist that any room you stay in have brand-new bedding and towels, since you have no idea who used bedding and towels before you, and for what?

IMO you're overly concerned about this.

The high-temp water and bleach is enough to sanitize washcloths/towels containing bodily fluids.

A small percentage of ladies will go to the trouble of doing this, but most don't.   Much easier to toss 'em and use new.


I use hotels for my in-call so I just leave them with all the other used towels in the hotel bathroom, for housekeeping to clean up.

So housekeeping washes and re-uses them.    

If you're seeing a lady in a hotel, the washcloths provided may very well have been used to clean up SOMEONE'S mess at some point in the past.  Whether it was a client/provider situation, civvie hookup, or just a travelling guy cleaning up after whacking off..... that towel COULD have been used to wipe up intimate fluids before.

Hotels use very hot water and super-strong detergents.    

The towels are clean.  Put it out of your mind.  



Thank you Debbie, now I see why you were honored as Miss TER...brains to go with your ample beauty, and grace to answer a stupid question from a newbie:)

GaGambler561 reads

and to add to Debbie's answer, I would be a LOT more concerned about the bedspreads in any hotel than I would be wash clothes used to wipe your dick.  

There is a whole lot more sex going in hotels than hooker/john sex, and a lot of it is uncovered. Do you have any idea how much jizz has been spilled on a typical hotel bedspread? At least with towels, sheets and washcloths, they are typically washed in hot water and bleach, more than enough to kill any trace of jizz, blood, salivia or any leftover DNA. The same unfortunately cannot be said about hotel bedspreads which are rarely if ever washed, and when they are washed they don't get to be washed in hot water and soap because the fabric and colors won't stand that kind of washing

...that bed spread hits the floor the second I get into any hotel room. Shit, I try not to even walk around barefoot in hotel rooms (I usually bring slippers with me just for this reason).

I concur.

 i have noticed some hotels use white duvets, bedspread etc

at least it' s easier to see.

Yes we always say there are no dumb questions on the newbie board, but this one from last year proved us wrong. :)

-- Modified on 11/22/2015 4:15:21 PM

Yeah, I don't like to say there are such things as dumb questions either but that........ wow.

That reminds me of comedian Bobby Collins' line: "Does your brain hear what your mouth is saying?"

I like to believe most posters think through what they're going to ask prior to posting BUT: stuff like that makes it really hard to keep believing it's true.    


GaGambler414 reads

not "no dumb questions on the Newbie board"  There is a difference.

Do you really believe that post was made by an actual newbie?

The defense rests.  

See how much better I get when my BAC is at it's proper levels

I flat out called the guy a troll, so no, I don't believe he was a newbie. Lol. ;

found some of Uncle Jed's and Granny's spare change and decided he wanted to get some luvin':)

Posted By: Novice_hobbyist
As a newbie, I am fascinated by reviews where the courtesans provide cleanup with a warm cloth.  I noticed one provider mentioned that she hoped the dirty laundry from her incall did not fly out of her car because she had hundreds of cum rags.  Are these normally disposed of by the provider?  I would hope that such an intimate experience involves a cloth that will only be used on behalf of me.  Providers, for the benefit of a newbie, are we being too particular?  Just like I would not want to use a recycled condom, the idea of a cloth used on someone else, even if washed at high temperature, kind of turns me off.
If you're seeing providers get used to the idea of the possibility of shared fluids.

For example; That provider you may have been kissing? The one who offers BBBJ and CIM?
Are you 1000% certain she brushed and mouth washed after her last client for you?
Yeah? ABSOLUTELY certain? Hahaha, what if she just gargled with warm water and said "fuck it"
You have another mans baby batter on your lips now.

One of the many many things that take a certain...adjustment in your head to get that I'm still grossed out over, to be frank. clean up required! Or at least nothing that would require a "clean up towel".


I personally use disposable wipes which are kept in a wipe warmer. However, I will tell you that with that mentality, you won't get far, not to judging you and of course I say it with the most respect, but hotels are a great example and also towels. If you bathe yourself in my incall you will be using towels that once upon a time of ago someone else has used. :-( (Of course they are washed and treated) I've seen people that bring their own things (Mouthwash, towels, condoms, ect...,) maybe that's something you might want to do as well. That way you don't feel turned off. :-)  

As far as particular clients, everyone comes across those but if there is communication and honesty I don't think there should be a problem. (At least with me, I've seen many particular people and it always goes well)  

Hope that helps  


It you are so concerned about that.  Maybe you should bring your own towels and sheets when you travel to hotels.  After all, chances are that someone has been f*** on those sheets and cleaned cum off using the towels that are in your bathroom.

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