Suggestion and Policy

Is it just me then?
2648667 31 Reviews 189 reads

Your post made perfect sense to me the first time I read it. I believe you're correct, it should be lay.

To keep it simple, maybe we should just change it to "literally like fucking a couch."

#4 - She just laid there.  

Should #4 be: She just laid there -or- She just lay there   ????

Lay vs. Lie

Infinitive    Definition         Present    Past

to lay      to put or place     lay(s)      laid
something down

to lie     to rest or recline    lie(s)       lay

... "OK if you are drunk"?  Is it EVER ok to see a provider while drunk?

And then there's "Should have stayed home".  Shouldn't that rating be disallowed if it was an outcall to the reviewer's home?


GaGambler323 reads

It's better of course if both parties are drunk or both parties are sober. Nobody likes a drunk when they are sober.

Besides I've seen some hookers that if it weren't for copious amounts of booze would NEVER get any business.

As for you last statement, maybe in those cases it should be changed to "should have gone out" instead?

Or it should be changes "Fucking hell! Now I'm going to have to move!"

Posted By: GaGambler
It's better of course if both parties are drunk or both parties are sober. Nobody likes a drunk when they are sober.  
 Besides I've seen some hookers that if it weren't for copious amounts of booze would NEVER get any business.  
 As for you last statement, maybe in those cases it should be changed to "should have gone out" instead?

GaGambler193 reads

I did have a scare in Panama a few years back.  

I got REALLY drunk one Sunday. A buddy of mine and me started off the day buying four bottles of Champagne for breakfast before football. It tasted so good we bought another four bottles and the rest of the day/night are rather fuzzy from there. I do vaguely recall drinking tequila with some Colombianas later in the evening, but it's kind of a blur.

Fast forward to the next morning, I woke up not even knowing what country I was in as all hotels start looking alike after a while and this hotel had very American looking rooms, AAR I finally started getting my bearings and started to vaguely recall the events from the day before when I noticed there was someone in the bed with me completely under the covers so I could only see a lump. I thought to myself "Oh my fucking God, What did I drag home with me last night?"  I worked up my nerve to peek under the covers to find this gorgeous Colombiana who immediately started snuggling up tight to me. What a fucking relief. She was so hot I kept her with me for another full day and night.

To make my day even better, when I checked my computer I found that I had loaded up betting on the late afternoon football games and had gone from being stuck about four grand on the early games to making about a four thousand dollar gain. Some days it really does pay to wake up in the morning. lol

but yes, I have had my morning start MUCH MUCH differently as well. lol

I know this much:  Which ever is correct, no one will ever take heed (especially me) and will continue to use whichever term feels right for the situation.

JakeFromStateFarm229 reads

Conan found Ms. Young's post to be so incomprehensible he had no idea how to correct it.  The basic premise is correct.  The execution, not so much.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Conan found Ms. Young's post to be so incomprehensible he had no idea how to correct it.  The basic premise is correct.  The execution, not so much.
I'd enjoyed a rendezvous prior to writing my OP, and I think all my blood had rushed to my clit, and none was left in my brain. lol Definitely, the most dumbass post I've ever written. :(

Your post made perfect sense to me the first time I read it. I believe you're correct, it should be lay.

To keep it simple, maybe we should just change it to "literally like fucking a couch."

Posted By: Fearghas
Your post made perfect sense to me the first time I read it. I believe you're correct, it should be lay.  
 To keep it simple, maybe we should just change it to "literally like fucking a couch."
The guys are just teasing me because it's a silly topic for a 'Suggestion' board. Does anyone think TER would change the word? Nope, never going to happen. :(  

Thank you, for supporting me. ;)  :D

Posted By: RobbinYoung
#4 - She just laid there.  
 Should #4 be: She just laid there -or- She just lay there   ????  
 Lay vs. Lie  
 Infinitive    Definition         Present    Past  
 to lay      to put or place     lay(s)      laid  
 something down  
 to lie     to rest or recline    lie(s)       lay
With this thread topic, and I don't mean...a cock in my 'naughty place.'  ;)

GaGambler246 reads

and while technically the guy still got "laid" it would be a "lie" to say he enjoyed it. lol

BTW, some people like anal. Plus it's about the only way to get a ten under the new guidelines. Your last review not withstanding. lol

-- Modified on 3/6/2017 8:31:38 AM

Posted By: GaGambler
and while technically the guy still got "laid" it would be a "lie" to say he enjoyed it. lol  
 BTW, some people like anal. Plus it's about the only way to get a ten under the new guidelines. Your last review not withstanding. lol

-- Modified on 3/6/2017 8:31:38 AM

That was a great reply! :D

I think you mean my review prior to today's new one. Yes, GaG, fulfilling my fantasy of a 'Bukakke Blow Bang' was off the charts. ;)

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