Newbie - FAQ

Well, since you're wondering
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 461 reads

A certain individual whose handle starts with Ga puts everyone to shame when it comes to posting.

Is there a way for me to search a hobbyists prior posts here?

I've looked through FAQ but it seems it's about searching provider's.

Any tips are appreciated!


I don't think you can get a list of anyone else's posts.   In all honesty, I don't think it would be a good idea to be able to do that.


Boy, what a great cure for insomnia!  Better than counting sheep!

GaGambler428 reads

This last one or his sure looks to be a perfect example of why "some" people should not PUI.

Swim, it's not that we don't appreciate your efforts here, but.....

...any discussion board you have a choice of searching for words, phrases, topics, etc. or search by author. Enter the handle of the poster you're searching for in the search by author field. Change the number of days to be searched to however far you want to go back and click search. All of the posts by that handle during that time frame will come up.  

Only posts on the board you searched will come up. You'll have to go to each board they may have posted on and do a search to find all their posts.

I was not PUI, it was too early in the day to be in that condition.  I was just wrong, and not thinking, thanks for setting me straight on this aspect of TER.  And I had no idea I had that many posts, I'm sure there are people out there with more.

I'll admit, I don't know everything about this site, that is why I have all you highly unpaid assistants to remind me of that.  Thanks for setting the record straight about searching for posts.


A certain individual whose handle starts with Ga puts everyone to shame when it comes to posting.

BernardShakey417 reads

he knows it all doesn't he?

You have many more on the Florida board, General Board, S&P board, Los Angeles Board, RO board, etc. and all of them easily searchable. Of course there are many posters with way more podts than you. That wasn't the point of my post.

GaGambler348 reads

but Swim doesn't just have a few posts on the LA board, he has hundreds of them while I have a paltry 19 posts on that board. I guess I've been slacking.

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