Newbie - FAQ

xyz23's advice is on point
AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 538 reads

While there are a number of different ad boards that providers use, you always have to research them.  Some ads are real, some are fake.

What do you all think of my providor guide. Is it a legit site?

I ask because I found a rather sexy local providor I might wish to meet on there.

...on provider profiles. The point however isn't where you find them but what your research tells you about them.  

Does the lady you're interested in have reviews?
Does she have a lot of reviews?
Are her reviewers established with many reviews to their credit?
Do you have a VIP membership so you can see her TER profile and read the general and juicy details of her reviews? (Have you read them?)

If you can answer yes to these questions then you have the information you need in order to make an informed decision whether to see her or not.

While there are a number of different ad boards that providers use, you always have to research them.  Some ads are real, some are fake.

Like I have said on this forum many times previously, you can find providers just about anywhere, but you have to do the research on them.  Research of is as important as screening is for the providers.

Specifically, I think is as legit as any of the many other sites where providers place ads and profiles.  You can find some bad providers there just as you can on other sites, good ones as well.

Good luck and LLAP,

Just wanted to see who would say


Are you going to update the Captain's Star Log to reflect your findings?  Perhaps discuss with Spock and Doctor McCoy the nuances of the English language or will you have Scotty beam you the hell out of here, knowing the inhabitants of this place are....

...go back and forth with Bones trying to provoke a reaction out of him while Spock acts like he has no clue.

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