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Depends on the lady and situation
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 425 reads

I have had some licking my tonsils and taking off my clothes as soon as the door closes, and others easing into it with some conversation. If we are not both naked within 15 minutes though, somethings wrong, and things better start hsppening really quickly.  (unless it's a multi hour date.)

earthshined1974 reads

on  1 hour appointment when do you initiate the fun with a lady?

Do you ever start in the first few minutes? i.e., taking her/your clothes off and going for it or long kiss.

Posted By: earthshined
on  1 hour appointment when do you initiate the fun with a lady?  
I start having fun the moment I see her standing behind the door, dressed sexy for me, smiling shyly or posing or just being ready for me. The fun multiplies with a kiss ... .

If you mean how long until penetration, My Mileage Varies Wildly.  But fun?  At once

not the actual act but going from the conversation to the action. ever start within 5 minutes?

Posted By: Valida
Posted By: earthshined
on  1 hour appointment when do you initiate the fun with a lady?  
 I start having fun the moment I see her standing behind the door, dressed sexy for me, smiling shyly or posing or just being ready for me. The fun multiplies with a kiss ... .  
 If you mean how long until penetration, My Mileage Varies Wildly.  But fun?  At once!  

GaGambler352 reads

More like the first five seconds in many cases.

Some of my faves greet me at the door with a DFK that might last the first five minutes that I am there, and it might be ten minutes before we even come up for air to say so much as hello. lol

This all varies of course, but for a one hour appointment, waiting an entire five minutes before getting started would seem like an eternity to me. I can't imagine going any longer than that "just talking" on an appointment that short.

I have had some licking my tonsils and taking off my clothes as soon as the door closes, and others easing into it with some conversation. If we are not both naked within 15 minutes though, somethings wrong, and things better start hsppening really quickly.  (unless it's a multi hour date.)

I have a tendency to get things going right away, after you've washed your hands/showered/etc. I save the talk for afterwards, because I've found when you talk first that sometimes you aren't able to get everything done by an hour. I'd much rather be "in action" for the first 50 minutes and then talk for 10 than to talk for 20 minutes and not be able to complete the deed! Though, I've never been a clock watcher type anyways, and often go over the set duration, but that's how I like to do things. I don't like to rush, ever. I like to enjoy myself as well as make sure you enjoy yourself. :)

seems like you initiate. so  will  some guys pull back and want to slow things down and others go right at it?

 i can't do that right away. I had a provider say before "we don't have all day" lol  

thing is I don't want to push the pace if she's not feeling it that day. I try to wait to get a feel for her mood first.

Posted By: Jamie.Solo
I have a tendency to get things going right away, after you've washed your hands/showered/etc. I save the talk for afterwards, because I've found when you talk first that sometimes you aren't able to get everything done by an hour. I'd much rather be "in action" for the first 50 minutes and then talk for 10 than to talk for 20 minutes and not be able to complete the deed! Though, I've never been a clock watcher type anyways, and often go over the set duration, but that's how I like to do things. I don't like to rush, ever. I like to enjoy myself as well as make sure you enjoy yourself. :)

usually within the first 5 minutes, sometimes a little longer.
Today I met with a lady I'd seen before, and we were DFK 5 seconds after I walked in the room.

different it is for each.  

 I have NEVER done that. when I first started a lady  imet on a first appointment did that and I pulled back . i think she got a little offended.

from reading this and your other replies in this thread, it seems like you go slow out of a sense of respect for the lady.
I think you can move things along quicker and still appear as a gentleman.
The ladies are there for you and expect action to start very fast.
You really don't need to worry about this.
If the conversation is going a bit long, just move closer to her on the bed as you are both still talking and start gently rubbing her arm or leg.  This will VERY quickly lead to more, as it communicates that you are ready for action.

you are correct and even more so on a first appointment. It takes me until 2nd or 3rd visit to get comfortable.


Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
from reading this and your other replies in this thread, it seems like you go slow out of a sense of respect for the lady.  
 I think you can move things along quicker and still appear as a gentleman.  
 The ladies are there for you and expect action to start very fast.  
 You really don't need to worry about this.  
 If the conversation is going a bit long, just move closer to her on the bed as you are both still talking and start gently rubbing her arm or leg.  This will VERY quickly lead to more, as it communicates that you are ready for action.

With the lady I have seen the most, it is usually within 5 minutes, but with some others it has been as long as 10 minutes as we got thru preliminaries. I usually do 2 hours at least, though.

you start that quick?  

 could be hot!

the moment I walk through the door.  I assume it is an unscientific way of getting a feel for whether I am LE

but with repeats, the initial hug & grop is about the time the latch clicks on the hallway.

That's when.

If she's good, she can tell.  If she misses the cues, ask if you can give her a kiss, then begin. :)

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