The Erotic Highway

OMG, I've been laughing for 5 minutes straight! Hilarious! EOMteeth_smile
TheLoveGoddess 5248 reads


I'm really embarrased that I do this but How can I stop cold turkey? I want to build up sensitivity.  So when I penetrate a woman, I can explode.  Im tired of taking close to an hour to Cumm.  I feel like I make the woman soar. Especially with my endowed self.  I want to be able to complete in about 30 minutes.  


Updated havn't masterbated for the last 24hrs. Now I'm starting to remember my Dreams.

TheLoveGoddess6275 reads

Dear Goldenlight,

At least you have not masturbated for the last 24 hours. Yay! We are surely cheering you on!

As for beating up on yourself [pun intended], try not to. You can't help it. You have a high sex drive. If you were able to engage in penile-vaginal sex with as many women as possible, at any given time, trust me, you wouldn't be masturbating. Your DNA is speaking here, that's all. For other men, maybe once a week with a live female would be enough. On the other hand, if your fertility matches your sex drive, it is because of guys like you that the species lives on.

How to stop cold turkey? Well, you've already done it for 24 hours. Try to stay rational and remember that you are dealing with a biological function, neurotransmitters in your brain, etc. This is not something emotional, it's mechanical. And GET BUSY with something else NON-EROTIC. Think of your bank balance, financial statements, balacing the budget for the entire country, diplomatic relations with foreign CNN until you fall asleep. Or go for some endorphin-inducing NON-SEXUAL activities, whatever they may be. Occupy yourself and avoid any "dead zones" in your day. And post on this board for some empathy.

The first two weeks are the worst,
The Love Goddess

If they don't get your mind off of sex, nothing will.

They were actually suggested by my seventh grade gym/personal hygiene teacher.  (Dear old Mr. Dahlbeck, up in jock heaven no doubt.) for us jerkoffs.

I am starting to dream more.. Maybe I wlll start keeping a log of dreams.

Every time you get the irresistible urge and you want to stop just look at some gay porn mags..
If that doesn't work there are endless possibilities, especially with your endowed self.

When you say, "I feel like I make the woman SOAR," I'm thinking to myself, if I could get them to simply lift off a little bit, I'd feel pretty good about myself.

Then you add, "I want to be able to complete in about 30 minutes."  I'm telling you, if we all had your problems, many more women would be happy.  ;)

Of course, I am kidding.  Simply listen to the advice of the others.

But I guess I get a little rattled whenever I see another example of blatant "homonym-icide" in writing.


Yeah...same here. So, you can stay hard for 30 minutes or more before you come?

No sympathy from me, either.

Good luck! I am a chronic masterbater and have been for years. I have tried to quit also to regain my sensitivity but to no avail. I dont even have to be looking at any xrated stuff or hearing about it etc. I just get that feeling out of the blue and have to handle business, lol.
By the way, theres nothing wrong with going for an hour or more.

Most of the sex I have right now is through masturbation. The last thing I would ever want to do is stop!  I abstain for two full days before I see a provider and have no trouble at all causing quite an explosion when the moment comes. When between visits with my ATF I self-medicate at will...sometimes two or three times a day almost every day!   This is how it's been through several years of a bad marriage (now ended) and since I'm in no hurry to get involved in another civie relationship this is how it will probably stay for a while.  I'm not about to deny myself the pleasure of a good orgasm!  

Do whatever feels right for you but masturbation is normal, very normal, and certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.

G25545 reads

to one time a day by the time I was in my mid-50's.  Prior to that, my sex drive resembled something between a rutting moose and that of a 14 year old boy who just found a copy of Hustler on his way home from school where he'd been watching cheerleading practice.

Frankly, I've always envied guys with low sex drives because it seems like their lives are so much less complicated.  They barely notice women, and certainly aren't ruled by female beauty and sexual attraction like I always have been.  Instead they have a nice hobby like golf or fishing, and a wife and one child.

Their women appreciate the extra warmth a husband provides in bed, but value a good night's sleep over passionate sex. "Goodnight dear... goodnight honey-" the mating call of those blessed with low testosterone!

Mikesohorny5652 reads

i was riding Artesia blvd. @ 10:30am and seen some lovely gurrrrls!!!!! i'm mean dammmn!!!!!i understand what you mean but i'm sure the wouldn't mind the hour:)

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