Politics and Religion

You also didn't see Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, because she is THEIR Head of State. .
RightwingUnderground 1011 reads

The POTUS serves a dual role as head of state AND head of government.

What's with all this bowing to foreign dignataries by Obama. Now the Emporer of Japan gets the down low from the Messiah. Maybe he doesn't quite yet know that he is the most powerful leader in the world, and as such, doesn't bow to anyone. No U.S. President ever has, until now. Some may say he is showing respect, most would say he is showing weakness, and subserviance.

Bowing is a traditional sign of respect in Japanese culture when greeting someone.  Why not write to the Chief of Protocol at the Dept of State if you're so concerned, express your dismay, and perhaps POTUS will be given a refesher course.

Doormen at Japanese restaurants bow to me when I pass by, and I'm not a patron and don't even care for Japanese food.

POTUS Obama did this with some Arab Islamofascists types within recent memory, and at the time predictably raised some hackles in this here very forum. At the time I said So What?  Given that POTUS Obama, as a Democrat, will inevitably kiss the ass, figuratively, of Bibi or Tzipi or whatever Zionist goofball is serving as PM, and then almost literally kiss that same Israeli ass a second time by implementing and defending policies favorable to Israel and detrimental to he US, i'd say you and others have a lot more to worry about than a misplaced bow.

But some of you guys cannot see the forest for the trees.  Or the ACORN.  LMAO

Just couldn't pass up the chance to get your digs in that 3rd paragraph, could you?

AND further, you make no attempt to contest it.

So what is your objection?  Another American deluded into defending Israel? If I just mentioned Obama bowing to an islamofascist jihadist, that would have been A-OK with you?

Are you that invested in maintaining Israel's fatal embrace of the USA that you're unwilling to allow criticism of those policies?  Seems that way.  Say it aint so!

equals don't bow to each other.  In protocol, heads of state are equal. The emporer didn't bow to Obama because he is not lesser.

Obama won't bow to Bibi - NOR SHOULD HE. When he meets heads of state, they are equals.

GaGambler1972 reads

If the emperor bowed in return THEN it would be considered just protocol, as it was Obama once again showed deference to another nations leader on a world stage. Now we will no longer be hated and feared, just hated.

It appears that Obama is going to outdo Jimmy Carter in his first year, at least Jimmy Carter stood up to Israel, unfortunately he didn't stand up to anyone else, but he is one up on Obama at least.

great enjoyment of your  capezio-shod feet and tou-tou draped frame.  You can hardly wait, I suspect.

who fought against the Japanese in World War II would have felt if he saw his grandson bowing before the Emperor of Japan. I am really surprised Jerseyflyer, how there is not more outrage or mention in the media of the commander-in-chief of the most powerful Army and Navy in the world performing this F&^%Kin' gesture.

I thought General Washington and the 10,000 who died at Valley Forge fought so we won't be subject to any King, Queen or any other monarch. This makes me sick.

Now stopping upsetting me.

showing America is only bit player. I respect you a lot buddy, but yea, Obama's gesture does bother me.

I ask; what's wrong with shaking hands. An embrace would be oK, but bowing hell no.

Live free or die, I say.

-- Modified on 11/16/2009 10:40:03 PM

Right, "Maybe he doesn't quite yet know that he is the most powerful leader in the world, and as such, doesn't bow to anyone. No U.S. President ever has, until now. Some may say he is showing respect, most would say he is showing weakness, and subserviance."

Dumbass comment, parroted from a Dumbass Fox News Morning Show.  

Here's the "lowdown" without the spin included.  Presidents Nixon and Eisenhower bowed to foreign leaders (Nixon to the Emperor of Japan (on US Soil no less), Eisenhower to Charles De Gaulle), but then President Bush actually held hands with, and kissed Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.

Get over the bullshit, and focus on reality.  Geez, when does the kool-aid run out?  

Keep your eyes bottom right, while in the SPIN Zone.  

Is that a President Nixon Bowing to a foreign leader?  Uh oh, there goes that theory...

GaGambler1496 reads

That is two heads of state bowing to each other. There is a huge difference. Your picture shows mutual respect, not deference to another nations leader.

...position. What Obama did was engage in a ceremony - nothing more, nothing less.

What did you want him to do?  An end zone dance, saying: "Hiroshima, Nagasaki, in your face!!"

RightwingUnderground1848 reads

Japan's Emperor and The POTUS are both Heads of State. As heads of state they are both coequal.

RightwingUnderground1902 reads

What you illustrate though is two people showing mutual respect in a manner culturally acceptable and expected in SA.

"What you illustrate though is two people showing mutual respect in a manner culturally acceptable and expected in SA."

What 'mutual' respect did the Saudi king show Bush?  Allowing Bush to hold his hand and kiss him on the lips?

It may be culturally accepted and expected in SA but the meeting took place at Crawford, Texas.  When in Rome...act like a Texan and not some Ay-rab's bitch.

RightwingUnderground1386 reads

They walked SIDE by SIDE holding EACH OTHERS hand. They danced SIDE by SIDE with arms EQUALLY locked. They kissed each other. Neither one was in a superior position. If you can’t see that then I’m not the guy to help you.

Maybe you’re still hung up on your confusion of head of state vs. head of government.

...to the emperor but Akihito didn't fist bump him in return.

Bush engaged in Saudi cultural traditions on American soil.  The Ay-rab didn't do the Texas two-step, did he?  Bush was as subservient (if not more) as Obama.  The Ay-rab was in a superior position because he came to the U.S. and Bush kowtowed to the demands of Saudi culture.

RightwingUnderground1611 reads

There was no "mutual" when it came to Obama's greeting. No one ever said there was. Everyone here including myself said JUST THE OPPOSITE. Obama's bow was totally deferential and one sided. The Emperor did NOT bow back.

The "mutual" was ALL on GWB's actions. . .
For everything Bush did, the SA king or prince also did the EXACT SAME THING in return. They held hands CO-EQUALLY. They stood side by side CO-EQUALLY. They kissed EACH OTHER. There was no deference paid by Bush that was not returned.

And what difference does it matter WHERE it happened? You must secretly think you're wrong on this that you have to start back peddling for additional excuses.

What? When your Saudi friends come over you've never cooked goat for supper?

But by your repeated use of "Ay-rab" we can now see where your grievances REALLY rest here, can't we?

...to attack Obama's actions while justifying Bush's.

GWB = mutual?  With how many other world leaders did Bush follow that great American tradition of holding hands and kissing?  I wouldn't care if Bush would have let the Ay-rab teabag him.  He was just being polite and following Saudi customs, the same as Obama did in Japan.

I'm done.  It's silly to wast time on a rigid reactionary.  Unlike lefties, conservatives can never admit when they're wrong.  They'll cling to their beliefs while the ship goes down.

You have some hostility to Japanese customs. You must have been brought up by relatives bragging about how many Nips they killed in WWII.

As to 'Ay-rab', that was tongue in cheek. Unfortunately all you know about tongue in cheek is when you have your tongue up the hairy cheek of some trucker's ass at a truck stop.

RightwingUnderground1676 reads

So when you make a racist remark it’s “tongue in cheek” and we are all supposed to automatically recognize this. LOL. This coming from the guy that cries and yells racism quicker and louder than anybody else currently residing on the P&R board.

I have no problem with Obama following protocol. But was it? The Emperor did not return the bow at all. It was all one sided and Obama’s bow was much deeper than required. When Nixon bowed in China, it was much more slight and it was returned.

It’s interesting that now you’ve lost the argument, where to you migrate? Back to your warm and comfortable neighborhood of calling me a racist AND a homosexual. Fascinating how calling other men gay passes for your version of an insult while you try to pass yourself off to people here as an “enlightened person”?

And of course it’s not based on anything factual other than what’s in your mind. I suggest you seriously examine what’s going on “up there.”

What a hypocrite. So yes, you are indeed “done.”


No homophobia this side of the house.  I was mocking the well known concern for male to male relations on the GOP side.  "Culturally Offensive" (To the tune of Magically Delicious).  

If there are concerns with Obama bowing, lord can only imagine the GOP 20/20 hindsight on Bush and his biggest heartthrob the Prince of KSA.  

Get over yourself, hero.  

RightwingUnderground1157 reads

and others have shown me that may only be marginally true. There's plenty of left leaning homophobes.

Thanks for the clarification of your cultural target, I'm sure there were indeed many homophobes that were offended.

But still the comparison to a one sided bow is incorrect.

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