Suggestion and Policy

Enabling multiple categories in search (e.g., 25-30, 31-35)
IronRooster 13 Reviews 1716 reads

I tried searching through previous posts and didn't find anything. If this has been addressed before, feel free to delete/close.

Searching is a little frustrating in that you have to redo searches if you are looking for something particular. Not the biggest front-burner issue but it would be nice to be able to add more than one parameter per search category.

For example, selecting the appearance/service score minimums is easy but what if you want someone who is average or large but not petite, BBW, etc.? Or you are fine with ages 30-45? Or breast appearance of perky, young or super nice? The current 'pick one' option seems overly limiting.

Again, not a big deal since most basic searches combined with a time limitation narrows the field enough in most cases but I would think it would be helpful for new members or those traveling.

Peace ou

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