
My reviews have always been authentic....until now :(confused_smile
stacyjennh See my TER Reviews 3379 reads

I've never complained nor posted anything negative in the past...
I prefer to be an attribute to the fun side of TER
I always intend to remain drama free
It seems I unintentionally got pulled into this little drama loop..

I took a few days to think about what I should do concerning this...
I've written a few problem reports
I asked for this review to be considered fake and removed
I don't know if it can be removed
Until now I never asked for any review to be removed
I've grown to adore what I do more and more over the 3 years I've been a provider
In the beginning I didn't know about what reviews were...I provided without even looking at one for the first 6 - 8 months I started working with RSG

99% of the reviews I've gratefully received were accurately real experiences I've enjoyed with wonderful gentlemen

This recent review was heinously written

Prior to the review this gentleman posted a thread claiming he's had a horrible happening and was now looking for a rescuing provider...
A VERY SPECIAL friend of mine that frequently reads TER message boards and reviews had privately gotten in touch with this gentleman out of mere curiosity
My friend asked him who the girl was that never showed

This gentleman told my friend the girl that never showed nor answered her cellphone was me!

I privately pm'd the upset gentleman about his thread and his accusations
He never responded to me privately AT ALL!

I do not remember corresponding with this hobbiest
prior to his horrible Friday
I only tried talking to him about it after he posted about it

The very same week of his posting about his unfulfilled friday he wrote me this review
I never provided for this gentleman

IF I never showed nor answered my cellphone and left him in the parking lot then how did this experience EVER happen to write a review about???)

The review is here... (UGH!!) :(

I am not a 20 something
Although I am a young 37
I do not consider myself model material..
I have been told that my look is sexual sensual & a sort of naughty-girl look ...
I never showed my entire face in pics on the internet because of my personal family life
For now..
I made a collage' of a few fairly recent pics...
Like I said before I am no professional photographer
These pics are from this year and from the end of last year
In looks...and physique..I feel I need to clarify reality
I am in no way at all of what he said I was
As for my performance and the room atmosphere
All I can say is my past reviews say it all about who Stacy is and what her service consists of

Everyone has opinions & perceives beauty differently their own unique viewpoints...

I wish for this gentleman to receive the experience he desires with a great provider

and if I ever did mistakenly not answer my phone and not meet with him and made him upset
I have already humbly apologized privately to this gentleman and I am NOW doing it publicly..

Since I've become independent these past few months I've made a few mistakes along the way in scheduling I do admit
BUT I will not admit knowing who this individual is nor do I admit having any experiences with him
I am NOT trying to start trouble
I am trying to end it!
Thank you for your time!
Stacy ---)@

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 4:59:45 AM

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 5:04:14 AM

A single bad review does not hurt anybody.   This single review will be pretty much ignored by everybody who looks at the large quantity of your very good reviews.   I would not worry about it.

From reading the message, I guess this was a case of NCNS, and he is trying to get back at you with a bad review.

Again, I fail to see how one bad (pretty much fake) review is going to hurt you.   I think he thinks he has more power than he actually has.

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 6:15:27 AM

Well said luv_women.
Don't sweat it Stacy, it means little compared to your stellar reviews.


Seems clear to me.  She's saying it's fake and that he wrote it as punishment for what could have been a NCNS. Unfortunately, this is probably going to become a he said / she said thing.  

IMHO, it was a pretty harsh description in the review, and did not match my experience with her two years ago.

I had read her message incorrectly...

It is pretty obvious that you are correct Mr. Dixie_Chicken.  She was a NCNS, and he was angry.

But I fail to see how his little single review is going to affect her business.   Methinks Mr. TheXWolverine thinks he has more clout than he really has.  He writes "How do you say things about someone that are true and will hurt that person both in the pocket and in the heart."  I fail to see how one review will affect her in the "pocket".   Although it is clear that she is emotionally affected by this.

But Mr. TheXWolverine has admitted being stood up, so he pretty much admits that this "session" did not happen.

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 6:22:07 AM

probably won't hurt her business, but the larger issue is the possible fake review. I applaud her efforts. She tried to take care of it privately, and when he wouldn't respond, she chose the next best avenue. I hope it helps her, but I'm afraid that the inevitable drama to follow may be hard to take.

Lets gets this issue addressed right now!

We did meet and the review is 100% accurate. I did receive PMs from one or two persons inquiring about my posting about being stood up. The questions in the PMs were very detailed, I answered vaguely to all question except the name of the person. Mods can look at the PMs and verify this. Stacy, you have never tried to contact me!

My post is what was inaccurate; I wrote I had been stood up. In actuality the appointment was so bad, I never really got into it and was looking for another appointment. I did not want to write I had just left a very bad appointment where the woman’s looks and performance were so bad I was unable to perform. I was desperate, and had other feelings that were unfulfilled after this experience. I should have stated the facts openly at that time. I also said to myself, what provider is going to want to meet with me after I have been with another almost immediately before. I now admit my judgment with posting I was stood up was not correct. Instead of keeping it simple, which were my intentions; I opened myself up to being questioned.

That is it, no sugar, this is, embarrassingly, how it went down, I will not address this issue any further, no matter how many posts are put up, no matter how many questions are asked, all the facts are right here. And lastly, the pictures posted here are not accurate; I saw Stacy and these are at least seven or eight years old.

1) First you post it was a NCNS.
2) Then you post a review saying the session was not up to your satisfaction, but happened.
3) Then you say that you lied in #1 saying that it did happen.

Either way, you lied once about what happened.   Perhaps you are lying again?

You said: "I will not address this issue any further, no matter how many posts are put up, no matter how many questions are asked, all the facts are right here."  

Someone who says this is usually hiding something.  I have never heard of someone who is not willing to openly discuss something when they are telling the truth.

Your attitude reveals much.

Fair enough, I will answer any questions. What is yours!

And You are correct, I lied in my post about NCNS, and stated my reasons.

If her pictures were not accurate, then why did you not just turn around and walk out?

What we have here is a case of he said, he wrote, she said, he recanted.

I have no dog in this hunt, I just wanted to let you know that a single bad (whether real or not) review is not going to affect her business at all.

If it did happen, it looks like a case of two people who are simply not compatible.  I have had sessions like that.  I would have probably not written a review at all, or if I had, simply stated what happened, and left it at that.

If it did not happen, then of course the review is not factual, and should be removed completely.

Portdog1316 reads

You have hurt only your credibility here.

You have failed miserably in your attempt to hurt the lady, so lick your wounds & move on.

Since you are clearly stating in your post that you are a liar, I'd say - yeah, you've opened yourself up to being questioned.

Personally, I'd say that if you wanted to write a nasty, insulting, rude review about a popular local girl, it's not best to start out by saying, "hey, I'm a big fat liar, but THIS time I'm really telling the truth".

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 6:50:09 AM

I just don't want to bother with this any longer than I have to. The review is accurate, I have stated and apologized for my misjudgment in an inaccurate post, and I will stay behind what I wrote.

If you want to go see Stacy, go right ahead, but don't come to me if the experience is less than fulfilling. I hope she will "pick things up" after the dust I have stirred up, then my fellow Hobbyists will be the benefactors.

If the Mods want to double check the accuracy of the review, please contact me, I will supply whatever info they need to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of the review.

I'd tuck my tail and turn if I was you X.  The ladies watch this discourse and you'll only hurt yourself (even further).  

Have fun everyone!

I don't know what's worse: That you wrote it or that you think we're stupid enough to believe it? This has stopped being a he said / she said situation and become a guy trying to lie his way out of a lie.  Sad and pathetic.

You're an admitted liar. I just think you're admitting to the wrong lie.  You would have us believe that you lied about the "Help, I've been stood up post," but are telling the truth now. BTW, you had 2 other posts in that thread in which you added details to the NCNS, so you must be admitting to lying THREE times (or was that just making an "inaccuracy" more inaccurate?).

You then write a review that doesn't just criticize a lady's looks, but goes as far as saying that she's so ugly that you couldn't get it up.  The description that you wrote was designed to punish, not inform, and you cannot spin it in any other way.

Next, after being called on it, you concoct this BULLSHIT post where you, again, criticize her looks and try to convince us that you were "inaccurate" on your first post and that the 85 other reviewers somehow got it all wrong about Stacy, but the mighty Wolverine is doing us a favor by setting us straight.

Do you honestly believe that we would buy that you made up a NCNS post asking for another provider to bail you out because you didn't want to write about a bad session?  I'll give you this, you are employing the old adage that it's better to be thought stupid than a liar.

You, sir, are a LIAR.  Plain and simple. Your review should be pulled and you should be identified as someone who is using the review process to punish a provider by writing a fake review.

You have no credibility here anymore, and I, for one, have to now question ANY of your reviews.

You had a choice when you were stood up(Although I think you were lying about that too).  You could have just moved on.  You could have communicated with Stacy and either accepted or rejected her apology. You could have come onto the board and posted that she stood you up. Instead, you chose to write a fake review to try to punish her.  You chose poorly.

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 8:31:19 AM

Yes I lied and I explained it and apologized. If you unable to fathom that, it is not my problem.

I will offer, again, to provide ANY details needed to the Mod/s to prove the legitimacy and accuracy of the review.

And if the Mod/s have questions about any of my other reviews, I will provide any information they need to verify those as well.

My post was wrong, but the reviews are dead on and I will go to any length needed to prove it!!

First of all, Mods have nothing to do with Reviews.  They are volunteer hobbyists who donate their time to the boards, and are not even paid by TER.

Second, unless you took pictures, there is no credible evidence that you can provide to establish that a session took place.  Think about it.  We, in the hobby, go out of our way to make sure that there is no evidence of our trysts.  What it will boil down to is your word against hers, and you've already admitted to lying three times. Besides, TER administration probably won't care enough to look at evidence - You've already admitted to being a liar.

Third, you're vindictiveness against Stacy is working against you.  Again, you didn't just say that she didn't look good, you wrote a detailed description in your review that, frankly, just isn't true.  85 others have reviewed her and not described what you did.  Throughout the review, you keep saying that you didn't want to write anything negative, but that is ALL you did.  Even in the "Attitude", you wrote: "Lame, Guilty, and Ashamed"  Now that's telling.  Guilty of what?  NCNS?  Sounds more of a description of messages she might have sent regarding a possible NCNS than an attitude at a session.

Look up.  That stuff flying over your head is the dirt from the hole you keep digging deeper and deeper.  Once you try to lie your way out of a lie, you are fried.

-- Modified on 8/19/2008 10:05:11 AM

Date, time, room number, clothes worn, hotel name and city location, specific facts from discussions between her and I. I can provide MUCH evidence that the meeting took place. So your second point is blown away.

I gave the review the details TER requires to accept ANY review, whether it is good or bad, that is it, bottom line. You are correct, I did not want to write it, but I did. Bad reviews happen, accept it, bad meetings happen, accept it. AND if my description isn't true, tell Stacy to post a CURRENT picture and we will let the rest of TER be the judge. So your third point is wasted.

Look up, thats your own bullshit you see flying by. I am not going to let this go, I wrote an accurate and DETAILED review, period. And I will do WHATEVER is needed to prove it!!

This isn't about a bad review.  It's about a fake review.  The lady says it didn't happen and you say it did.  You are an admitted liar, she is not. We can only believe her.

Every piece of "evidence" will only work if the lady verifies them, and she's not going to do that because she's saying she never saw you.  That's why your promise to prove it is an empty promise.

You didn't have to use words like "discolored" "sunken" or "sag" in your review for it to be accepted.  You also didn't have to characterize her looks the way you did.  There is no requirement for what is put into the "Attitude" field, so you chose to write what you did, not TER.

I have no connection to Stacy other than seeing her about two years ago.  I don't care if she gets a valid bad review if that's what comes out of a valid session with a truthful hobbyist.  In your review, you, ironically, made an assertion regarding the trustworthiness of the TER review system.  My only concern here is that you seem to have violated that system in an effort to circumvent the prohibition that TER has against NCNS reviews and to punish a provider.

When I first read Stacy's post this morning, I honestly thought (and hoped) that your version would include a reasonable explanation regarding the NCNS post, such as a claim that she wasn't the provider you were posting about, or something like that.  When I actually read your review though, I starting having my doubts because it was written to hurt, not inform; suggesting that you were pissed rather than disappointed.  When you ultimately posted your response to Stacy, I then knew you were full of shit because I don't think anyone able to post on the internet would be stupid enough to:

make up a NCNS post while asking for action because they thought other providers wouldn't be willing to see him after a disappointing session with another.

When it's out there like that, doesn't it just look like the lamest thing in the world?  Again, lying your way out of a lie is a path to ruin.

Keep digging brother.

"That is it, no sugar, this is, embarrassingly, how it went down, I will not address this issue any further, no matter how many posts are put up, no matter how many questions are asked, all the facts are right here."

I don't know what planet you are from, but here on Earth when we tell a lie and then tell another lie to explain the first lie, people TEND to stop believing us. Then when we make a statement like the one above and then proceed to respond to EVERY SINGLE POST that ensues, our credibility tends to slip into a deeply negative range. Guy, you are really making yourself look bad here.

When I read your review, I'm offended and I don't even know Stacy, never met her. It's rude and insulting and your pseudo-sensitive comments about gee, how do I go about saying something that might hurt somebody? and then calling her ugly and smelly - make you sound like a petulant child. In the context of her other reviews and her presence on this board, no one will believe you. Even if there is some truth to what you wrote - even if she's not as "pretty as her pictures", even if you caught her on a really bad day, even if 85 other guys are lying through their teeth - no one will believe you.

I don't know Stacy and I won't comment on her. Based upon her reviews, Stacy provides a great service to those who seek her out.
Everyone gets stood up. It’s disappointing since you’re so revved up all day or maybe for days. It’s a bummer and it sucks but I find its just best to move on from it when it happens, which I guess it really didn't in this case.
I've walked out of sessions for a few reasons: Either the picture did not match the person. Something during the initial meeting didn't feel right, or the menu was unacceptable. You must walk into each encounter ready to leave. So you have to bring the big head in along with the little head. I think this is where you went wrong. I'm not picking on you; I’m just giving you my advice, which more folks should be doing. You seem to have a good set of reviews and clearly you two were not a match.
99% of the ladies that I have met are wonderful people that I would love to know in my personal life but there are others who communicate poorly and can't break down a situation rationally. So often I find in these cases they give you so little time to speak that their impressions are incorrect.  And I know that the same is true for some of the gross guy’s out there that do not respect these women.
There will be no winner by carrying this on.  Everyone wants to clear their name. Each person’s reputation will stand for itself.

Old timers might notice I haven't posted on this Board in a very long time. That's because I've become close friends with a couple of providers and no longer have any need to consult reviews.
A friend alerted me to this Review controversy, which is why I've logged back in now.

I've kept in touch with Stacy for maybe three years now.  I feel I have to write this now, for the record here:

In my opinion, Stacy is one of the most lovely women, both physically and mentally and spiritually, a man could ever know.

Believe it or not, I'm not doubting TheXWolverine's report of his experience nor his honesty at all. What he wrote may very well have been and be a genuine report of his own disappointed feelings.  Many people can look at the very same thing or person, but have entirely different personal reactions.

My only advice t readers is: if have any doubts about Stacy, please arranage a visit with her.
I think the chances are, based upon my own long friendship with her, but mainly upon the overwhelming 'preponderance of the evidence' of her consistently fine reviews over many years: you're going to be extremely happy if you suspend TheXWolverine's opinion of her and go judge her for yourself.

I have never known anyone who exhibits such focused determination to help a man as Stacy.  She really, maybe even desperately, wants to please. She's told me she gets huge satisfaction out of trying to give each man 'the best sexual experience of his life'. I totally believe her.

She's through and through a dedicated *professional*, in the very best sense of the word.  In this profession, that takes a lot of self-knowledge and courage. I admire her greatly.

Stacy, may I, please (perhaps on behalf of all the men here who have known you for a long while) take this opportunity to write you here a little Thank You note.

God 'broke his mold' when he made you, Stacy.

I guess we should ask which Stacy did he see...
Stacy on CL

or Stacy formally of Room service... who is the one who is suffering through all of this!!

Seems kind of strange someone posts that he was stood up and the next sentence writes a review???

I just wanted to post my support to Stacy. I have seen her several times over the past year or so. She has been absolutely the most fun experience I have ever had and that is why I keep seeing her. She is a really sweet person to boot. So if you want to be treated right go see her!!

Stacy, as others have said, no one will pay any attention to this review. When I read reviews about someone new I tend to ignore the extreme ones as fake both too good to be true and out right lies. You have pages of great reviews so it is obvious this one doesn't fit.

Appointments with Stacy are to be cherrished - she has always been great to me.  I have had a hard time getting an appointment with her since she left RSG, though.  But...I'll keep trying!

Stacy - don't let that one review bother you.  I'm sure there will be a flurry of GREAT reviews for you soon - just being who you always are.

brian451262 reads

Does any one dare write a bad review on this website?  If any "bad review" can get taking down through the whining process how authentic can it be?  Seems as if these sort of threads are commonplace.

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