Politics and Religion

Ted Kennedy Dead at 77
DoctorZGonzo 9585 reads

RIP Senator Ted Kennedy

him as well as Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Eunice Kennedy, Walter Cronkite et al. So many famous people who were icons of the 1960's, 70's and 80s have died this year. Is anyone keeping track, it's a rather unnerving.

May his soul rest in peace.

Timbow720 reads

Dominick Dunne: 1925-2009
add another famous man to that  list .
Dunne died today at his home in Manhattan. He was 83.

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 3:13:30 PM

others. and wasn't there a famous dance choregrapher who also died recently.

penny71991 reads

He was responsible for the death of a young woman, he ran away from the scene of the accident and failed to report the accident to the authorities. If he had stuck around, he may have been able to save her, but We'll never know. May he rot in hell!!!!!

We all make mistakes and its God who makes the final judgement, unless you are one those people who thinks he know more than God himself

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 4:09:25 AM

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 4:10:05 AM

penny711434 reads

If he had taken responsiblity for what he did, it would have been different; but he ran away from the scene, and tried to cover it up. We'll never know whether he could have saved the young lady or not. He got a free pass because of who he is. One more thing; I'll have to answer for what I say and do one of these days, but it won't be to you, Wiz.

and you do not know what he did for the family of the victim but I was always taught, if you do not gave anything good to say about the dead, do not say anything.  I guess you did not learn that.

penny711136 reads

taking another life like he did. When Michael Jackson died, he was ripped apart on just about every one of these boards. And as far as we know, he never killed anyone. But Kennedy was directly responsible for the death of a young woman, the details of which were immediately covered up, and you people are ready to deify him. Yes, he died from cancer; so do thousands of other people every year. But I guess you can pick and choose who you deify and who you vilify. Go figure!!

You went from saying thar he could have saved her from outright murder, which one is it?  It was the press speculated what happened but since you are not God, you do not know or will not be up to you the final judgement.

GaGambler1585 reads

That is one of the stupidest adages I have ever heard.

I suppose if Dick Cheney were to die tomorrow you would castigate any of your lib friends that opined that "he should burn in hell"? Yeah, real fucking likely.

If a man is a piece of shit in life, his deeds outlive him. It might of happened forty years ago, but that is forty years that Mary Jo never got a chance to enjoy. Fuck Ted Kennedy!!! His passing does not make him a better person.

and I could say the same about Cheney but if Dick Cheney would die tommorrow, I would say nothing because I have nothing good to say.  When Strum Thurmond died, I was living in South Carolina and when I saw the all the Black Politicians appear on TV and only spoke in positive terms or at least that was the local new cast showed.  I am sure many remembered what a virulent racist he was but many chose to be silent

GaGambler1242 reads

doesn't mean that the rest of us are obligated to follow "your" moral code.

Ted Kennedy should have served time, only because of the stature of his family did he avoid criminal prosecution. If one of the Bush twins or anybody from a prominent Republican family were to do the same, your cries of foul play would be the loudest here. Quit being a fucking hypocrite. Kennedy was a piece of shit in life and his death doesn't change that fact.

Politicians might be obligated to speak well of the dead, but that doesn't obligate the rest of us.

Unlike many of you "old timers", I but 5 when Chappaquiddick occurred so perhaps the emotions all of you righties have does not affect me as it would you. I have no opinion on Kennedy personal indiscretions, as we all have them but the piece of shit comment is a bit over the tip but that is representative of you

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 8:13:50 PM

GaGambler703 reads

anyone from a family with less wealth and power would have done prison time. I thought that type of abuse of wealth and power was what you lefties were trying to fight against? Or is only a crime when someone from the right side of the aisle does it?

Your level of hypocrisy is mind boggling.

To call the taking of an innocent life a "personal indescretion" only proves my point.

I am just saying that the only people who bring up the issue is righties and I take their recollection of the incidenct with the revisionist tendencies they always do with a grain of salt.  And as I went back to my OP, that he spent a lifetime of helping two groups, the elderly and children, that what I remember of him.

Speaking of hyprocrisy, I am sure that your hatred of liberals is a bit stronger than that poor girl who died.  I am postive as a member of the RWIW, if he was a conservative, you would not be so passionate about it.

but we are also subject to man's judgement.I grow increasingly discusted with how money can 'acquit'! As simple people we do not grasp the matter of final judgement.It isn't tangible.Thus frustrating.Political affiliation(very different I assure you)aside,I do feel for the 'Kennedy'(family) loss,but not for the injustice that has occured.

GodSpeaks!662 reads

And more than half of you bastards here will not appreciate where you are headed to after you croak!

Did you ever stop & think that cancer doesn't discriminate; it could care less whether one is a liberal, conservative, young, old, black, or white, etc....Probably every single poster on this board has a family member, friend that has battled some form of cancer....

I guess I'll just never understand the extreme hatred & anger of the right wing....Perhaps I should have taken more sociology/psychology electives in college, which would have helped me to better understand the dynamics & origins of such hatred....
Maybe MSNBC will air a program entitled "Right Wing hatred - an indepth study"...I will be sure to watch it...

penny711046 reads

No, never heard of that website. Doesn't sound like something that would toast my bread.

"I guess I'll just never understand the extreme hatred & anger of the right wing"....

  Only the most supreme idiot sees the World like you Moose..Anyone with even  basic reasoning can see the small groups with extreme hatred from within any political party and also  independents.

You haven't made sense in this or any past posts, so why start now...

Just do what you do best, keep the bong close, & bang your head off the wall while you listen to Pink Floyd all day without a care (or clue)...

in the process, balance out the evil that they've done with some good, if given a chance.

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 7:53:27 AM

on that matter. Good luck with that. I know I would want that job. Particularly without consulting those who knew him best.

the laws he legislated were for the "little folk" who needn't worry their little heads about the details of running their lives.

Kennedy cared nothing for those around him, certainly nothing for those who continually put him in office.  He has, through the years, shown no remorse over the deaths caused by association with the "klan" whether you believe they murdered anyone or not.  

pass judgement?  I think we all have a right, to some extent, to pass judgement on those who govern us - for the govern (according to our constitution) by the CONSENT of the governed.  And much as the left passes judgement on BUSH 43(and much of it justified, see my post above) there is the obligation to pass judgement on our elected officials... after all, we do it every election day.

as to folks who knew him.  I knew an ardent supporter of the kennedy's... no matter which one... he blindly followed and supported their every move.  His daughter, then about 17 or so, was invited to a party at their famed "compound" in Hyannis Port.  His comment, "here are the keys to the car, you may go, but under no circumstance are you to be alone with a Kennedy, or get into a car with a Kennedy.  You are to stay with your friends, at all times and limit what you eat and drink there."  This from someone who not only knew them, but supported them and loved them.

yea, If I only knew what he knew.

"'here are the keys to the car, you may go, but under no circumstance are you to be alone with a Kennedy, or get into a car with a Kennedy.  You are to stay with your friends, at all times and limit what you eat and drink there.'"

That's the same thing a said to my daughters, but replace Kennedy with Frat Boys, Squids, Jarheads, Grunts, or any guy you've just met, or anyone who has been drinking.

My sympathy goes out to Mary Jo's family, who long held hopes of finally seeing justice prevail in the murder of their daughter, died this morning.

You could care less about Mary Jo, you just see this as Kennedy was the evil liberal....Everything w/you is POLITICAL...If Mary Jo was a passenger in a car driven by Richard Nixon, your take would be entirely different...

Do you care about the familes that have been affected in the various REPUBLICAN sex scandals?...No, of course you don't...

Sins, you adhere 100% to Ronald Reagan's 11th. Commandment - "thou shall not speak ill of any Republican"...

If Kennedy had been a Republican, I would say the EXACT same thing.

I never gave a rat's ass about Clinton's affairs. I have tremendous respect for Newt Gingrich's intellect, but I will never be able to muster up an ounce of respect for Gingrich the man. Why? At least Clinton never tried to play the role of moral leader. He gets credit for that. Gingrich on the other hand, conducted a witch hunt that humiliated this nation, while simultaneously carrying on an affair of his own. I've never tolerated nor accepted hypocrisy, and Gingrich's hypocrisy in going after Clinton stunk to high heaven. I said that then, and I still say it now.

Today, we have Ensign trying to pretend that his actions were somehow less bad than Clinton's. Bullshit. Ensign is worse. He piously opined years ago that Clinton should resign over his affairs (his statement coming BEFORE the ridiculous impeachment proceedings, and BEFORE allegations of lying under oath.) Today however, he claims that Clinton is worse because he lied under oath. Really Ensign? If Clinton should have resigned simply because he HAD an affair, then where the hell is YOUR resignation?

To be blunt, I don't give a rat's ass who screws who. Hell, if it weren't for philandering husbands, I would have to get a real job. *smile* I DO however, care about hypocrites who harp on family values and the like, while carrying on their own affairs.

I have NO problem criticizing conservatives when they are wrong. Never have, never will. Do a search of my posts on this very board, and you can find more than a few posts where I have taken the contrarian view and either defended a liberal, or criticized a conservative as necessary. Look down the front page and find the post about Michelle Obama's staffing. Read my response. Do a search for threads about Kerry's service in Vietnam. You'll have to go back at least a year or more to find them, but read my posts on that particular subject. You might find them surprising.

Your assignment for today, is to show me ONE post you have ever written on this board that defends a conservative, or otherwise breaks with liberal ideology. I can link to dozen of posts I've written that are very clearly non-partisan. Can you do the same?

As far as the topic of this thread goes though, let me be clear. Last week, some prisoner made headlines when his appeal for a stay of execution was denied. He died by the State's hand. I shed no tears for that murderer, nor will I shed tears for Edward Kennedy who himself was a murderer. If that bothers you, then tough.

Today my thoughts are with the Kopechne family. For fourty long years they have held onto a slim hope that one day they might see justice for their daughter. That hope died today, and for that, they have my deepest sympathy.

PS. Do you even realize how stupid you sound trying to make an apples to apples comparison between a sex scandal, and a scandal that resulted in the death of a young woman?

Ted Kennedy a murderder....In which court was he convicted?....What was the date of the conviction?....What was his sentence?....Who was the prosecuting attorney?....Who was the defense attorney?.....How long did the trial last?.....

If Ted Kennedy committed the legal defintion of murder, then you should have an answer for every one of the above questions....

committed FIRST degree murder, 2 counts....

IF Kennedy would have been convicted for anything, would likely have been involuntary manslaughter...

A murder conviction requires intent...

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 4:45:59 PM

charged with second degree murder.  I should clarify that is the law in California.  I am not sure about Mass.

You flamed Sins of the Flesh about Teddy Boy never having been convicted a crime. My response was that neither were OJ nor MJ.  The crimes for which they were aquitted is irrevelent.

If you honestly believe Teddy Boy didn't break any laws by his actions when Mary Jo died then you are no different than the people who think OJ was not guilty.

GaGambler1038 reads

It would not be a reach for Ted Kennedy to get in a drunken accident, leave a young girl to die, go to his hotel to sober up and claim shock and confusion in the morning. It's actually one of the most likely scenario's IMO.

At best he is a callous, irresponsible asshole, at worst he is(was)a murderer.

GaGambler1304 reads

is what makes him so vile in many people's opinion. His wealth and stature insulated him from justice, as a liberal that should sicken you more than anyone.

I strikes me as hypocritical that anyone that hates those who use their stature to avoid consequences when they are Republican can sit here and defend Ted Kennedy a man who avoided all consequences of his actions due to his status as a member of one of Americas "Royal Families"

without a doubt....No question...It's not even up for discussion...

caught, or charged or convicted?

Everyone gets it that you're trying to be cute with the legal definition. Get real.

I believe there is no honor without accountability, and that an injustice was done to the lady's family, simply because Mr Kennedy was a Kennedy.

I__agree1145 reads


Ted Fled and left Mary Jo for Dead.

I'm not a frequenter of this highly charged board.  May Ted Rest In Peace with his siblings.  I am certainly not a proponent of his politics.  'nuff said!

Never been a fan/ supporter of Ted Kennedy. I think he should have manned up though.

Ted has a son who is a U.S. Representative from Rhode Island.  I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't repack his carpet bag and go back to Mass. to run for daddy's senate seat.  He is a pitiful inebriant just like the rest of the trash that came before him.  He has already been involved in one drunk driving accident in DC but he fled the scene just like his father, and it was somehow smoothed over.  He is just as arrogant as the rest of the brood so hopefully the next time he violates the law he will be brought to justice like his cousin who murdered Martha Moxley.  The Kennedy's breed like rats so it might be sometime before they disappear.  

How come the children of the other notorious gangsters of the prohibition era aren't held in high esteem like Joe Kennedy's boys? At least the descendants of Capone et al didn't fuck the country like the Kennedy's did  It is beyond me how anyone with a grain of intelligence can't see through the facade that surrounds the most nefarious family in America.  

Oh! And all the wonderful things Teddy boy did for the country; he did them with the tax payers money, don't forget that.

_Puck_659 reads

"He is a pitiful inebriant just like the rest of the trash that came before him.  He has already been involved in one drunk driving accident in DC but he fled the scene just like his father, and it was somehow smoothed over."

I'm assuming you refer to this:

On May 4, 2006, Kennedy crashed his 1997 Ford Mustang convertible into a barricade on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., at 2:45 a.m. An FOP[clarification needed] official said the congressman had appeared intoxicated when he crashed his car, but Kennedy claimed that he was merely disoriented from prescription medications Ambien and Phenergan.[dead link][9]  Anonymous sources are alleged to have seen Kennedy drinking at the nearby Hawk & Dove bar prior to the accident.[10][11] Kennedy also stated to officers that he was "late for a vote." However, the last vote of the night had occurred almost six hours earlier. The standard field sobriety test was not administered, and Kennedy was driven home by an officer.

On May 5, 2006, Kennedy admitted that he had an addiction to prescription medication and announced he would be re-admitting himself to a drug rehabilitation facility at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota where he has sought treatment for prior addictions.[12] He has stated that he has no recollection of the car crash.   On May 8, 2006, Kennedy got a show of support when he was endorsed by the Rhode Island Democratic Party.[13] On June 5, 2006 Kennedy was released from drug rehab.[14]
Kennedy's written narrative of the motor vehicle accident in April, 2006

After being asked if he expected any special treatment from authorities, Kennedy expressed that he hoped they would treat him as if he "were an African-American in Anacostia".[15] On June 13, 2006, Kennedy made a deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under the influence of prescription drugs.[16] He was sentenced to one year probation and a fine of $350.   Two of the three charges (reckless driving and failure to exhibit a driving permit) were dismissed. He was also ordered to attend a rehabilitation program that includes weekly urine tests, twice-weekly meetings with a probation officer, near-daily Alcoholics Anonymous meetings and a weekly meeting of recovering addicts [17].

On Friday, June 12, 2009, Kennedy once again announced that he has "checked into a medical facility for treatment". In a statement to the press, Kennedy said that his recovery is a "lifelong process" and that he will do whatever it takes to preserve his health. "I have decided to temporarily step away from my normal routine to ensure that I am being as vigilant as possible in my recovery," Kennedy said. He did not disclose where he was being treated.

Kennedy, who has wrestled with alcoholism, bipolar disorder, an addiction to prescription drugs and bouts of binge drinking, has often spoken publicly about his recovery and the importance of removing any stigma associated with mental illnesses. He has been a leading voice in Congress on mental health issues.

"I hope that in some small way my decision to be proactive and public in my efforts to remain healthy can help remove the stigma that has served as a barrier for many Americans reluctant to get the help they needed," he said.[18]

Please try to know SOMETHING about your subject before spewing.

Thanks you.

GaGambler920 reads

I see nothing in your post that would make me feel the slightest bit sympathectic to this latese drunken Kennedy.

and don't forget, I am a drunk myself, but unlike these sniveling weasels I am still responsible for my own actions, drunk or sober.

disorder as serious as these legislating our country!  yeesh.  whatever happened to good solid citizens who only wished to serve their country?  

you think that I am Bizzare?  holy crap!

home instead arresting him?  Do you think an African-American from Anacostia would have gotten off with a $350.00 fine and one year probation and all the other charges dropped?  If I remember correctly Patrick Kennedy was extremely abusive when he was confronted by the Capitol Police.  I wonder how the police would have handled an abusive African-American from Anacostia.  I have a feeling they would have used "force" to take him into custody and additional charges like battery on a police officer would have been added and nothing would have been dropped. I would imagine he would be booked into the jail hospital due to the injuries he sustained during the altercation with the police. Instead of one year probation he would most likely have done a year in jail.

The fact that he even made such a condescending statement makes me wonder why anyone would believe anything he said.  If I were a black man I would be enraged by what he said.  

Thanks Puck for doing the research.  Would you mind doing some more research to see if any African-Americans or anyone else was offended by his ridiculous statement?

the next time a noted figure passes away...It's sad that conservatives cannot act human even for one day...

I bet not one Democrat here poked fun at Ronald Reagan's passing in June 2004....Sure, Democrats didn't like his politics, but there is a time to show some class & respect...

GaGambler872 reads

Here is just one thread from June of 2004. There are more if you need more convincing.

I couldn't stand Ted Kennedy when he was alive and his passing has done nothing to change my opinion of the man.

Class and respect from the virulent left, give me a break.

I was always told that if I didn't have anything good to say about someone then I should remain silent.  Here is my comment:-

"          "

GaGambler666 reads

The way I read it is that he has nothing good to say about Ted Kennedy, that would put me in full agreement with him. I suspect you would agree with that sentiment as well.

I feel a tear fill my eyes saying goodbye to
yet another legend another brilliant man in

His speech about health care, and filling
his seat should he pass away while in office
has me feeling he did so before he turned
over ot hospice if at all .

I salute you Mr Kennedy.And may you rest in peace.

( teary me )


chicken soup out of chicken shit.  So let's stop trying to make Teddy Boy something in death that he wasn't in life. Let's just bid that asshole farewell, give each other a nice big hug and move onto the next character assassination.

all around horrible human being..Simply a despicable person....

There, when on the P&R board, act like its conservative posters...

Civility has never, nor will ever work here....Conservatives are just too God damn angry...

I am getting tired of these right wing, evangelical, ultra conservative, hate mongering, bigoted racists too. But what can we do to bring this board together and make it one big happy family like President Obama did with the country?  I am with you Moose. Let's roll up our sleeves and get to work on the problem.  Hmmm did I say bigoted racists?  I am wondering if that was redundant. Oh well, lets get move on. org.

GaGambler1386 reads

What in the fuck does Jesse Helms have to do with Ted Kennedy? and just how does calling Conservatives "too God damn angry" accomplish anything?

It sure appears that it is the libs that are "too God damn angry" by the looks of this, and other threads on this board, and it looks like you are one of the angriest of the angry. You and Kerrakles just seem to be pissed off constantly. Why don't you try talking about sports for a while? Maybe it will lower your blood pressure? lol

just went to primary care physician couple weeks ago, BP was 120/80, very good especially with the abuse I take here, lol...

But you're right, time to start talking more sports (especially with the NFL regular season upon us) & put politics aside....Or stick with the NYT political blog, where it is PG rated....You should post there.....There are PLENTY of posts that are approved EVERYDAY that are anti-Obama, anti-Clinton, & anti-NYT....If someone's comments are on topic & civil, the post is approved....

I don't live in Mass so I don't follow every little thing.I do read yes but instead of flaming someone
why don't you just post what it is that you hate
about him and be done with it?

scrote2008570 reads

"But Teddy, what if I'm pregnant?"  "Don't worry, Mary Jo, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it!"

-- Modified on 8/26/2009 8:09:07 PM

I don't hate Sen. Kennedy.  I just have very different views on issues than he did.

And I do not think it is right for anyone to be bashing him in this manner on the day that he died.  Out of respect for his family and close friends, these types of attacks should not take place.  At least not for the next few days.

My only comment on Sen. Kennedy is this.  Had it not been for his family connections and money, he would never have skated through the Chappaquiddick incident and he most likely would have spent some time behind bars. He never would have been a national public figure and never would have served in the senate.

Much of this is true with many of our top national leaders and former presidents.  Although most of them were not involved in something as serious as what happened on that bridge and pond back in 1969.

But guys, let's how some respect for a man at the time of his passing.

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