Politics and Religion

Priapus is…the most interesting poster in the world
marikod 1 Reviews 1478 reads

He once lost his foot for nearly a week, until he discovered it was in his mouth.

      Bereft of all knowledge of psychiatry, he nonetheless has diagnosed most of the posters with whom he disagrees as suffering from mental illness.

     Renowned in his own mind for “detective skills”, he once found a message in a sandwich. He then ate the sandwich.

      Though Will Rogers is hardly his mentor, he once said “I never met a buffet I didn’t like.”

      He would dispose of Quad’s IQ challenge, except that he “doesn’t have the time.”

         He always has a kind word for fellow posters, except for the idiots, the morons, the imbeciles, and Mr. NoTrouble.

   A self-proclaimed heterosexual, he has more posts about the TS community than anyone on the Board.

Priapus is…the most interesting poster in the world


       “I don’t always make an ass of myself when I post," he said, “ but when I do I usually am posting on the P & R Board.”

       “Stay hungry, my friends,” he advised, as he rushed off to the buffet for the morning serving.

Yep, TER's Likudist hard core is mightly quiet about this issue.  Can't blame 'em, really.  but soon  enough their find theri voices and display their confused and idvided loyalties.  while blamin g the messenger, natch.

No doubt they're gnashing their teeth over the insane Saudi prohibition against letting their womenfolk drive.  Yeah, the peace of the world certainly depends upon the right of Saudi women to to0l around downtown Ridyah behind the wheelsof a Bentleys rolls royces and other conspicous consumption autos.

Well, last year, when our MoSSad assassin budides wer caught using forged and purloined passports of UKers, Germans, Poles and some others to gad about the Persian Gulf and to conduct assassinations, the mininos of The Light Unto The nations were idgidnant and aghast.  "Not us" they denmurred. After all, why would the country with both the world's most effective intelligence agency and  the most moral army ever stoop to such lows?  Beats me.

Now it comes to paas that our MoSSad buddies have been accused of impersonating CIa operatives [in what is called a "false flag' operation] to hire an anti-Iranian  terrorist group known as The Jundallah [though it's wise  to be wary of the tag of "terrorist' applied to any of these groups, as the word isalmost without meanins these days, except polemically] to wage a campaign of sabotge and murder against Iranians beleived by Israel to be associated with Iran's probably  non-existent nuclear weapons development program.

No shit.

An interesting story, and a damning one, if true.  We will note the absence od coverage of this interesting but inconvenient [inconvenient to the Likudists, that is] story in the good old MSM.

If true, i doutb anyone can claim that Israel's actions are the acts of a friend and ally.   But then again, i know who and what i'm dealing with here.

If true, I doubt that anyone, except TER's Likudist hard core, can claim that this is an action without costs to and without negative consequences for the good old USA.  Not the the welfare of the USa is ever their priority.

No doubt that Busgy Piapus and CYNIC [with whatever handle that scumbag is using these days] and their partnes in crime will do exactly that - after the predictable personal insults aimed my way. does not comprehend Phil, if he's not busy railroading Compton's finest into really long stretched at Pelican Bay, will no doubt continue to wail over the aforementioned prohibition against Saudi women driving.

Since i know you're not going to click on the link, lefy me copy and past some excerpts from Mark Perry's Foreign Policy essay.  i'm sadened by the high US gov't officials who criticize our Zionist buddies, but never on the record.   Where is the Daniel Ellsberg tor our time to once and for all expose Bibi and the rest of that criminal cabal for the clear and present danger  to America's security that they represent in reality?  no doubt a tad wary about getting out front and being accussed of Guess What.

Meanwhile, israel's war against the Pallys and the arabs and  the moslems continues to be amercia's war against those same parties.  Thought i doubt any American would give you a handful of tepid baboon cum for either a jewish state, illegal west bank settlements, or a Pally homeland.  Sigh.  

The quotes are so understated they read almost like a satirical news item from The Onion:

The officials did not know whether the Israeli program to recruit and use Jundallah is ongoing. Nevertheless, they were stunned by the brazenness of the Mossad's efforts.
[xiao - like the brazenness of JJ Pollard wa snot enough of a stun?]

"It's amazing what the Israelis thought they could get away with," the intelligence officer said. "Their recruitment activities were nearly in the open. They apparently didn't give a damn what we thought."  [Xiao - news flash - they never did and never will.  and someone will say pretty much  the same thing the next time around the zionist assault and batter t he US national interest].….

The report then made its way to the White House, according to the currently serving U.S. intelligence officer. The officer said that Bush "went absolutely ballistic" when briefed on its contents....
[Xiao - sure he did - but apparently that's all he did.  did anyone explain to dubya what "going ballistic" entails?  apparently not].

Israel's relationship with Jundallah continued to roil the Bush administration until the day it left office, this same intelligence officer noted. Israel's activities jeopardized the administration's fragile relationship with Pakistan, which was coming under intense pressure from Iran to crack down on Jundallah. It also undermined U.S. claims that it would never fight terror with terror, and invited attacks in kind on U.S. personnel.

"It's easy to understand why Bush was so angry," a former intelligence officer said. "After all, it's hard to engage with a foreign government if they're convinced you're killing their people. Once you start doing that, they feel they can do the same."

A senior administration official vowed to "take the gloves off" with Israel, according to a U.S. intelligence officer. But the United States did nothing -- a result that the officer attributed to "political and bureaucratic inertia."

"In the end," the officer noted, "it was just easier to do nothing than to, you know, rock the boat." Even so, at least for a short time, this same officer noted, the Mossad operation sparked a divisive debate among Bush's national security team, pitting those who wondered "just whose side these guys [in Israel] are on" against those who argued that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."  …..

[Xiao - those four paragraphs are not from The Onion, but they may as well be.  Confronted with clear evidence of serious charges of Zionist malfesance against the US body politic, outraged and responsible US decision makers do....pretty much nothing.  No, wait; they veto stuff at the UN on behalf of Israel, sent more arms and $$$$ to israel, and gave bibi 29 standing ovation in the US congress.  Yeah, that will really show the likudists who is the boss around  these here parts].

"We don't do bang and boom," a recently retired intelligence officer said. "And we don't do political assassinations."  ….[xiao - that's not quite true, as marikod will attest. Still, we didn't used to do them with such avidity and monotonous regularity until we allowed ourselves to become entwined in the poisioned embrace of the zionist entity and it's myriad permanent problems.  and i'm waiting for the inevitable other shoe to drop.  That the US has in fact in the past used Jundallah for exactly these here same assassination attempts].

The Israeli operation left a number of recently retired CIA officers sputtering in frustration. "It's going to be pretty hard for the U.S. to distance itself from an Israeli attack on Iran with this kind of thing going on," one of them told me.  ….
[Xiao -and THAt might be the while point of the exercise?]

What has become crystal clear, however, is the level of anger among senior intelligence officials about Israel's actions. "This was stupid and dangerous," the intelligence official who first told me about the operation said. "Israel is supposed to be working with us, not against us. If they want to shed blood, it would help a lot if it was their blood and not ours. You know, they're supposed to be a strategic asset. Well, guess what? There are a lot of people now, important people, who just don't think that's true."
[Xiao- BUT NOT angry enough to resign in protest en masse and go public? Apparently not.  Which is why bibi and his ilk are laughingt themselves sick over  all this anonymous indignation.  Yep, just another day at the office for the Likud].

-- Modified on 1/16/2012 8:45:22 PM

Priapus531652 reads

They discuss politics much there ?

Speaking of "gnashing teeth", looks like you & Rick Perry  both have a "mouthful" as pictured below--------

Lastly , any of the providers you see look like Tim Tebow in drag ?!---------;)

hey, did you stand at attention and salute the israeli flag when the image came up?  Or were you hands full at the buffet?

as is your wont, you are unable to compose even a single  relevant thought.

what are you going to do when you run out of images, bugsy?

Priapus531565 reads

pay CLOSE  attention to following :

"mas·och·ism (ms-kzm)
1. The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused.
2. The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from being humiliated or mistreated, either by another or by oneself.
3. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences."

Also, you never answered my Q : ever read Hubert Selby's "Last Exit to Brooklyn"?

Lastly, he'll be accusing ME of being a "Mossad operative/CIA impersonator"--------;)

-- Modified on 1/16/2012 6:56:50 PM

and probably to cowardly to thrown down re any pally, even the crippled kid, pregnant moms-to-be and bent-with-age pallys.

got a copy, never read it

XiaomingsTrannyGF1661 reads

I love it when you kick ass!  Almost as much as when I pound yours!  I get so turned on when you let me give you a dirty Sanchez!

He once lost his foot for nearly a week, until he discovered it was in his mouth.

      Bereft of all knowledge of psychiatry, he nonetheless has diagnosed most of the posters with whom he disagrees as suffering from mental illness.

     Renowned in his own mind for “detective skills”, he once found a message in a sandwich. He then ate the sandwich.

      Though Will Rogers is hardly his mentor, he once said “I never met a buffet I didn’t like.”

      He would dispose of Quad’s IQ challenge, except that he “doesn’t have the time.”

         He always has a kind word for fellow posters, except for the idiots, the morons, the imbeciles, and Mr. NoTrouble.

   A self-proclaimed heterosexual, he has more posts about the TS community than anyone on the Board.

Priapus is…the most interesting poster in the world


       “I don’t always make an ass of myself when I post," he said, “ but when I do I usually am posting on the P & R Board.”

       “Stay hungry, my friends,” he advised, as he rushed off to the buffet for the morning serving.

Priapus531037 reads

Remember, Xiao has over THREE THOUSAND POSTS knocking Israel. This goes FAR beyond "anti-Zionism" & into blatant single-minded & pathological anti-semitsm.

Then there are your posts as an apologist for the Iranian governement & your condemnation of Predator drone strikes against "terrorist enemy combatants", sworn to kill U.S. military personnel who would like nothing better than mass casualties ( ala 9/11 ) in the U.S.

Now, PERHAPS my objectivity may be partially "clouded" by the fact that I was born a Jew.

So, Mari, why is your objectivity "clouded" ? Are you Muslim ?

You're under no obligation to answer this, but, if you do, rest assured no mocking retorts from me.

-- Modified on 1/17/2012 9:53:40 AM

XiaomingsTrannyGF1546 reads

Expeshully now that yore posts are the length of "War and Peace."  I love it even more when you read them to me out loud while I suck your dickie-poo, then pound my tranny ass!

I was more focused on the fact that Moslems are still planting bombs and blowing up Moslem pilgrims.

Of course, 50 or so dead pilgrims don't mean much.

Maybe next week they will kill another 20.  

Amazing how many Moslems can be killed by Moslems. And at holy sites during religious pilgrimages.

So long from this Likudist.  (What is that anyway.)

I have little doubt that Israel is behind the assassination of Iran nuclear scientists. But, as inhumane as it may seem, the world is far better off by using targeted killing of this nature than another Bush type preemptive strike against Iran whether by the US or Israel.

      Frankly, I have always thought that the best way to deal with WMD to  target the Werner von Brauns of the world rather than the dictators who want to employ the WMD.  

    Interesting article though. If Israel will spy on the US a law Jonathan Pollard, it is no surprise that tehy would impersonate CIA officers when in their interest to do so.

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