Politics and Religion

There once was a lady from Cancunregular_smile
marikod 1 Reviews 1481 reads

Who invited young Priapus to her room.
Where they bargained all night
And had quite a fight
Over who could do  what, for how much, and to whom.

Since weare  testing the envelope on humor, just saying....

Priapus536974 reads

Teabaggers finally showing some sense.

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 8:33:55 AM

St. Croix1364 reads

I mean she is Jewish. Who the fuck is this chick? I had to google her. She is from Moldavia. Great, now we are importing quacks.

GaGambler1808 reads

One thing I have noticed of late. Priapus has presented several cases of conservatives distancing themselves from their lunatic fringe, Where are the stories about liberals distancing themselves from their lunatics?

If anything Pri's posts tend to show that mainstream conservatives tend to exercise more good sense than do liberals. Liberals seem to embrace anyone critical of conservatives, no matter how big a whack job they are. Thank you Pri, I am sure those were not your intentions, but thank you anyhow. lmao

Priapus531079 reads

so she's a shyster, not a quack. As for liberals adomishing the "fringe", haven't I spoken out against Xiao & WW from time to time ? Hardly a courageous position in here------------LMAO !

GaGambler1121 reads

What I am talking about are the several links that you have provided showing mainstream conservatives distancing themselves from the lunatics on their side of the aisle.

Your intent was to show how many right wing whack jobs there are, but your unintended message was that mainstream conservatives are more likely to shun their lunatic allies than are their liberal counterparts are to do the same

_Puck_1654 reads

Orly Taitz is mainstream in that crowd. Unless you mean that the Republican Party is the lunatic fringe - in which case we are in agreement.

I'm sure it wasn't your intention topoint that out - but thank you anyway. lmao ;)

According to the Harris poll, conducted of 2,320 adults between March 1 and March 8, a majority of Republicans believe Obama is a socialist (67 percent), wants to take away Americans' right to own guns (61 percent), is Muslim (57 percent), wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government (51 percent), and that he has done many things that are unconstitutional (51 percent). Large minorities also believe Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore ineligible for the presidency (45 percent), is a racist (42 percent), and is doing many things Adolf Hitler did (38 percent).

GaGambler2229 reads

I do believe that Obama has socialist leanings

I believe if it were politically possible he would take away our right to bear arms.

I don't believe he is Muslim, but Christians are almost as scary.

One world Government? only by a matter of degree, He is certainly an apologist,and opening the door for the UN to increase it's influence over us is not a good thing.

I believe that he many of his actions and proposals are uncontitutional

I doubt 45% really doubt he is ineligible for the presidency

I think he, and especially his wife are indeed racists.

the Hitler question is specious and not worth commenting on. We all do things that Hitler did, we eat, we breathe, etc etc.

Depending on the way the questions were phrased, none of this surprises me one bit.

Next I suppose that you will deny that the left even has a lunatic fringe.

Priapus531504 reads

Cmon, GaG-------you're better than that. You sound as paranoid as "the birthers", TJ & Meinarsche. What you need are several drinks to "lighten the fuck up"----hell---maybe you, I & MP67 should get together------I'll start out with 100 proof Stoli on the rocks--------;)

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 12:48:44 PM

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 12:54:40 PM

GaGambler2251 reads

Only the pragmatic politician in him prevents him from becoming an outspoken antigunner. I firmly believe that if it would not hurt him politically he would in fact support banning the private ownership of firearms.

Nothing paranoid about stating the facts and the facts show that Obama is no friend of the Second Ammendment.

St. Croix1292 reads

Every time I have lunch or dinner with my two older beyond liberal sisters, who are just angry about everything, they order Ketel One martinis at $14 bucks a pop. Then they look at their younger brother to pay, because he has money. Next time, all they get is Smirnoff. That should piss them off.

DoctorZGonzo1158 reads

It is exactly this type of bullshit statement that boils my blood, and gets a reactionary response from me.

At the moment, FUCK YOU! feels appropriate.

How exactly does her being Jewish have anything whatsoever to do with the subject at hand?

St. Croix742 reads

You have absolutely no sense of humor. Pri called her a queen, and I called her a princess. Guess what? Using a little of your slang, I'm a goy married to a princess, and she has a better sense of humor than you do, especially when I do the sign of the cross in front of her. For the past year you have been one angry jerk. Anybody says anything about Jews, other than Xio, and you got off the deep end. Take a chill pill, and to use your words, FUCK YOU does feel appropriate.

GaGambler1111 reads

The whole jewish thing came from the comment about her being a birther "queen", what could be more appropriate than calling her a princess?

Unless you sincerely believe that StCroix is an antisemite, in that case I would suggest stronger medication.

St. Croix1095 reads

is in for a very big surprise. She even laughs when I pull out some of my old old Catholic school tricks. Maybe she is not Jewish, because she still gives me blow jobs (lmao)

DoctorZGonzo1037 reads

... I've know i've been a bit over-reactionary lately... stress and pressures of real world issues including a very real hate crime committed against a family member not long ago. Add this to my recent imbroglio on the M&G board which led to me being trashed and shredded on the PO board, in PM's and on Twitter, of all places.

It does not however excuse my behavior here. I'll own 100% of my knee-jerk reaction, and I do apologize.

Fuck me for letting the shit get to me.

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 5:19:38 PM

The Library of Congress just announced plans to permanently archive ALL public Tweets made since 2006.

Hang in there Doc. I'm root'n for ya.

...avoid talking about things that are very personal. I'm sure your wife can swallow your cock like a dreidel, but I really don't want to know.

St. Croix2734 reads

Jewish women and sucking cock is an oxymoron. Now I have to explain my posts/humor.

GaGambler1587 reads

but Willy is just a moron.lmao

I know that was really a cheap shot, but I couldn't help myself. Willy is such an easy target. His lack of real life experience combined with his inane ideas remind me of dealing with a teenager.

Willyholics Anonymous fall off the wagon, we could do that …or you start a private equity fund with all the money you’ll have to contribute. LOL.

         Geez- you didn’t last a single day.

         I, on the other hand have been Willy free for 24 hours due to my great self control (as well as being distracted by the annoying Priapus with his misguided rankings of classic movies).
       And I feel great.

      But you need professional help. I think you should head over to the Erotic Highway and discuss your problem with the Love Goddess.

Priapus531061 reads

with the response to one of my posts, THINK I have an idea. Your "2 faced mangina" approach is getting tiresome----how about auditioning for the castrati singers ?-------;)

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 2:56:34 PM

I have the energy to give you the coaching you so sorely need on how to get thru those 2 hour sessions without all that expensive talking.

    Okay, my Vegas sources tell me the first thing we need to work on is your fitness, so I want you to run to the refrigerator and back five times and report how you feel....

Priapus531532 reads

Btw, you're not gonna win any ADL awards------
Being that as it may, since my TER PM has been disabled, why dont "man up" & e-mail me at [email protected]? We can name sources----that is, if you haven't already auditioned for the "castrati" singers------.

Btw, mary, do you know the sort of people
who "founded" Las Vegas since 1946 ?---------;)

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 5:49:04 PM

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 5:51:52 PM

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 5:53:39 PM

GaGambler977 reads

Yes I probably do need professional help, but I am doing a lot more talking about him than talking to him. That has got to count for something. lol

St. Croix2092 reads

How about we start a small virtual investment club? Heck marikod, I might even let you suggest BAC as one of our holdings.

We will need a few rules like never ever let your political views sway your decision to make money. That might mean buying Altria, Halliburton, Wellpoint, or even a defense firm that makes components for the predator drone (sorry, just fucking with you on the last one).

I think making money might temper the tone of some of our liberal posters. I know I always feel better when I make money.

That is just $2.60 from my escape point of $22 and if they knock the cover off the ball when they report earnings this week we might move into the the 20s.

     I believe the predator drone -or at least some models - are made by General Atomics which is a private company.

     But for those of you utterly devoid of any moral conscience, you can buy shares in ATK, which owns Accudyne, the preeminet Amercian manufacturer of land mines.

St. Croix1300 reads

I suspect you have been doing a few Michael Jackson "moonwalks" during this latest market melt-up. I know I have. Don't be so quick to pull the trigger @ $22. I know the feeling just getting back to even, but the financials, as well as the whole market still has life to it. Of course, as I give you this sage advice, my trigger finger is a little jumpy as well. When the retail investor comes back in force, that is one of the key "tells" to start selling.

Priapus531941 reads

she calls herself an Oriyenta.

For those who don't get this joke, Google "yenta".

DocG & GaG, don't start behaving like PC wusses-------------;)-----------LMAO !

GaGambler1099 reads

all she could do was "suck laundry"

PC wussy my ass!!!LMAO

Priapus531330 reads

Every Dec 7th he'd bomb Pearl Bailey-------LOL !

GaGambler1216 reads

all of a sudden the Jewish guy started beating on the Chinese guy for no apparent reason.

Once the bartender seperated the two, the Chinese guy asked what that was all about.

The jewish guy responded, "That was for Pearl Harbor"

Flabbergasted, the Chinese guy replied "I am Chinese not Japanese, we had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor", to which the Jewish guy responded "Chinese, Japanese, It's all the same to me?"

After thinking for a moment the Chinese guy coldcocked the Jewish guy and exclaimed "That's for sinking the Titanic". The Jewish guy just looked at him dumbfounded and asked "what the fuck do I have to do with the Titanic? an iceberg sunk the Titantic" To which the Chinese guy retorted "Iceberg, Greenberg, It's all the same to me" rofl

Ok, let's quit while we still can. lmao

St. Croix1948 reads

If this doesn't make Doc laugh, then nothing will. Now we can quit

The Jewish Samurai
Way back in the time of the samurai, there was a powerful emperor. This emperor needed a new head samurai. So, he sent out a message to everybody he knew for them to send a message to who they knew, and so forth.

A year passes, and only three people show up: a Japanese samurai, a Chinese samurai, and a Jewish samurai. The emperor asks the Japanese samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be head samurai. The Japanese samurai opens up a matchbox, and out pops a little fly. WHOOOOOSH. The fly drops dead on the ground in 2 pieces! The emperor says, "That is very impressive!"

Then the emperor asks the Chinese samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be head samurai. The Chinese samurai opens up a matchbox and out pops a little fly. WHOOOOOOSH. WOOOOOOOSH. The fly drops dead on the ground in 4 pieces! The emperor says, "That is really impressive!"

Then the emperor asks the Jewish samurai to come in and demonstrate why he should be head samurai. The Jewish samurai thinks, "If it works for the other two..." So the Jewish samurai walks in, opens a matchbox, and out pops a little fly. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHH. A gust of wind fills the room, but the fly is still buzzing around. The emperor says in disappointment, "Why is the fly not dead?"

And the Jewish samurai replies, "If you look closely, you'll see that the fly has been circumcised."

Priapus531134 reads

VERY important in my book. Part of the reason this board is more entertaining than the vacuous GD board ( one recent GD topic: my fave foods a provider can cook for me---gimme a fucking break !) is that I LOVE to argue politics----always have. Also, as stated before, Don Rickles was an idol of mine in my youth, so love to "roughhouse".

There's a scene in the Clint Eastwood movie " Gran Torino" where Clint takes Viet-Namese kid he's befriended to his barbershop, where Clint gets into friendly "ethnic roughousing" with his barber to "orient" ( pardon the pun ),the kid to
" American ways".

Wonderful scene. Too many people are PC these days. It would behoove the more sensitive among us ( including some on this board ),to watch that movie.

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 4:24:25 PM

GaGambler3301 reads

What is also ironic. Everyone expected me to identify with the oriental (asian for you pc assholes) kid, but I found my self with much more in common with Eastwood's character. lol

One of the few movies I've seen where I bought a copy of it afterward. Hope you don't lose too much sleep due to the aggravation. lol

Who invited young Priapus to her room.
Where they bargained all night
And had quite a fight
Over who could do  what, for how much, and to whom.

Since weare  testing the envelope on humor, just saying....

DoctorZGonzo1726 reads

They are walking in the French Quarter, and come upon this infamous house of ill repute. a bronze plaque at the door says simply :

$10 an inch.

so of course, because this is a joke and these are all very progressive holy men, they decide to give it a whirl...

The Imam goes first... comes out 30 minutes later, smiles broadly and says... I paid $50 dollars!

The Priest goes next, comes out an hour later, smiles like a Cheshire cat and says "I paid $75 dollars!

Finally the Rabbi goes in... comes out 3 hours later with a small little smirk on his face, and says quietly, "Oy, I paid $15" , and of course the Imam and Priest start laughing at him.
"ONLY $15!", they say! Chiding and deriding him.

The Rabbi slyly responds "Ahhh, but you paid going in... I paid coming out!"

-- Modified on 4/14/2010 5:46:19 PM

GaGambler1294 reads

I thought we had lost you there for a moment. lol

DoctorZGonzo1348 reads

...but im still managing to keep my nose about the waterline.

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