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Is my handle to feminine or just about right?
Beautiful_Planet 3216 reads

I am a guy which makes me a client I guess and don't want anyone confusing me for an escort until I post some reviews in a couple months.

I also didn't want a handle which was to aggressive or macho sounding that would scare ladies away.

Thanks for any input!

Metrosexual.  It could be construed either way.  As far as the ladies "being scared away" they only see it here, not when you go as they say "visit" - unless you tell them. You'll find most if not all the ladies here are fairly thick skinned so I wouldn't worry either way.  You'll find it's more of what you say that will get the negative or positive reaction.
Good luck and have fun.

When I read your handle it makes me think that you are a tree hugging, birkenstock wearing, far left, pot smokin hippie. Just kidding. It just makes me think you are a individual concerned for the health of our planet.

Yes,I'm fairly thick skined but some handles do scare me away. The only one I can think off the top of my head is 'I hate escorts'.  Yeah, I wanna get up close and personal with that dude. Not!  


-- Modified on 5/4/2008 6:33:16 AM

" tree hugging, pot smoking hippie"

you say that like there's something wrong with it

Your handle is perfect and let's others know who or what you stand for. You are a welcome addition to our friendly group  and look forward to getting to know you.  Kisses Haley

But what's most important is that you feel comfortable and right with your handle.

In my case, my handle was given to me by Ciara of Buffalo (although non-intentionally), but I liked it so much I decided to go for it.

Since you have some qualms about your handle I suggest that you be open to new ones, and when the right one strikes your fancy, go for it.

Can we change our handles ? I chose mine to hastily. I would like mine to be  MatureKissableOrlandoLady  now that would stand out in a crowd but maybe to many letters ;-)
  Kisses Haley

I think it's a nice change of pace.  If you are concerned, just attach a signature to each post "earth friendly hobbyist" or something.

Bordello691337 reads

Until I opened your post I thought you were a provider. Either way, if it works for you that is what counts.

Good Luck,


Smelly Smegma2952 reads

That name is so PC it's revolting! It also sounds like a chick! If you're a TS keep the name, otherwise CAN it quickly!

-- Modified on 5/4/2008 12:02:05 PM

But I thought the words were too strong.

When I firt saw your handle, I thought you were a woman. I think the word "beautiful" comes across as more feminine.

a provider also. Guess it's a guy thing. Like others have said though, if you're happy with it that's all that counts.
If I could change mine, it would be "rim-o-matic", or maybe "dick face"....LOL Might have to use these as aliases.

and John Nash suffered from schizophrenia, so I don't get good vibes from your handle

But if it works for you, go with the flow.

Somewhat epicene1437 reads

But that is not necessarily bad.

 With all the "green" speak now-a-days it drops you squarely in the realm of “Politically Correct”

Your indecisiveness ("makes me a client I guess"), and the overall wimpy vein running through your post lends itself to me stating, that "Beautiful_Planet" isn't feminine enough for you!  Try something like "Pink_Petunia_Petals".

Of course you could always go with, Too_Stupid_to-know_that_the_word_I_MEANT_to_use_is_actually_"TOO"_instead_of_"to"   Granted, it's a little long, but since you missused the word TWICE it suits.

Dude, I'm just messing with you ;-)

Take it all in stride, and life will look alright from the "BIG picture" right down to micro details.  BTW, my handle (nor my "prickish" nature) hasn't scared away any ladies.

-- Modified on 5/5/2008 10:41:55 AM

Galaxy_Sized_Dick1648 reads

You could use Planet sized Dick. LOL

Plus your posting on the MN board was very negative.
If you are new you might want to think about your tone and how providers will judge you. Not a good way to start.
As far as being too aggressive- your post there certainly was that.  

-- Modified on 5/5/2008 8:03:56 PM

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