Politics and Religion

Aside from name calling, what criticism do you have of him?
User1994 23 Reviews 557 reads

He presides over one of the strongest economies in the country. Businesses and individuals are flocking to Texas. Of course I would like the country to move in that direction but I guess Detroit is more your speed.

The overwhelming preponderance of culpable hypocrisy and malfeasance found amongst politicians in general would make Pollyanna herself cynical.

JackDunphy453 reads

The two are not mutually exclusive, but I do hear you with regards to politicians.

these Scums one at a time from their Governor's mansion

Forget the party line but there's Rod Blagojevich,Bob McDonnell, Chris Christie, and now Rick Perry. Who wants this kind of attention.  
But I gotta love McDonnell new defense, have your wife fall on a grenade for you, the real meaning of TOFTT....lo

GaGambler467 reads

and I consider him a blight on the state, not to mention an embarrassment to Texas, BUT after actually reading the charges, this is really ticky tack. I am sure Rick Perry has done much, much worse things than what is accused of in this indictment.

...fake lawyer marikod knows that old saw.  But in this case it's a real coincidence because Rick Perry has the same IQ as a ham sandwich.  

-- Modified on 8/15/2014 8:30:45 PM

No mention in the article that it was this DA in Travis County that led the persecution... er prosecution of Tom Delay in 2005. That conviction was eventually vacated by the Supreme Court.

No matter how this turns out, Gov. Perry is in trouble. Even if he wins this thing he should expect a civil rights investigation from AG Holder since DA Lehmberg  is a lesbian.

It was Lehmberg, from liberal Austin, that went after Tom Delay in 2005, then convicted in Austin. That was all later overturned by the Supreme Court. Lehmburg later gets a DUI and serves a jail sentence but refuses to resign. Perry as Governor is now seen as returning the favor to Austin with Lehmbrug in the cross-hairs. I speculated that Perry will prevail on this indictment since it's just a continuation of political war in Texas (Perry was indicted in Austin).

My comment about her orientation was a bit tongue in cheek. If Perry wins out on this then our esteemed Attorney General Eric Holder, might view Perry's actions as a hate crime against a "protected minority" culminating in a second bite at the apple from the federal level.

GaGambler427 reads

I am not only "no fan" of Perry, I completely detest the man, but this is not going to be his Waterloo. I sincerely hope "he gets his" someday, but this is not going to the event that does it. This is more of a "just another day in Texas politics" and Texas hardly has a monopoly on this kind of thing.

As much as I wish this, or anything else would be the end of Perry, it's going to take a lot more than this to remove this particular blight from our state.

No way it will stand, except maybe in an Austin leftist court (just like Tom Delay's conviction).

But really? Criminal indictment of a Governor because he exercised his constitutional power of the veto? It matters not his motivation.

Maybe a far right DA somewhere in West Podunk Wyoming, Utah, Idaho or Oklahoma will get a Grand Jury to indict Obama, LOL.

GaGambler395 reads

and Perry really doesn't need to bolster his popularity on the far right, but fortunately is only the very far, bible thumping right, that seems to be able to stand him.

I am not too worried about him making any kind of serious run at POTUS. The slime that oozes out of him is just too tough to cover up, but when I am out in the field, out with the good "god fearing, church going folk" I can see just how popular he is with those people, but those people are only one generation removed from thinking that people like me are only good for working in restaurants and building railroads. lol

after living in Illinois for the last 38 years, I'd gladly take him as our governor.

You don't know what REAL gubernatorial slime smells like.

GaGambler287 reads

being a better Governor than what your state has had is like being smarter than annoyingfungus. There aren't a lot of bragging rights that go along with the title. lol

Perry runs for President from his jail cell, wins the election, and pardons himself. Then he invades Mexico, mistaking it for the Commerce Department, the Education Department, and shit, what was that third one?

When has the Left accusing anybody of anything ever proven anything?

Just a few days ago they were accusing a police officer of murder of a black kid. Look how that turned out. Just how short are your memories anyway?

Posted By: RRO2610
I don't care from which team they come; but must there be so many of them?

The left would love to have Perry run on the Republican ticket.The dude is a moron. Shit, he'd be W but worst. Texans should stay in Texas, don't contaminate the country.Dam you gave use Cruz and Gohmert, haven't Texans done enough? Ask yourself this, do you really want Perry on the GOP ticket???

GaGambler502 reads

As hard as it is for me to imagine a worse POTUS than what we have now, I think Perry might just be that person.

but just so I don't sound too fucking agreeable to you loony lefties, I actually like Ted Cruz. well I like him when he isn't quoting the bible at least.

GaGambler509 reads

No, I have no kinks, or chinks in my armor. I have voted Democrat for POTUS before. I voted for Bill Clinton in 96.

There is an off chance that I could be persuaded to vote for a Dem in '16, but only if the GOP controls Congress. I like split power, or more accurately I DON'T like centralized power. I don't trust either party to run everything, and I don't really want things "getting done" in Washington. When things "get done" we end up with things like The Patriot Act and ObamaCare, so I will cast my vote for gridlock more often than not.

The other thing that could convince me to vote Dem in '16 would be if the GOP nominated someone like Perry for POTUS, I would vote for almost anybody over Perry, even the Hildabeast, but most likely I would not vote at all and just take a nice long vacation of about 4 years, and come back in time to vote in 2020. lol

I don't envy you if he does become the GOP Presidential nominee.   ;)

That's OK! No matter what,  there's usually something that sticks in my craw about the person I voted for.   ;)

GaGambler555 reads

I can't think of anyone that I have ever voted for that I supported 100% of the time. Even Ronald Reagan (lefties please STFU, I know how you all feel about Reagan) who I consider the best POTUS in my lifetime was still a religious zealot IMO, and some of his right wing social viewpoint definitely stuck in my craw.

As I said though, who becomes POTUS in 2016 doesn't matter quite as much to me as whether or not one party or the other has firm control of Congress. If the GOP has control of both houses, which is a distinct possibility, I could, and most likely would vote for even someone that I find as personally loathsome as even the Hildabeast rather than have EITHER party in complete control again.

I will say that there are some candidates that I detest so thoroughly that I would not vote for them under any circumstances, and Rick Perry tops that list. Truth be told GOP candidates dominate the top of that list with Palin and Huckabee right at the top  of that list with Perry.

The way I see it, the Republican's will keep the house and go bonkers with their social conservative agenda, and the Republicans will take the Senate, and they personally won't support their agenda, but won't have the balls to oppose the house bills in any significant way. Then, by the time 2016 rolls around, the general public will be so fed up with the house, Democrats may retake it. If that's the case, a dark horse, moderate Republican may be just the ticket, though it may be too late to re-brand the Repubican party to appeal to a significant portion of women and minority voters.

He presides over one of the strongest economies in the country. Businesses and individuals are flocking to Texas. Of course I would like the country to move in that direction but I guess Detroit is more your speed.

GaGambler417 reads

Giving Perry credit for the economic boom that Texas is experiencing is as bad as Obama taking credit for the oil boom in this country, after doing everything in his power keep it from happening.

I think you're giving Perry way too much credit for the Texas Economy, Ask the people of West Texas how they feel about companies storing shit with no or few regulation or slap on the hands fines....Business trumps safety?????
So from what I remember,the debt increased from, 13 billion to close to 40 billion since Rick Perry took office, so that makes him a fine candidate for President. I think local government debt is more due to high school football stadiums being built, talk about your priorities. Also being that he's a conservative Republican he's against the usual abortion, same sex marriage,he's A1 rated by the NRA, Texas has one of the highest percentage of uninsured for health coverage. That's just a few of what I know. But what gets me is that "Opps Debate" (hence the moron and I'm sorry if that offended you). But if you're so sure about closing down 3 agencies of the government, you better do your homework and know those agencies names like the names of your kids. When he didn't know or forgot, that spoke volumes in that he's just following party lines and doesn't have a core belief. And you gotta love that New Hampshire speech, when he was alittle tipsy, now that's the real Rick Perry, kinda of a cool guy that I wouldn't mind having a drink with. But President, really? Would you really want him?
Detroit, is it's own shit hole,Corruption, partisan politics and just the bottom of the pit. Almost like Houston and Enron...Figures that Enron=Texas.......lol

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