Politics and Religion

Typical words of a useful idiot.
User1994 23 Reviews 424 reads

If it wasn't for the Republican Party you'd be living in a hut.

...or IOW, just the typical average Republican.

Don't think so?  Look no further than Cliven Bundy and his supporters - the darlings of Fox News and the right.

JackDunphy369 reads

Only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun.

Thanks for proving that point with your post and link!

It wasn't a Joe Blow who shot this moron. It was a Sheriff and some SWAT team member who blew away that cock sucker.They had proper authority to carry a weapon. And don't give me that 2nd ammendment shit.

...You obviously need a scorecard to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

Republicans consider the sovereign citizens to be the GOOD guys.  They share the same values - guns, guns, guns and government = bad.  Your Republican deity, Grover Norquist famously said: "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub."

President Obama, who on Monday rolled out landmark regulations for coal-fired power plants, has found a way around that age-old political problem posed by climate change and democracies, in part by acting a little bit more like a dictator.


Big Gubbymunt nutjobs like BigNarc LOVE THEM SOME GUBBYMUNT, that is until they use deadly force to steal ranches in Malibu,( then he'll cry like a baby) or break the law by releasing prisoners without congressional notifacation, etc, etc, etc.

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification.

“I think he clearly broke the law,” Toobin said. “The law says 30-days’ notice. He didn’t give 30-days’ notice.” Toobin added that Obama’s opinion expressed in a signing statement “is not law.”

“The law is on the books, and he didn’t follow it,” Toobin added.

CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer noted that former President George W. Bush also issued signing statements even though they thought their action may not have been constitutional or legal. “But liberals were outraged by George W. Bush’s signing statements,” Toobin noted.

“You realize, of course, you’re accusing the President of the United States of breaking the law” Blitzer observed.

“I do think that his critics have a very good point here,” Toobin asserted. He noted that Congress and the courts are unlikely to do anything about it. “But, you know, it matters whether people follow the law or not,” he concluded.  

Heil Barack!

followme282 reads

Did you notice the guy’s last name?
 I wonder if he is a descendent of one of backstabber’s idols.

Thank You  
2014 = GOP Senate and Hous

If it wasn't for the Republican Party you'd be living in a hut.

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