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I Found Out Something Shocking About My First Cousin's Oldest Daughter.
ROGM 1181 reads

She and her Boyfriend are Swingers.  

Here's how I found out during Thanksgiving today;

I invited my other Cousin's Daughter's Husband on a possible Private Gangbang I'm organizing. He declined and directed me to my other Cousin's Daughter's Boyfriend. I declined as I didn't know him that well. Then he mentioned that they were Swingers. I was Shocked! Then he told me a story prior to him getting Married that the other Cousin's Daughter had tried to make out with him. I was like, Are You Serious? He was totally Serious. I just sat there in total Shock about this Revelation. I'm debating on weather or not to invite these two on the possible Gangbang I'm organizing. It would be really Weird having my Cousin's Eldest Daughter and her Boyfriend on one of these Sessions.

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!  

Enjoy great food, football, leftovers and family and friends.

If you have any good stories about Thanksgiving, please share so others can enjoy!

My auntie and I used to hang out a lot. We're eight or nine years apart. She's very mature, but when we get together we act like freaking kids.

I once asked, "Have you ever noticed grandma says 'Buhdayduhs' instead of 'Potatoes'?"
"Yeah right. She says potatoes."
"Nope. Must come from Canada, because she says it. When we go there for Thanksgiving, you'll see…"
…well, she wasn't saying it, so I told my aunt we needed to try to get her to say it.
"Grandma, what do you like better, mashed or sweet potatoes?"
Took me quite a few random tries and finally she said 'Buhdayduhs'.
We were laughing so hard under our breaths, just making crazy faces bc we couldn't hold it in. Tearing up, everything.

"WHAT the hell is wrong with you two?" Grandma blurted out when she noticed us a few minutes later, in the middle of all the conversation going on around us. "Nothing, just an inside joke. You wouldn't get it."

OMG that was funny. A little Thanksgiving story only auntie and I will fully understand ahhaha.


Happy Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much. It's not worth it! LOL

-- Modified on 11/28/2013 10:11:31 AM

ikac855 reads

Posted By: Courtney.ova
My auntie and I used to hang out a lot. We're eight or nine years apart. She's very mature, but when we get together we act like freaking kids.  
 I once asked, "Have you ever noticed grandma says 'Buhdayduhs' instead of 'Potatoes'?"  
 "Yeah right. She says potatoes."  
 "Nope. Must come from Canada, because she says it. When we go there for Thanksgiving, you'll see…"  
 …well, she wasn't saying it, so I told my aunt we needed to try to get her to say it.  
 "Grandma, what do you like better, mashed or sweet potatoes?"  
 Took me quite a few random tries and finally she said 'Buhdayduhs'.  
 We were laughing so hard under our breaths, just making crazy faces bc we couldn't hold it in. Tearing up, everything.  
 "WHAT the hell is wrong with you two?" Grandma blurted out when she noticed us a few minutes later, in the middle of all the conversation going on around us. "Nothing, just an inside joke. You wouldn't get it."  
 OMG that was funny. A little Thanksgiving story only auntie and I will fully understand ahhaha.  
 Happy Thanksgiving. Don't eat too much. It's not worth it! LOL

-- Modified on 11/28/2013 10:11:31 AM


It’s the perfect day to give thanks for the over-stuffed dry old birds that lay on our stomachs.

...even though I have a lot of friends from India, most have been Americanized.  Honest question:  Do they have anything like Thanksgiving in India?  I can't believe I've never asked before.  Even been there a few times when I worked for an Indian out sourcing company.

Back_In_Black609 reads

Posted By: Vincent Antonelli
...Don't know bout India , but it is big in Italy on account of all the Italians who were here , then unjustly deported back there , so yeah ...


-- Modified on 11/28/2013 5:11:26 PM

In many ways, Thanksgiving has become a global holiday. Thanksgiving is a significant day in the Indian state of Goa. It has a large Christian population, owing to 400 years as a Portuguese territory.
Personally, I observe all holidays involving food, and refrain from those that require fasting

Back_In_Black935 reads

The Virgin Mary ........you come from a truly amazing people .....and Italy needs to meet India real soon xoxoxo,  

Have a great day Rrasha ..;)....

Posted By: rrasha88
In many ways, Thanksgiving has become a global holiday. Thanksgiving is a significant day in the Indian state of Goa. It has a large Christian population, owing to 400 years as a Portuguese territory.  
 Personally, I observe all holidays involving food, and refrain from those that require fasting.  

89Springer870 reads

...and refrain from those that require fasting.
I steer clear of Paryushana myself.

Except the date is August 15th, commemorating independence from British colonial rule in 1947.

Back_In_Black639 reads

Flute guy and the drummer ? Omg I'm rolling ......;)..xoxo....George Washington , was the founder of dollar store ...rotfflmao.....I'm sorry , but I can't help myself ...xoxou need to watch more charlie brown ...;)...xo

Stick_A_Fork_In_It565 reads

-- Modified on 11/28/2013 9:05:11 PM

Back_In_Black796 reads

Must be good in bed xoxoxo....;)......

Posted By: Courtney.ova
Go from the 3rd to the 5th?

You'd just have to test it out… ;)

Back_In_Black758 reads

Posted By: Courtney.ova
You'd just have to test it out… ;)

They say there's no 4th in India, so we'd have to bump it to the 3rd or the 5th. ;)

You think you're so funny, LOL!

Yes, there's a 4th of July - everywhere, LOL. Very funny, haha :-)

I was the only one who got the joke - and on your first try, lol! It was so obvious yet everyone's explaining traditions instead of realizing you were pulling a fast one. We think alike, kinda scary... :-)

But it is the thought that counts.

Start a victory garden this holiday and piss off Pfizer in the new year.

Posted By: 89Springer
No it ain't.

Kicked the dog shit out of my smartass brother in-law in front of my dumb ass sister one Thanksgiving. Gooble Gooble Gooble

Posted By: DiscussionBoardAdmin
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!    
 Enjoy great food, football, leftovers and family and friends.  
 If you have any good stories about Thanksgiving, please share so others can enjoy!

Panthera121022 reads

Many years ago, perhaps my second or third time hosting, I had purchased some frozen apple and pumpkin pies because I really can't bake worth a shit. Anyhow, I didn't bother to read the directions. I thought that all I had to do was to thaw them out and serve them. I didn't realize that I had to actually bake them first. It was an embarrassing moment when I was ready to serve them, unbaked.

It was a few years before I hosted Thanksgiving dinner again. Aside from that, I savor the food, family and friends on this day.

I would send you some left overs my dear, but it won't be the same as being here.

89Springer852 reads

The first apartment my ex and I had came with what a friend called a "nuclear toilet". The water flushed so fast I was afraid to get near it. You could throw a compact car in it and it would probably go down.

When we got our first house, my ex decided to make a full turkey. After we'd carved every last bit of meat from it, she tried to flush the skeleton down the toilet. With the "nuclear toilet" it might have worked, but not with a standard issue model. I spent hours snaking that toilet and removing bones.

ROGM1182 reads

She and her Boyfriend are Swingers.  

Here's how I found out during Thanksgiving today;

I invited my other Cousin's Daughter's Husband on a possible Private Gangbang I'm organizing. He declined and directed me to my other Cousin's Daughter's Boyfriend. I declined as I didn't know him that well. Then he mentioned that they were Swingers. I was Shocked! Then he told me a story prior to him getting Married that the other Cousin's Daughter had tried to make out with him. I was like, Are You Serious? He was totally Serious. I just sat there in total Shock about this Revelation. I'm debating on weather or not to invite these two on the possible Gangbang I'm organizing. It would be really Weird having my Cousin's Eldest Daughter and her Boyfriend on one of these Sessions.

It was my turn to help cook one year. I had the turkey.
I was putting on the dry rub, and in my drunken state. I had an idea.
So I started slapping it, and pretending to fuck it.
I had the drumsticks spread eagle. There I am dancing, humping.
Singing a fuck the turkey to the tune of shock the monkey. My Grandma walked in.
She was 91 then, and I almost killed her.
"What are you doing to the turkey!" She said.
The look of pure horror, confusion, and disgust on her face still haunts me

If only you'd prepared the bird this way, she would have been fine with it

I have to say I'm a personal fan of  making your Turkey completely submit prior to putting it in the oven. Mine certainly didn't look as well trussed as this, the damn clothes pins and cooking twine just didn't have the artsy pop I was looking for.  



It made stuffing her a much more enjoyable experience or maybe it was a he? I couldn't tell at that point...


“Arrived at her kitchen at the appointed time and she was hiding behind the oven door. Judging by the pan drippings on the oven, I was clearly not the first Tom of the day. And while she looked like her picture in the supermarket circular, she was no 26 pound hen as advertised. I’d say she tipped the scales at 33 pounds. But if figured what the hell – I was hungry and her breast meat was huge, so I stayed.

Once in the roasting pan, I tried some small talk but she was pretty unresponsive and just laid there. I tried to get her in the mood with a nice rub so I grabbed the sage and started with long tender strokes. Still nothing, but she didn’t object when I stuck my hand deep in her cavity.  
Things went downhill when I noticed her head was removed so a beak-job was off the table. I can usually go the full twenty minutes per pound but I just wasn’t feeling it. I unloaded my giblets and left.

I may repeat next November but there’s this cute looking ham I’ve had my eye on that I hope to meet at Christmas.

Went to packer vs lions ... Canadians everywhere, the group of guys sitting in front of me kept buying me long necks throughout the game getting me tipsy & help me forget the Packers were getting creamed, then after the game back at my hotel, met more Canadians, drank & ate thanksgiving dinner together, then we all decided in our drunken state to venture to the Boobie Bar, unfortunately they were closed so we went to one of the casinos and drank drank drank & drank...... I & one other were the last persons standing!!! ROCKSTARS!!! LMFAO.... It was the best Thanksgiving I think I had being my family was so far away!!! Hurray to CANADIANS!!!! Only thing missing was Molesting one of them, but they were not my type in that sense!!!  

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!  

-- Modified on 11/29/2013 2:34:50 PM

there's rooster that belongs to me...   In preparation for the big day, I took a number of birds to the butcher as I often did in the fall so I didn't winter them over.  I backed my truck up to the overhead door around back & started pulling cages to the tailgate.  I warned the old butcher they were pretty wild & not fond of being handled.  He dealt with the first one.  The second one, he opens the cage just enough to stick his hand in to grab the bird.  The bird pecks the crap out of his hand...  when the poor guy yanks his hand out said bird follows the hand, flies one lap around the back room & over my head & out the door...  climbing steeply clears the double decker on the other side of the alley.  
Somewhere in the city, there's this bird that belongs to me...

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