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Last minute advice
JackDunphy 2537 reads

Looking to pop my cherry in the hobby on Saturday. Nervous would be an understatement. Any last minute pointers, pieces of advice for me? How long should i wait until I initiate play time? Should I just let the lady tell me when she is ready? Thanks in advance. Wish me well!

Be clean.  
Find the call point early so no worry about traffic but it is not discrete to hang out on streets or parking lots.  Withdraw to the corner coffee shop & time your return so you can call exactly on time.  
Call from your car.  Calling from outside car (like in lobby)  risks others over hearing.
If hotel, ask her where the elevators are.  Walk briskly past front desk to elevator like you own the place.  
Don't make a scene in the hall...   once the door is closed, greet her with a hug & kiss like a GF.  make sure door it latched before proceeding.  
Be prepared to leave donation on dresser right away, do not take notice of it after.  She may want to check it or put it away though some don't.  Her option.  Excuse yourself to wash your hands which gives her a chance to check donation if she chooses.  You want clean hands if you want to put your finger anywhere personal.  
Probably both of you will get comfortable on the bed & go from there.  Rarely a gal will want to chat for a few minutes but you are on the clock so get into make out fairly quickly.   After that, just enjoy...   once the action begins, if you want a certain position whisper your desires...

JackDunphy511 reads

Thank you Harbor view! Good points all, but one question. The girls dont like to chat at beginning? I would feel awkward about just saying hi and making a move. Is there some rule of thumb about how much time to wait? I just dont want to breach any etiquette with this girl. She has been so nice to me through all our emails.

If she has a few to see how much chat time, if any, that she usually likes.  These aren't street walkers that just want you to do the deed and be done with it.  Some get-to-know-ya time makes both parties more comfortable.

others want to get right down to business, in my experience the girls are ready and willing for both, it's more about your comfort level.
 Relax, if you chose well, these girls are great at making you feel at ease and comfortable. You won't have to "make a move", it will just happen. Remember, you may be freaking out but this is her business and she knows how to handle it. Just go with the flow.

I know it's easier said than done but afterwards you'll look back and say I made too big a deal about the whole thing.  harbor gave you a bunch of good tips.  Be absolutely sure you have enough time and arrive early to give yourself some time to sit in your car and chill.  You don't need the added stress of thinking you're going to be late.  Be careful driving, I was so pumped up I almost got in a couple accidents.  Once you're inside tell her your nervous.  Assuming you picked a true professional she'll know how to handle you and get you to relax.  No matter how nervous you are she's seen someone more nervous and will know what to do.  Follow her lead.  If you reach a point where you've had enough chit chat tell her you find her sexy.  She'll know what that means and I guarantee you won't have your pants on much longer after that.  Have fun and report back.

to sit close...  within touching distance would be my suggestion...  and talk.  It's your dime.  If you want to spend your whole time chatting...  you are paying her for companionship.  

I will just say that be careful what you say...  especially after...    A real newbie slip is to say the L word (LOVE).  You don't love her, nor does she love you.  You love what she does & how she makes you feel.  It's very easy when the post-coitus hormones are raging...  and that is normal.  
The L word is like poison to providers...  likely would refuse to see you again.  Clingy clients & stalkers are a big problem for providers.

She should notice and hopefully set you at ease by talking or breaking the ice with a kiss,. She does this a lot more than you so it's ok to let her lead. I Popped my hobby cherry exactly two weeks ago today and have now had three experiences so I'm still a little nervous when I walk in. The first time, she could tell and asked if it was my first time with her agency, when I said "yes' and it's my first time ever in the hobby" she walked over, put her arms around me and gave me the best kiss I have ever had. If she's good at what she does, she'll know what to do so let her do it.

clean.  It is a good idea to let her know this is your first P4P experience.

Have you checked her website as to her requested protocol regarding the donation procedure?

Relax and enjoy.

Just to re-iterate.  Harbors very first line.

Be clean.

Shave, Shower, Brush Teeth,  Pop a breath mint before going in.  The ladies all appreciate this.

Relax.  I don't know your selected lady but if she is a professional she'll take good care of you.

Oh and there's probably a list somewhere of what not to eat a few days prior.  Lay off the stuff like heavy garlic and such.  I thought garlic was to repel vampires and werewolves but it evidently works amazingly well on attractive women also =(.

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