Politics and Religion

Riffing on a post by GaGambler Re: Doc himself seems to live pretty high on the hog.
DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2709 reads

in an earlier thread, GaGambler wrote the following:

Doc himself seems to live pretty high on the hog. I think as a gesture of goodwill he should donate all of his wealth to the poor. Of  course it is much easier to offer up other peoples monies to confiscation by the government. Kind of a "do as I say, not as I do".


You're too late GaGambler - in February 1999, for reasons I won't go into here, I chose to liquidate all my assets. I did so, everything except my piano and some personal mementos. After paying off all my bills, debts, personal and business, I donated 90% of what was left to a variety of charities and causes i deemed worthy... anonymously. (not a penny for politics, i promise you) Don't need the tax writeoff, don't want the paper trail.
Since mid 2000, when my current financial arangement was forged, I manage to live very comfortably and still give away more than half my annual revenue.
I seek no glory or acknowledgement of it, I just do it where and when it is needed. Sometimes its cash, sometimes, as in the case of Katrina, its arranging for a pair of semi's loaded with blankets and dry goods destined for a shelter in Lafayette, Louisiana; sometimes, I use the high profile attention getting of my trike to raise money. (#2 fund raiser for last years Love Ride).

I live well. I am fortunate. My means exceed my needs. The baby down the street needs a new pair of shoes, and Mommy can't afford them. I can. To me it makes sense. If it did to everyone else, the wealthiest would still be the wealthiest, but many more babies would have shoes.

It's good that somebody does this.  If I gave away 90 percent of my assets, I'd be eating my kidney for breakfast.

Why any individual actually NEEDS a $Billion Or even a meager $100mil is beyond me. And why these MEGA rich people scream like a raped ape at the mention of an EQUITABLE tax system is beyond comprehension.

 For all you who believe in UNCONTROLLED Capitalism or greed I am NOT proselytizing Socialist Redistribution of Wealth. I'm only asking how many mansions and exotic cars does it take, and how do you live in or drive more than one at a time anyway.  

I understand you now. And then as you wrote in the past thread "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. If I am not for
myself, who will be? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if not
now, when?"
I'm a lurker here most of the time. Sometimes I know some postings are worthy reading and this one would be definitely on the top 10 list over the last six years.

it took all of about 5 seconds to know that is the kind of person that you are.  and I agree, would your philosophy make sense to more people... more of the world would too.

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