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Re: Yes. One bad review may carry water..
courtesanmonroe 2262 reads

you know guys i need to tell you as a provider each session i have is special and unique in its own way. i rarely have a bad time.

what fascinates me is that just because one client isnt so great i dont stop seeing him. nor do i quit the profession. not all sessions go as planned,

i imagine that something in this session went wrong. i imagine this guy pushed me possibly to test me as he was planning to review me and i reactred not to his liking .

the innaccuracy of this review was so piccayune i had to write about it. i have never quickened a 300 session in my life. the only reason i might is if the guy needed to cum twice and had 45 min. then maybe cumming in nthe first 10 min woulkd be smart. and claiming i didnt have a shower? im sorry i will not go back on this site and find out if he is credible.

thise things are proof enough.

i just had a client leave who texted me 10 min ago to book another session as he couldnt take his mind off me....a frequent occurrence for me. dont be surprised if u see a review fly up in the next hour.

i have been in the biz for 11 years and returned to it 3 mos ago only to find myself more sexual and more happy than ever.

most of my clirnts are married and do not feel comfortable writing reviews about me and thats okay with me.

however i was shocked to fond out that on another site a clkient that i recall as unreasonable and boundary crossing decided to rip me apart.

it hasnt effected my biz in a major way but reading the replies and seeing others changing their minds about seeing me was definitely frustrating.

so i suppose i come to u all as provider and say does ONE bad review carry water? seems odd to me. especially when its just one. its so ironic seeing as how happy my regulars and new clients are. wnhat a strange awful thing.

If all your other reviews are good, then I pay no attention to the one poor review. I also check out the hobbyist who wrote the poor review. Many times that hobbyist's reviews will show him to be unreasonable and demanding or just simply a low review grader.   BTW, if you have reviews here, you should contact TER adm to have them linked to your ter handle.

well as i said and i really do meean this i specialise in married men. 90% of my clientele are married and dont write reviews. so i have no reviews of me up. and i also said i dont mind. i think reviews are kind of strange.

yesterday when some bloke contacted me saying to me he was hesitant to see me and then gave me the link i was so unimpressed with his lack of character and poor judgement i actually refused to see him.

you see reviews arent always accurate. the guy said in the review i had no shower in my apartment. i man how strange is that? of course i do! lol

Agree with previous posters about the one bad review.  From what you described, it seems that he was just being an asshole not respecting your boundaries.  One bad review should not hurt you much if you have plenty of good ones to offset it.  I would do as already stated, look at his other reviews, there is probably a pattern of his bad behavior in them as well.


the irony is that guy who refused to see me said to me you know prepare for your biz to slow down cuz this guy is "well respected"/\. i had 4 clients that day(yest)

Hi Monroe,

Sorry to hear about your lame customer.  If I'm being completely honest, when I'm checking out reviews of a lady I'd like to meet and I just see page after page of nothing but perfect reviews, I get a bit nervous about the honesty of the reviews.  In a large enough sample, there should almost always be a negative review.  If there isn't, that's not particularly normal.

I personally like to see a majority of great reviews with a scattering of average and maybe one or two poor.  It gives me the feeling the reviews are honest and weren't sold out to the provider.

I wouldn't be too concerned if that's your only negative review.  Even if he was being honest, I, as reading your reviews would chalk it up to you being human and just didn't connect with that particular guy.

Anyways, welcome back and hope you get 95% excellent reviews :)


stealthreviewer608 reads

It would depend on who the reviewer is and how many good reviews you have that are recent. For example, if you only have 5 current reviews and one of them is bad it can hurt you especially if the hobbyist is well known.

If you have many good reviews, that one bad one may not have a real detrimental effect.

I will also admit that as an experienced hobbyist I am always drawn to recent and bad reviews and I always pay close attention to them. If I know the reviewer, yes I will probably pass.

you know guys i need to tell you as a provider each session i have is special and unique in its own way. i rarely have a bad time.

what fascinates me is that just because one client isnt so great i dont stop seeing him. nor do i quit the profession. not all sessions go as planned,

i imagine that something in this session went wrong. i imagine this guy pushed me possibly to test me as he was planning to review me and i reactred not to his liking .

the innaccuracy of this review was so piccayune i had to write about it. i have never quickened a 300 session in my life. the only reason i might is if the guy needed to cum twice and had 45 min. then maybe cumming in nthe first 10 min woulkd be smart. and claiming i didnt have a shower? im sorry i will not go back on this site and find out if he is credible.

thise things are proof enough.

i just had a client leave who texted me 10 min ago to book another session as he couldnt take his mind off me....a frequent occurrence for me. dont be surprised if u see a review fly up in the next hour.

other reviewers confirm that the low scores have some validity.

Appoinment with quite a few Providers.
See, I screen hard...this includes screening out the meanies like him...HA

Posted By: courtesanmonroe
i have been in the biz for 11 years and returned to it 3 mos ago only to find myself more sexual and more happy than ever.

most of my clirnts are married and do not feel comfortable writing reviews about me and thats okay with me.

however i was shocked to fond out that on another site a clkient that i recall as unreasonable and boundary crossing decided to rip me apart.

it hasnt effected my biz in a major way but reading the replies and seeing others changing their minds about seeing me was definitely frustrating.

so i suppose i come to u all as provider and say does ONE bad review carry water? seems odd to me. especially when its just one. its so ironic seeing as Ihow happy my regulars and new clients are. wnhat a strange awful thing.

any appointments will be hard to get. Once we see that kind of behavior it is hard for us to even consider seeing someone like that. For all we know we could give him a wonderful time and then he could turn around and do the same thing to us. Not going to give him a chance. We know we're not perfect but some guys push the limits and when we say no then they get their revenge through reviews.

Yes he just took himself out of the game.

I dont think it matters as long as the rest are legit , from legit reviewers thatve been there a while. If they just started reviewing say this month or past two months have no white lists, which both my fake reviews are from guys thave never been whitlisted and they just started reviewing . The first fake review only reviewed one woman before me..the second fake revieweer only reviewed two other women , coincidentally both from a service that aggressively wanted me to work for i dont think its mean a thing its defiently susipious and i just ignore it,,,, . I still have a foolded email inbox from emails from my ads and it hasnt affected me. i know thats what was there motive though and I undertstand you there are some who are unreasonable and may get spitefule. forget them,,,,dont worry bout it,,,,theres too many nice honest revioewers....

One of the best lessons I ever learned, was that in this business, it is impossible to please every single person you meet. Some do not do their homework prior to coming to see you & when they find out you don't do xyz, they decide to write a crappy review. Some people just do NOT click... it happens. One, two bad reviews will NOT hurt you in the long run. Clients can usually weed out the bad reviews & deduct it was probably on the other person's end, & not yours, after reading all the good reviews.

shudaknownbetter501 reads

a meeting.  I have been reading reviews for quite a while & I have learned to read the full reviews.  Often the low review shows their bias...  "She's not my type but I saw her anyway!"   Well whose fault is that?  Not hers.   "She didn't offer the service I wanted so I tried to charm her into giving it to me anyway."  I want to see consistancy.  Some discount the high & low as outliers...  not a bad plan IMHO.  
If I have done my homework & researched properly including full reviews, I know before I enter her door...  what she looks like, that she offers the services I'm looking for.  
I don't feel you should be down on a potential client who asked you about a low review.  Without bashing, you could simply tell the truth that he was unreasonable & point to your good reviews.  No, you can't please everyone.

Your clients can not write a review from your computer but you might ask if your clients are members & if so would they write an honest review...  they don't have to be real explicit...   the best reaction to a bad review is to get several good ones to top it.  

Best Wishes,

I typically throw out the high scores, (possible shills, lovesick, whatever) and throw out the low scores, (asshole, can't be pleased, ax to grind, whatever) and judge the rest. Do not worry about one bad score. If there is a recurring theme it will be problematic for you but not just one bad review.

Just an Old, Ugly Fat fuck with an opinion.

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