TER General Board

Re: Yeah!
browardboy2003 4 Reviews 450 reads


My wife busted me.  Now I lost and her and everything else.    Oooops what I giant asshole I am.  My life is over.

ImReadyRU1417 reads

With all the publicity of Tiger in the news. I have been able to talk to my wife about what she thinks of tigers actions. I am surprised by her response.
She believes that the ladies he sees (could be a provider) are diseased low life. She believes that me having sex with a provider will give her a STD. I tried to explain to her that most STD's are curable and these ladies are not typhoid mary. She also believes that every provider has Aids and she could get it. In fact about a year ago my wife thought I had an affair. In that situation it was the farthest thing from the truth but she went and got tested. We have not had sex for over 4 years, not even a hand job. But she thought I may have given her something.

So my question to other married hobbyists, what does your SO think of providers?

How did she find out about your extra-curricular activities?
I don't have an S/O,,,so no worries here!

Not the answer to your question.  However, your wife's beliefs shows the news media have no idea about the hobby as it exists here on TER.

because between your lack of a sex life and of a partner who is remotely tuned into you, you would seem to have a pretty limited relationship.  Again, not a criticism...I am just sorry to hear people talk about relationships like this, and I sincerely hope you both are happy with other aspects of your lives.

And your wife's attitude is not surprising. Very little is more threatening to women who are not sexually/emotionally enlightened than women who are sexually enlightened and who are willing to use it to their advantage in the world. That is just one reason this profession has been so vilified through the ages.  Many women today, in spite of all of our "enlightenment" as a society, still feel the way your wife does...or worse.

Fear is the mind killer.

If I was her, I would love them as they are responsible for her being an independently wealthy and free individual right now.  (With a little help from probate court.)

I mean fuck! It sucks your wife ain't giving you any, after 4 years?

And then she can spout off why it's so wrong and despicable that a guy would look elsewhere?


longroads257 reads

That's one thing that has always bothered me... someone says "How can he mess around with another woman when he can get it at home?"  That assumes the one at home is willing or able.  Most guys really would rather get it at home, but when it's not available, what do you do?

Just remember, that no matter how pretty a woman is, someone, somewhere is sick of her shit! Women who don't meet the needs of their hb's sit and wonder why their hb's look elsewhere. I have to belive that if men were getting it regular at home, they wouldn't be looking for it somewhere else. Now, Tiger has the celebrity status and the money to get anyone he wanted. I think it was just too easy for him to cheat and he got caught up in it. Eventually, being famous, someone was certain to spill the beans.

I get it at home all the time.
My SO is a tall blonde/blue with D cups. Slender and sexy. She does it all except greek. And every once in a while she'll bring a gf home with her.
I'm not lacking anything... except the excitement of someone new.

I'm madly in love with her and we have a very sexy and loving relationship. But I dig new girls. 99% of them aren't as hot as my SO but I just love the excitement.

Probably like Tiger :-)


My wife busted me.  Now I lost and her and everything else.    Oooops what I giant asshole I am.  My life is over.

KillerOfDreams245 reads

My SO worked as a provider for a couple of years back before I met her. (In her case, she should not have done so as it exacerbated pre-existing damage) BTW, I did not know this (or about all the other crap and damage) before we married. Anyhoo ...

She is a highly intelligent woman. She knows better than to say "all providers are X" and understands each one should be seen as an individual. Thus she says that sex with some providers is safe, and with others it is not.

She is the one who recommended I see providers, subject to a whole bunch of rules and that she not find out, until such time as she can fully resume her marital role.

She doesn't see the hobby as positive, but rather as a lesser of evils.

shudaknownbetter273 reads

SO has totally bought into all Providers are Whores controled by Pimps, Trafficers & Abused.  She, herself, has always had a non-existant sex drive...  though she enjoys it once she's warmed up (a whole bunch of kissing, foreplay, etc).  She does not understand that a guy has a sex drive...  

Wifey lives with her head in the sand.  Street walking hookers is about as far as her knowledge goes.(they don't show escorts on TV dramas)  Since she refused to ever learn how to use a computer, this part of the hobby would be totally unbelievable.  Computers are used for occasional shopping, uploading pictures to Walgreens, and buying airline tickets, and that's about it!

On the bright side....I have no fear about sitting on the computer writing this stuff.  And should I ever be so unfortunate as to acquire an STD....I feel better in knowing that not only could I get it treated without detection...but I could NEVER pass it on to her! :-X

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