Politics and Religion

And his taste in women isn't so great either.........
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 500 reads

...Now I know why Carson stopped wearing eyeglasses.  I wouldn't want to look at that with 20/20 vision either.  

With a tip o' the misogynist hat to St. Croix:

According to Reuters polls, Trump Carson Rubio Cruz and Feetlebaum are the Final Five.

Carson is fading fast in the stretch, and Jeb did himself in with his flaccid debate performance.

The Paris attack has tilted the immigration dialog to the right, and that may in fact, turn the tide for the GOP.

So its Trump Rubio Cruz for the Final Round of GOP-ardy with an outside longshot on a Trump-Cruz merger.

I like Rubio, but I doubt Putin would show him much respect. Cruz scares me (machine gun bacon!) and damned if Trump doesn't seem to have staying power after all. IF he were to surround himself with serious, real experts as advisors on the world political stage... sigh... I just can't wrap my head around that notion.  

The remaining candidates for the GOP nomination for POTUS should please just step back and sit down now so we can get down to the meat of it. Spread your delegates, and quit wasting our time.

It's still Hillary's election to lose.


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
The Paris attack has tilted the immigration dialog to the right, and that may in fact, turn the tide for the GOP.
An attack committed by Belgians (and not the influx of Syrian refugees the entire right globally seems terrified of), who as you already know can move freely among EU member nations. It shouldn't have any bearing on the rhetoric surrounding immigration whatsoever.  

It shouldn't, but it will.

To clarify my point: Paris and Brussels are roughly the same distance apart as New York City and Philadelphia, and the laws regarding travelling between each pair of cities are equally as lenient - but if a bunch of Philadelphians set a bomb off outside Yankee Stadium, does that mean you should start closing the borders to refugees?

Posted By: GiantBombing
Posted By: DoctorGonzo
The Paris attack has tilted the immigration dialog to the right, and that may in fact, turn the tide for the GOP.
 An attack committed by Belgians (and not the influx of Syrian refugees the entire right globally seems terrified of), who as you already know can move freely among EU member nations. It shouldn't have any bearing on the rhetoric surrounding immigration whatsoever.  
 It shouldn't, but it will.
you are absolutely correct... it should not. But rhetoric and hyperbole are a staple in what passes for American journalism these days, and ISIS equates to Muslim which equates to Syrian refugees in many minds.

And with all the bombast and rhetoric surrounding US immigration issues having nothing to do with the current situation across the pond, it all gets lost in the shuffle and public perception is swayed by the talking heads and spin doctors.  

 To clarify my point: Paris and Brussels are roughly the same distance apart as New York City and Philadelphia, and the laws regarding travelling between each pair of cities are equally as lenient - but if a bunch of Philadelphians set a bomb off outside Yankee Stadium, does that mean you should start closing the borders to refugees?
Heh, I was always a Dodger fan. Go Philly Phanatics!

All kidding aside, of course I see your point and agree with you in principle

GaGambler362 reads

and Bernie Sanders is getting shorter odds to win the Presidency at 9-1 than any of the Republicans besides Rubio at 7/2 and Trump at 8-1. all the other GOP candidates are in the double or triple digits.

What I find very interesting is that while Sanders is at 9-1 to win it all, he is still at 6-1 to win the nomination. IOW the oddsmakers are only giving 1-2 odds that if Sanders wins the nomination he will go on to win it all. Kind of a scary thought IMO.

Hillary of course is still odds on favorite to win both the nomination and the election, as you said, "It's still Hillary's election to lose"

The election is still a year out, there are LOT's of things that can and will change the political landscape. What I do find interesting is that while Sanders is pulling Clinton to the left, current events are going to force Hillary to distance politically from Obama. If there are more terrorist attacks, Obama's position on how to deal with them are going to become more and more unpopular. Hillary is not going to want to be dragged down with them.

FatVern359 reads

Mainly because Rubio is "too young", and the GOP would want a "dynasty" cande to compete against Clinton.

Posted By: GaGambler
and Bernie Sanders is getting shorter odds to win the Presidency at 9-1 than any of the Republicans besides Rubio at 7/2 and Trump at 8-1. all the other GOP candidates are in the double or triple digits.  
 What I find very interesting is that while Sanders is at 9-1 to win it all, he is still at 6-1 to win the nomination. IOW the oddsmakers are only giving 1-2 odds that if Sanders wins the nomination he will go on to win it all. Kind of a scary thought IMO.  
 Hillary of course is still odds on favorite to win both the nomination and the election, as you said, "It's still Hillary's election to lose"  
 The election is still a year out, there are LOT's of things that can and will change the political landscape. What I do find interesting is that while Sanders is pulling Clinton to the left, current events are going to force Hillary to distance politically from Obama. If there are more terrorist attacks, Obama's position on how to deal with them are going to become more and more unpopular. Hillary is not going to want to be dragged down with them.

.......Jeb in one of the debates delivered a weak punch to Rubio and Rubio responded with a devastating left hook that knocked Jeb out for the count. Jeb still has not recovered....lol

There are not enough voters who can stand the thought of a Jeb Bush or a Hillary Clinton presidency for either one of them to win, unless the final outcome is  one dynasty goon against
   the other dynasty loon.
   . Everything else will fall into place  if  the GOP can  keep Jeb out of the finals.  
        Most likely, Hillary will fall on her face long before the end of the race.  


Posted By: HONDA
.......Jeb in one of the debates delivered a weak punch to Rubio and Rubio responded with a devastating left hook that knocked Jeb out for the count. Jeb still has not recovered....lol

GaGambler346 reads

He has gone by several handles before, the latest being JohniyComeAlready, but was best known as "BigVern" many of us took to calling him FatVern and apparently it stuck.

FatVern has never been known to be one of the sharper tools around here, picture Nuguy without all the copying and pasting.

Of course Rubio and Bush would never be on the same ticket for dozens of good reasons. The first one that comes to mind is that Rubio would not want Bush dragging him down, The second is that Bush himself doesn't have a prayer. Then of course there is the fact that with all the swing states that need to be one, having both members of the ticket coming from the same state makes no strategic sense either.

You are 100% correct about Rubio's devastating blow to the jaw of Bush. Bush was first bitch slapped by Trump in the debate prior to the last one and Rubio then put him down for the count in the last one. I can't see Bush possibly recovering from two such poor performances.

As for FatVern, converse with him at your own risk, I guarantee you will feel dumber for the experience.

St. Croix346 reads

The media is consumed at the shear stupidity of Carson, Trump, Fiorina, and I get that. But here is this old school Socialist flying under the radar, and no one is questioning him on a 100% marginal tax rate, or his so-called definition of Democratic Socialism. Yeah right! Who needs a Islamic terrorist, when a 74 year old comb over disheveled clueless asshole wants to steal my money. Now that's a terrorist.  

And does everybody from Vermont yell? Is Bernie just a more obnoxious version of Howard Dean

I've never understood the Socialist concept of taxing to death the most productive members of a society. Why then would anyone in their right mind want to work.  

Posted By: St. Croix
The media is consumed at the shear stupidity of Carson, Trump, Fiorina, and I get that. But here is this old school Socialist flying under the radar, and no one is questioning him on a 100% marginal tax rate, or his so-called definition of Democratic Socialism. Yeah right! Who needs a Islamic terrorist, when a 74 year old comb over disheveled clueless asshole wants to steal my money. Now that's a terrorist.  
 And does everybody from Vermont yell? Is Bernie just a more obnoxious version of Howard Dean.  

GaGambler320 reads

What's scary is not that he has any chance of being elected in '16, but the very real chance that his "message" of a Socialist States of America takes root and we end up like Greece in a decade or so.

We are just coming to the end of an administration who's stated goal was the "transformation" of America, nothing would surprise me now, including the American voters deciding that being first in the world is too hard and that we should settle for being 3rd, 4th, or even 23rd if someone will just promise to take care of them when they are too lazy to care for themselves. It's one thing to provide a safety net for tough times, but what people seem to want today is the "right" to be taken care of, even if they make ZERO effort to take care of themselves and what better way to send that message than to confiscate all the wealth of the rich, and then of course keep changing the definition of rich until it applies to virtually everyone who has a job.

St. Croix377 reads

The attached article will confirm Sanders "true" thinking.  

I guess I'm voting for Hillary as well. I'll become a Democrat if necessary. Anything to keep that Bolshevik out of office. Today is the day Bernie explains Democrat Socialism to America.


Posted By: GaGambler
What's scary is not that he has any chance of being elected in '16, but the very real chance that his "message" of a Socialist States of America takes root and we end up like Greece in a decade or so.  
 We are just coming to the end of an administration who's stated goal was the "transformation" of America, nothing would surprise me now, including the American voters deciding that being first in the world is too hard and that we should settle for being 3rd, 4th, or even 23rd if someone will just promise to take care of them when they are too lazy to care for themselves. It's one thing to provide a safety net for tough times, but what people seem to want today is the "right" to be taken care of, even if they make ZERO effort to take care of themselves and what better way to send that message than to confiscate all the wealth of the rich, and then of course keep changing the definition of rich until it applies to virtually everyone who has a job.

GaGambler340 reads

IMO the country can easily survive a Trump, Clinton, Bush, Rubio administration.  

I am not so sure about either a Carson or Sanders Presidency. I can definitely see myself voting for an "anybody but Sanders" ticket and I had pretty much resigned myself to voting for Hillary anyhow.

Jindal may be out, but that would only make him the third candidate to drop out of the race. There's still a shit ton of GOP candidates running. You got Bush, Carson, Christie, Cruz, Fiorina, Jim Gilmore, Lindsay Graham, Huckabee, Kasich, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Rubio, Santorum and Trump. We're still a very long away from the first primaries, and judging from 2012, anything can happen. In other words, don't count your chickens.

Timbow369 reads

-- Modified on 11/18/2015 4:04:43 AM

Feetlebaum was the name of a fictional horse in a fictional horse race as part of a Spike Jones satiricial version of the William Tell Overture from 1948.

In reference to my post, the Reuter's poll I linked showed the % of surveyed respondents.
The fifth highest % on that list was "Wouldn't Vote" with 6.7%.
More people would not vote at all, rather than vote for Jeb Bush who only got 6.3%.

Too obscure for most I suppose.


Posted By: DoctorGonzo
The Paris attack has tilted the immigration dialog to the right, and that may in fact, turn the tide for the GOP.
I sincerely doubt it, unless we have a Paris style terrorist attack on our home shores sometime before the election in Nov 2016.

GaGambler404 reads

With Carson the more I learn about him and the more I hear him talk, the more awestruck I am that he ever got through med school.

For a very smart man, politically he is a drooling idiot.

GaGambler387 reads

It would not be "idiot savant" just plain idiot.  

Honestly he makes about as much sense as FatVern when he talks, and it's not just the way that he talks which is what he was criticized for when he first came into the public eye, it's the actual substance of what he is trying to say. He is completely clueless on 90% of the issues

...Now I know why Carson stopped wearing eyeglasses.  I wouldn't want to look at that with 20/20 vision either.  

With a tip o' the misogynist hat to St. Croix:

To actually go to the trouble of looking up a photo of Dr. Ben Carson's wife and post it with comments denigrating her appearance. So hateful.

St. Croix332 reads

Feels liberating doesn't it? But did you really have to include a pic? I count 4 chins and a 5 o'clock shadow

Ben Carson is a great man not "an idiot savant" or "retard". If you don't think he's a good candidate don't vote for him.  To say he is retarded with such blithe indifference is horrible.

Posted By: BigPapasan

If you haven't seen it, it could explain a lot about his perceived appeal.

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