Politics and Religion

Agreed!!! And, despite of the righties hootin and hollerin...
mattradd 40 Reviews 456 reads

every time his name is brought up, most people haven't forgotten what a poor job he did as president, as evidenced by the article attached referring to a CNN poll. Mitts only card is that he can try to claim that Obama didn't pull our economy out of the ditch sooner. Well, that's a weak argument, and anyone claiming they could have done better has no way of proving it. And, being a venture capitalist doesn't qualify one as being a jobs creator, just a shrewd money maker (not that there's anything wrong with than). Just makes his claim as a jobs creator very, very weak!  But, all of that doesn't really matter, because the bankers, and all the big wigs the the healthcare, pharmaceutical, defense, insurance and the rest of Wall Street will fill Romney's coffers to get him elected!

Some people recommend not discussing politics or religion.  

I'm not one of them.  :)

Welcome President Obama to Cox Pavilion today!  Anyone else going to be there?  
From examiner.com:

This Thursday, June 7, 2012, President Barack Obama will make his 10th visit to Las Vegas since taking office. This visit is an official trip, not a campaign visit. The President will focus on student loans and interest rates which are set to double in July if Congress does not act soon.

The President is expected to speak at the Cox Pavilion on the UNLV campus around 12:45 p.m., the event is free, but tickets are required and may no longer be available. Doors open to the public at 10:30 a.m., for parking and security information, click here.

Currently the interest rate for a student loan is 3.4 percent; in July, if Congress does not act the rate will double to 6.8 percent.

President Obama and his wife Michelle, have real life experiences with student loans, as both needed them to pay their way through college. They can relate.

   "For the first eight years of our marriage we were paying more in student loans than we were paying for our mortgage,” Obama said recently, “So we know what this is about."

Mitt Romney, the presumptive presidential nominee for the Republican Party, has no such life experiences while attending Harvard. And as we have seen throughout the Romney campaign he cannot relate to most of the life experiences that Americans deal with on a day to day basis.

While this is an official visit, Nevadans can expect to see future campaign visits by the President before November’s election since Nevada is a key battleground State.

HippieHater415 reads

he should go back to kenya

Not a single planet. All 8 planets in the milky way galaxy threatened, they will rather explode!

Do you send 30 or 40% of your income to the feds?

I didnt think so.....

Like most parasites looking to steal other people's money, you dont have the courage to do it yourself.  Instead you use politicians to do it for you.

Ironically, you are a free market capitalist but dont support (via your proxies) the free market for others.

...I own two corporations, do this for fun and income along with being an independent contractor at my "day job."

I own a home here in Nevada along with property in the Midwest along with stocks and other investments so there's no way I could get away with not paying taxes.

That said, I certainly do give a sh*t ton of my money to the feds.  

Along with tithing to my church,  donating to human rights organizations along with donating large amounts of time to organizations, lobbying, campaigning, doing phone banks, etc...  

Not trying to be a show off, but these are things that truly do make me happy.  If you know me, you'll know these aspects are HUGE parts of my life.

Do I enjoy paying taxes?  Errrrrrrggghhhh.....  yes and no.  It's painful to give a big chunk of my money away, yes.  It's upsetting that others don't pay their taxes.  But that's none of my business, really.  

After sending those quarterly payments away, painful as they are, I do feel better knowing that I've done my deed as a citizen.

Until things change, if they ever do, I do what the feds ask to me do.  :)

Posted By: slowslowslow
Do you send 30 or 40% of your income to the feds?

I didnt think so.....

Like most parasites looking to steal other people's money, you dont have the courage to do it yourself.  Instead you use politicians to do it for you.

Ironically, you are a free market capitalist but dont support (via your proxies) the free market for others.

HippieHater401 reads

those were the words of obama.  

Not that I'd be welcome in that crowd, but I'll be volunteering my time to help elementary and high school children.  I find it laughable that a guy that's babysat the worst economy in recent years tells us that a guy that ran both private and public sector "companies" doesn't have the experience to do the job.  I'm just thankful that I don't have to deal with the traffic nightmare he'll cause.  The only good news is that he's not at his desk, continuing to push everything for the unions, as if the rest of us don't exist.

IMHO neither party has the solutions or the willingness to do what it takes to make this country what it should be.  Both are addicted to corporate and PAC $$.  I don’t like the “Righty versus Lefty” stuff because when I sit down with most intelligent people they know that on one hand we have to pay some taxes, but we also stand against government waste.  Most of my friends want a government that is responsible on fiscal issues (right), but stays out of my personal choices on social issues (left).  WE must demand better from all of them.  We simply need better options.  I will most likely put my money and my vote with the Libertarian because I don’t feel there can be any real change with the two parties so ingrained.

If this could become a reality, we as a nation could put election reform on the ballot. It is the only way I can think of to change the sorry and useless two-party system. (two-party being a bit of a joke)

Now granted there could be some really big issues with this (like the stupid prop 187 in CA becoming a federal initiative, among other awful ideas), but short of anything else, we're in a catch-22. Unless we had a president willing to sacrifice a second term to do the right thing. Which is a pipe dream (unless Kucinich somehow got elected).

The National Citizens Initiative for Democracy is a proposal which will permit citizens to make laws by ballot initiative.

   -Creates a Legislative Initiative process in all jurisdictions of government, most specifically at the federal level
   -Becomes a new check in our system of checks and balances
   -Does not modify Congress, the Presidency, or the Judiciary
   -Endorsed by highly respected people
   -NCID evolved from an earlier iteration called "National Initiative for Democracy" (NI4D). Updates have been made throughout the site as practicable.


To learn more about what a quagmire we're in and why we need real change, see this:


THE BEST GOVERNMENT MONEY CAN BUY? is the first behind-the-scenes, comprehensive, non-partisan examination of the system of lobbying in Washington, DC.

The cost of election campaigns has spiraled out of control, to the extent that, on average, our representatives spend more than 25% of their time fund-raising.   Even our Presidents regularly interrupt the nation’s work in order to spend time fund-raising!

Raising funds to get elected – that's the key interface between lobbyists and Members of Congress.

The number of registered lobbyists has more than doubled since 2000; their fees have also increased by 100%; and in 2006-7 they spent a staggering $13.5 million per day.  Over the past six years, they have spent more than $13 billion. Would it be naive to conclude that the interests whose money they channel into the political process, expect nothing in return for it?

Veteran documentary film-maker, British-born Francis Megahy, makes a journey of discovery as he tries to answer some questions which puzzle him: who provides the money? What effect does it have? How is it connected to the financing of political campaigns?  And most crucial, is it in the public interest?

Both Barack Obama and John McCain made the issue of lobbyists a central part of the 2008 Presidential Elections. But can any President really change this constitutionally-protected activity? Indeed, can any of us affect this process?

THE BEST GOVERNMENT MONEY CAN BUY? explores the issue through interviews with real Washington beltway insiders, key participants in the process – who often speak with surprising candor.

It is disturbing that in a democracy, such a powerful, effective and un-elected force, which is able to influence profound legislative changes affecting the lives of all Americans, can be so little known and so little understood by voters.

THE BEST GOVERNMENT MONEY CAN BUY? hopes that this documentary will go some way towards enlightening our fellow-citizens, by helping them to discover – as we discovered – just what goes on in Washington.

We hope that it will provoke people into thinking afresh about lobbying, and whether or not it should be subject to any form of control by the American people.

THE BEST GOVERNMENT MONEY CAN BUY? will make audiences of all political stripes pause and reconsider their views on lobbying.

MyDrunkAliass330 reads


What most people fail to realize when talking politics is how BLOATED Government has become in the past decade.

Obama wants people to believe that voting for him will return the U.S. to the Clinton years but the reality is that nothing has been done during his term to downsize and make the Federal Government more efficient ---- and spend what they spent during the Clinton years.

Federal Government spending blew up during the Bush years and under Obama, it's gotten even bigger. It seems as if the Libertarians or people like Dr. Ron Paul are the only ones that get it.

Now we are talking about another Stimulus when the last stimulus bill generated the lowest ROI in the history of stimulus bills. Anybody that can support all of the wasted money the Federal Government spends is obviously clueless of what's going on underneath the surface and relying on the lamestream media for their opinions. Damn! We are now paying over 450 Billion dollars a year on just interest payments on all of the public debt that has been racked up. What could all of that money be better used for? Instead.... he wants to tax the people who pay over 80% of all the taxes even more. As if raising another $80 Billion a year is really going to put a dent in anything when the Federal Government is spending $4 Billion dollars A DAY.

In 2004, Obama gave the speech at the DNC convention that it's not a Red America or a Blue America, it's the United States of America that propelled him to rock star fame. Since he took office, the country is much more divided today then I've ever seen it as long as I've been alive.

Sad.... Very Sad.

Obama is clueless when it comes to Economic Matters and right now, we don't need a financially inept President setting agendas that are only making the poor and middle class even poorer.

Slogan of 2012 is "It's a Debt Problem, Stupid."

Posted By: hardway4433
IMHO neither party has the solutions or the willingness to do what it takes to make this country what it should be.  Both are addicted to corporate and PAC $$.  I don’t like the “Righty versus Lefty” stuff because when I sit down with most intelligent people they know that on one hand we have to pay some taxes, but we also stand against government waste.  Most of my friends want a government that is responsible on fiscal issues (right), but stays out of my personal choices on social issues (left).  WE must demand better from all of them.  We simply need better options.  I will most likely put my money and my vote with the Libertarian because I don’t feel there can be any real change with the two parties so ingrained.    

nuguy46355 reads

well said MDA.
I'l add:  Are you better off today than under Reagan?
under Bush #1?
under Clinton?
under Bush #2?

if you said 'no', then why?

As for a divided country, agree, more dividied than ever in history...that's due in large part to the chief Dem class warfare he's given us....every one hates anybody who makes a buck more than they do.....make the current pretender a one termer!  cannot get any worse.

I got stuck in the traffic mess he created at the  Airport. I did get to flip off is limo when he went by.This clown is an international joke. Secet leaks.American gun rights are being challenged by his puppet Attorney General while he arms the mexican cartels at the same time.WAKE UP AMERICA!

The traffic reporters were were going to schedule all of it.

And they did!  ::

I flew to Jamaica and back, no worries.  

-- Modified on 6/9/2012 1:55:02 AM

nuguy46354 reads

said so very well!!!
make'em a one termer!

nuguy46355 reads

said so very well!!!
make'em a one termer!

I certainly hope not!  I'm volunteering my arse off phone banking, going door to door, etc...

Nevada was a swing state during our last election and I'm effing proud of my work and discussions with undecided voters.  So many people weren't even going to vote at all!!!  Vote for someone but sheesh, please vote!

And if more people volunteered for the candidate they support, imagine the changes that could be made!  


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