Erotic Humor

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Welcome to TER's Erotic Humor discussion board - the place to post jokes or anything else you think is funny.

Please note, this is a unmoderated forum. What others find humorous, you may not. If you are thin skinned or otherwise easily offended, proceed with caution.

That said, have fun!


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CENZO11095 reads
mrfisher159 reads
CENZO1159 reads
CENZO1593 reads
CENZO1585 reads
CENZO1688 reads
CENZO1630 reads
CENZO1599 reads
sexystephie974 reads
sexystephie189 reads
CENZO1664 reads
CENZO1581 reads
phlatsy161 reads
Blue.djinn691 reads
CENZO1719 reads
CENZO1640 reads
BigPapasan636 reads
CENZO1630 reads
CENZO1587 reads
CENZO11022 reads
Robertini131 reads
CENZO1584 reads
CENZO1633 reads
CENZO1651 reads
CENZO1706 reads
gypsypooner2015912 reads
Robertini93 reads
impposter81 reads
CENZO11041 reads
CENZO11059 reads
Robertini80 reads
jdentente97 reads
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