
Re: I'm confused... CORRECTION
mfg101 1316 reads
1 / 43

Newbie, trying for months to complete a date. Both ladies well reviewed. Sadly my window of time is narrow and rigid. And worse, mid-day. To complicate things I can't have any records on my cards or phone. So email is more than preferred. I ALWAYS make this known up front.  

First gal, flat out missed date without word. A week or so later I asked her if I did something wrong. She said she had an accident. Set up another date for later time. Again missed without word. Time passed and for some crazy reason I tried again.  Day of date turns out she could not host as previously agreed on. She suggested a place. I reminded her I could not use my cards. She said to meet her there. I'm there, she is late, asks me to get room. I remind her I can't. She then tells me she can't get a room there due to previous problem.  So I never see this person, but no money lost either.  

Today I scheduled a 90 minute. We met a bit early so she could verify me. She then will get room. I donated and she left. With 45-50 minutes remaining I ask her to email me room #. I don't hear from her. With 35 or so minutes remaining I call, no answer. Another email. No answer. So I left with 20 or so minutes remaining. About half hour later she replies to old email saying she is there. But no room #. No apologies. No explanation. No there was misunderstanding, maybe we should talk about this. $20 in drinks and $600. Poof without so much as a thank you.  

There are more drawn out details, but that is my experience thus far. Suggestions and advise. P L E A S E !

This just can't be the way it goes. I MUST be doing something wrong.

papagiorgio 5 Reviews 844 reads
2 / 43

Sorry you are having such a hard time. The first thing I would ask is where are you finding these potential dates? If you are solely using BP, in my opinion that is the majority of your problem. I know there are some gems in the rough there but I think you are better off trying to book with a well reviewed lady. If you don't have a VIP membership here, get one. You may also want to check out verification sites such as P411.

Also, you could get a prepaid Visa card to make your hobbying spending invisible to others. Once you get a couple of dates under your belt you will be able to use these ladies as references which will make your hobby experience much more fulfilling.

Hope this helps and happy hunting!!

mfg101 733 reads
3 / 43

Thanks. Thought even with prepaid your info is needed.  

Both ladies were thru TER, not BP or such. Lady #1 has 16 reviews and well regarded. Lady #2 has 54 good reviews. Both may be on p411

ToriParker See my TER Reviews 564 reads
4 / 43

Posted By: mfg101
Newbie, trying for months to complete a date. Both ladies well reviewed. Sadly my window of time is narrow and rigid. And worse, mid-day. To complicate things I can't have any records on my cards or phone. So email is more than preferred. I ALWAYS make this known up front.  
 First gal, flat out missed date without word. A week or so later I asked her if I did something wrong. She said she had an accident. Set up another date for later time. Again missed without word. Time passed and for some crazy reason I tried again.  Day of date turns out she could not host as previously agreed on. She suggested a place. I reminded her I could not use my cards. She said to meet her there. I'm there, she is late, asks me to get room. I remind her I can't. She then tells me she can't get a room there due to previous problem.  So I never see this person, but no money lost either.  
 Today I scheduled a 90 minute. We met a bit early so she could verify me. She then will get room. I donated and she left. With 45-50 minutes remaining I ask her to email me room #. I don't hear from her. With 35 or so minutes remaining I call, no answer. Another email. No answer. So I left with 20 or so minutes remaining. About half hour later she replies to old email saying she is there. But no room #. No apologies. No explanation. No there was misunderstanding, maybe we should talk about this. $20 in drinks and $600. Poof without so much as a thank you.  
 There are more drawn out details, but that is my experience thus far. Suggestions and advise. P L E A S E !  
 This just can't be the way it goes. I MUST be doing something wrong.

ToriParker See my TER Reviews 702 reads
5 / 43

I find this hard to believe that both ladies are well regarded. I doubt very much they are on P411, they would get their acct suspended for that type of behavior on P411

Posted By: mfg101
Thanks. Thought even with prepaid your info is needed.  
 Both ladies were thru TER, not BP or such. Lady #1 has 16 reviews and well regarded. Lady #2 has 54 good reviews. Both may be on p411

sexyvixen88 See my TER Reviews 735 reads
6 / 43

I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you.  

Posted By: ToriParker
Posted By: mfg101
Newbie, trying for months to complete a date. Both ladies well reviewed. Sadly my window of time is narrow and rigid. And worse, mid-day. To complicate things I can't have any records on my cards or phone. So email is more than preferred. I ALWAYS make this known up front.    
  First gal, flat out missed date without word. A week or so later I asked her if I did something wrong. She said she had an accident. Set up another date for later time. Again missed without word. Time passed and for some crazy reason I tried again.  Day of date turns out she could not host as previously agreed on. She suggested a place. I reminded her I could not use my cards. She said to meet her there. I'm there, she is late, asks me to get room. I remind her I can't. She then tells me she can't get a room there due to previous problem.  So I never see this person, but no money lost either.    
  Today I scheduled a 90 minute. We met a bit early so she could verify me. She then will get room. I donated and she left. With 45-50 minutes remaining I ask her to email me room #. I don't hear from her. With 35 or so minutes remaining I call, no answer. Another email. No answer. So I left with 20 or so minutes remaining. About half hour later she replies to old email saying she is there. But no room #. No apologies. No explanation. No there was misunderstanding, maybe we should talk about this. $20 in drinks and $600. Poof without so much as a thank you.    
  There are more drawn out details, but that is my experience thus far. Suggestions and advise. P L E A S E !  
  This just can't be the way it goes. I MUST be doing something wrong.

mfg101 694 reads
7 / 43

Tori I understand that you're skeptical. I also share your disbelief and I was there LOL. I just rechecked. Yes both ladies are P411.  

Again I have put blame on myself first and will not be naming names. I attempted to state events without emotion or error. As of now, lady #2 has still been silent. I'm just trying to figure out what my mistakes are. If I'm choosing the wrong lady, then many of us are lying.  

Thanks for your thoughts. If either lady in question reads this and wants to comment, I won't point you out

mfg101 600 reads
8 / 43

Again much is my limitations. Sat/Sun early. Makes it tough to find someone that interests me and is available.

mfg101 847 reads
9 / 43

Thank you. Me too. I understand it's difficult to comment, if you have suggestions I would appreciate them

brickmaker 42 Reviews 768 reads
10 / 43

You are saying that you paid $600 for a 90 minute session and no services were provided ?

sexyvixen88 See my TER Reviews 619 reads
11 / 43

What are you interested in...maybe someone could point you in the right direction.  

Posted By: mfg101
Again much is my limitations. Sat/Sun early. Makes it tough to find someone that interests me and is available.

mfg101 638 reads
12 / 43

Correct. Paid her at the bar up front. She then went to get room

mfg101 566 reads
13 / 43

Hi Vixen. At the moment someone who can show up for a date or complete one LOL.  

Not sure how much detail you are asking me for. Im not interested in a wham bam ma'am. Would like to find some one who I can repeat with so we learn each other. Metro milw area. Who can host.  

Its tough as my schedule is limited to Saturday or Sunday mornings, early afternoon. Every other week. Almost never have the ability to adjust outside that time frame.

 A nice conversationalist. Not someone who just nods their head and yeah I see. Educated. Nice to stimulate both heads.  

Warm, GFE. I tend to favor athletic builds. On the shorter side. Sounds funny, but I would feel awkward if I wasn't attracted and have concerns about offending her. So I tend to keep searches narrow. Not a big piercing or tattoo fan. A little is ok. Long hair is a plus.  

Is that what you were asking?

brickmaker 42 Reviews 663 reads
14 / 43

You got ripped off $600 and you're not going to say by whom ?

That's BS !!!!

mfg101 702 reads
15 / 43

Yes. In many aspects. I have my phone records and emails. I could name her, then I run the risk of her making my home life rather more unpleasant. Part of the screening is real name, work number and such...

papagiorgio 5 Reviews 715 reads
16 / 43

If this provider is on TER and has reviews, gave you the cash and dash to the tune of $600.00 and you have not heard anything from her since she has gone silent, you need to put up a review about that so others can avoid her. I have never had that happen, but if it did you can be damn sure I would post a review to inform others.

mfg101 615 reads
17 / 43

Thanks for the advice. Again I'm a total newbie. I ask you, is $600 worth being shot?

ToriParker See my TER Reviews 540 reads
18 / 43

It is unlikely she would do that..

Posted By: mfg101
Thanks for the advice. Again I'm a total newbie. I ask you, is $600 worth being shot?

mfg101 710 reads
19 / 43

Sorry for not being specific. I wasn't referring to the lady in question. ....

I appreciate everyone's input and recognize there is a fair amount of skepticism. I'm not blaming anyone but me for what happened. But my statements are accurate.  It did happen the way I said.  

But my real question was how to NOT get myself in this mess. Was I too trusting?  Should I have insisted ? And so on. Should I have a concern posting a review and then she may be angry. I wasn't even certain donation included her paying room. So I asked and she said no.

mfg101 608 reads
20 / 43

She said it was included.  

Posted By: mfg101
Sorry for not being specific. I wasn't referring to the lady in question. ....  
 I appreciate everyone's input and recognize there is a fair amount of skepticism. I'm not blaming anyone but me for what happened. But my statements are accurate.  It did happen the way I said.  
 But my real question was how to NOT get myself in this mess. Was I too trusting?  Should I have insisted ? And so on. Should I have a concern posting a review and then she may be angry. I wasn't even certain donation included her paying room. So I asked and she said no.

brewfan224 26 Reviews 689 reads
21 / 43

Posted By: mfg101
Sorry for not being specific. I wasn't referring to the lady in question. ....  
 I appreciate everyone's input and recognize there is a fair amount of skepticism. I'm not blaming anyone but me for what happened. But my statements are accurate.  It did happen the way I said.  
 But my real question was how to NOT get myself in this mess. Was I too trusting?  Should I have insisted ? And so on. Should I have a concern posting a review and then she may be angry. I wasn't even certain donation included her paying room. So I asked and she said no.
Doing research always helps.  That's why you should post a review of your experience.  That way the "mistake" you made won't be made by others.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 569 reads
22 / 43

Well regarded ladies wouldn't stand him up or rip him off.  

Suggestion for the OP: Get a throw away phone. A little easier to set up dates if we can speak to you and communicate with you if you were running late or something happened.  

I sent you a pm. There are several ladies in the area who won't stand you up at all, including me. We are not all like that.

I believe you can also review the lady who you met at the bar and gave her the money. That is a ripoff.
Posted By: ToriParker
I find this hard to believe that both ladies are well regarded. I doubt very much they are on P411, they would get their acct suspended for that type of behavior on P411  
Posted By: mfg101
Thanks. Thought even with prepaid your info is needed.    
  Both ladies were thru TER, not BP or such. Lady #1 has 16 reviews and well regarded. Lady #2 has 54 good reviews. Both may be on p411

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 714 reads
23 / 43

Only one has 54 reviews and 3 have 16 reviews (that is based in Milwaukee and not Chicago). Did a review search with the number of reviews in Milwaukee.

I do think he should review as a ripoff... but understand that he is afraid she might out him to work and family. So it is kind of a toss up.
Posted By: brickmaker
You got ripped off $600 and you're not going to say by whom ?  
 That's BS !!!!

sexyvixen88 See my TER Reviews 685 reads
24 / 43

I think tori matches your description of what your interested in....
and you Damn sure wouldn't deal with no rip off bs from her... tori is a good good friend of mine and I vouche for her 1000%....

Posted By: brewfan224
Posted By: mfg101
Sorry for not being specific. I wasn't referring to the lady in question. ....  
  I appreciate everyone's input and recognize there is a fair amount of skepticism. I'm not blaming anyone but me for what happened. But my statements are accurate.  It did happen the way I said.    
  But my real question was how to NOT get myself in this mess. Was I too trusting?  Should I have insisted ? And so on. Should I have a concern posting a review and then she may be angry. I wasn't even certain donation included her paying room. So I asked and she said no.
 Doing research always helps.  That's why you should post a review of your experience.  That way the "mistake" you made won't be made by others.  

mfg101 479 reads
25 / 43

Thank you Vixen, appreciate the direction. I'm sure you're not biased at all. ;)

mfg101 533 reads
26 / 43

Thank you for the suggestion. Considered a phone for exactly those reasons.

mfg101 644 reads
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W O W. quite detective. Kudos. Didn't know you could search that.

mfg101 548 reads
28 / 43

Sorry. Not a VIP member, I guess I can't read the messages

kylalavi See my TER Reviews 711 reads
29 / 43
sexyvixen88 See my TER Reviews 730 reads
30 / 43

Judging based on your statement,  I'm guessing you are the young lady in question?  

Posted By: kylalavi

mfg101 618 reads
31 / 43

Kyla, seemingly so. But that advice doesn't help my question what I may have done wrong.

popeyemadison 92 Reviews 731 reads
32 / 43

So you're willing to share your personal info with a provider you've never met, but not use that same personal info to obtain a prepaid credit card so you can get a room? (Do they actually require legit info to activate? I didn't know that and find it hard to believe.)

Here are some rules I've learned to follow:

1. Never give your personal info to a provider. Ever. If they require it, find someone else. You're in Milwaukee?

2. Use Google Voice. Or a throwaway phone you buy with cash. The email only rule is ridiculously limiting.

3. Be patient. You sound picky (as am I). Learn to walk away and punt if you can't find the spectacular you're looking for.

Good luck!

mfg101 582 reads
33 / 43

Thank you. Very much.  

I don't know about the prepaid cards. I presume to get a room they require DL. yes, Milwaukee area.  Haven't heard of google voice, will look into it. Agreed on email only a severe limitation on both sides. Too easy to misunderstand and communicate.  

Again, good suggestions. Thanks

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 650 reads
34 / 43

Why do you think you did anything wrong? You didn't. They are responsible for their own bad behavior.  

See different gals who are legit. You have had a few upstanding gals post here. None of the ones that posted on this thread have ever done such bad behavior that I know of (or heard of). I sure don't act like that at all.

Things catch up to you eventually if you treat guys like that. Pretty simple but many will learn the hard way.

In my pm, I had told you not to ever prepay for things, unless you know the gal. If you got to pay for the room and she is someone you are dying to see, then only give her the money for the room (not the whole fee!). I'd be pretty angry if that happened to me.
Posted By: mfg101
Kyla, seemingly so. But that advice doesn't help my question what I may have done wrong.

ToriParker See my TER Reviews 628 reads
35 / 43

Hope you find what you are looking ago.

Posted By: mfg101
Thank you. Very much.  
 I don't know about the prepaid cards. I presume to get a room they require DL. yes, Milwaukee area.  Haven't heard of google voice, will look into it. Agreed on email only a severe limitation on both sides. Too easy to misunderstand and communicate.  
 Again, good suggestions. Thanks

mfg101 582 reads
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mfg101 582 reads
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leeruns262 5 Reviews 591 reads
38 / 43

Wow this was incredibly interesting reading. Feel for you man, however, the decent women in this hobby are never intense with you concerning the $$$. I would fully expect that anyone I would set up with, would ask for the amount to pay for the room at first - to build trust and a comfort zone. And I think the fact that you can't or won't out her is something on your part. Tough lesson learned. Very tough. Glad I haven't been there.

USMC2012jarhead 28 Reviews 565 reads
39 / 43
GoodTimeTed 2 Reviews 587 reads
40 / 43

Kyla Lavi.  She's the only one that meets all the descriptions given.  She had 54 reviews until I recently gave her #55.  She's on P411.   Her 90 minute rate is $600.  She was in Milwaukee on the that day.  When I meet her it was very similar.  She wouldn't get a room until after we meet.  She needed the cash to get the room so I gave her the envelope.  She asked me if I wanted to wait until she was ready.  I said no and went to the room with her.  Otherwise I may have been dealing with the same crap.  

Posted By: mfg101
Newbie, trying for months to complete a date. Both ladies well reviewed. Sadly my window of time is narrow and rigid. And worse, mid-day. To complicate things I can't have any records on my cards or phone. So email is more than preferred. I ALWAYS make this known up front.  
 First gal, flat out missed date without word. A week or so later I asked her if I did something wrong. She said she had an accident. Set up another date for later time. Again missed without word. Time passed and for some crazy reason I tried again.  Day of date turns out she could not host as previously agreed on. She suggested a place. I reminded her I could not use my cards. She said to meet her there. I'm there, she is late, asks me to get room. I remind her I can't. She then tells me she can't get a room there due to previous problem.  So I never see this person, but no money lost either.  
 Today I scheduled a 90 minute. We met a bit early so she could verify me. She then will get room. I donated and she left. With 45-50 minutes remaining I ask her to email me room #. I don't hear from her. With 35 or so minutes remaining I call, no answer. Another email. No answer. So I left with 20 or so minutes remaining. About half hour later she replies to old email saying she is there. But no room #. No apologies. No explanation. No there was misunderstanding, maybe we should talk about this. $20 in drinks and $600. Poof without so much as a thank you.  
 There are more drawn out details, but that is my experience thus far. Suggestions and advise. P L E A S E !  
 This just can't be the way it goes. I MUST be doing something wrong.

nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 635 reads
41 / 43

Best to get a throwaway phone that you will use excessively for this. It does not have to be connected to your real info, and as long as you use that phone for this exclusively, you can use that for checking references. E-mail is many times appreciated at first, but a phone is essential, especially on the day of for confirmation reasons, etc. I do not believe you personally did anything wrong....just met with ladies that for whatever reason, we not being professional, which is more rare when there are plenty go reviews. It is frustrating that many are timid about posting bad reviews when things go south, as this allows the lady to continue her bad behavior....but also understand one being nervous about retribution, which in itself should not be a factor. You don't provide good service or rip someone off, expect consequences. Hopefully you'll have better luck in the future, as this is not the norm in the hobby, especially when the ladies have reviews and P411 accounts.

Mars62 15 Reviews 517 reads
42 / 43

Seems like you are P411. Get RS2K too.

Look for ladies that provide incall.

Start with an Agency Lady. City Girls sends ladies here, and some of them are here over the weekend, so no problem with Weekend Mornings. City Girls takes RS2K. I believe they take the fee off your first date. Check the TER Ads for other agencies. Perfect 10 also regularly has ladies here.

If you meet a lady at the bar, and she asks for money to get a room, the most I would give her is the room cost.

If you can only communicate by e-mail, then let them know, and bring your computer/smart phone with you. A lot of hotels have free wifi, so you can e-mail her when you arrive.

Tori Parker is a petite local lady who is very reliable.

London Rayne See my TER Reviews 522 reads
43 / 43

Never in my life have I or would I email a damn room number. You need to get a throw away phone at walmart and make a phone call the day of for the hotel and room number where I am from, so if you are constantly being blown off it is probably because only a certain caliber of provider is going to be willing to do all you need done for a meeting. Just sayin.  

Posted By: mfg101
Newbie, trying for months to complete a date. Both ladies well reviewed. Sadly my window of time is narrow and rigid. And worse, mid-day. To complicate things I can't have any records on my cards or phone. So email is more than preferred. I ALWAYS make this known up front.  
 First gal, flat out missed date without word. A week or so later I asked her if I did something wrong. She said she had an accident. Set up another date for later time. Again missed without word. Time passed and for some crazy reason I tried again.  Day of date turns out she could not host as previously agreed on. She suggested a place. I reminded her I could not use my cards. She said to meet heror there. I'm there, she is late, asks me to get room. I remind her I can't. She then tells me she can't get a room there due to previous problem.  So I never see this person, but no money lost either.  
 Today I scheduled a 90 minute. We met a bit early so she could verify me. She then will get room. I donated and she left. With 45-50 minutes remaining I ask her to email me room #. I don't hear from her. With 35 or so minutes remaining I call, no answer. Another email. No answer. So I left with 20 or so minutes remaining. About half hour later she replies to old email saying she is there. But no room #. No apologies. No explanation. No there was misunderstanding, maybe we should talk about this. $20 in drinks and $600. Poof without so much as a thank you.  
 There are more drawn out details, but that is my experience thus far. Suggestions and advise. P L E A S E !  
 This just can't be the way it goes. I MUST be doing something wrong.

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