
Don't get me started..
Foose1 19 Reviews 888 reads
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brickmaker 42 Reviews 784 reads
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They investigate for a year and find ads posted on craigslist on backpage for a massage. And while this business is under surveillance only men are visiting this place they assume its a "front for prostitution" and shut it down .

Is it illegal for a high school aged young man to walk into a MP and receive a massage ?
I don't see any proof of this business providing anything other than a massage other than "tips".

I'm sooo happy the money I pay for WI. taxes is being put to good use !!! Blah

beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 691 reads
3 / 6

You can't ever believe what's in the paper, the media is nothing but a tool.  IF, and I say IF what's reported is true, my issue is the minors and anyone in the hobby against their will.  No children should be in the hobby and no human should be in it against their will.  These are human lives.  Those that profit from them don't care.

Slavery and human trafficking is a real issue in this country.  IF this was going on, I hope the bad guys burn in hell.

Again, I say IF.  The media struggles with morals, ethics and the truth.

brickmaker 42 Reviews 673 reads
4 / 6

on the Media...LOL...  And I agree with what you are saying. I love a good massage so I frequent an AMP often. The women working at these AMP's are not minors and the women I am able to communicate with are here on their own free will. Most are divorced with children and are in the U.S. to make money to provide for their children then they go back to China. Apparently DDS (deadbeat dad syndrome) is a problem in China just like in the U.S.... sigh...

BTW. Welcome back Becca :)


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-- Modified on 4/5/2015 2:01:44 PM

JoeB 444 reads
5 / 6

Becca, according to many (heck most) 3rd wave feminists you are oppressed by the patriarchy. You were forced into this job because you have no other prospects due to the inherent misogyny in America. You are, yourself, a victim of human trafficking and degradation. You literally are not allowed to consent to this work, no matter what. If you say you want to do this, it's internalized misogyny and self-loathing.

The new (3rd wave) feminists seem to have that same Puritan streak as the religious right. So be careful assuming people reported as "trafficked" really are victims. While I do agree that no one should ever be forced into this work (or any work, really) I have learned to take trafficking claims with a grain of salt. Why? In SJC last year I met one gal whose friend was in a bust and all the girls (Asian) were labeled as trafficked. Well, they weren't trafficked, but it sounds so much more justified in the news than saying the cops busted some girls sharing a couple apartments to make money. How did the gal I was seeing put it?

Paraphrasing: I'd rather work a few hours a week on my knees and back, able to spend the rest of the time with my children, than work 45 hours a week in an office and barely see them.

beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 633 reads
6 / 6

I have to disagree here, Human Trafficking is a real issue, much bigger in this country than most realize. It goes on everywhere.  Don't take the problem with a grain of salt.  I have spent 5 years of my life working on this disgusting problem.  Just because a girl is friendly, has a believable story and looks healthy doesn't mean she's not a victim.  You can't always tell.  No age group, ethic group, gender, socioeconomic group, race or anything else is immune to this problem.  Trafficking isn't always sexual in nature.  Slavery is a better word for it.

I see where the hesitation is in believing how big the problem really is.  LE has abused the funds given to them to address the human trafficking problem.  There will never be enough funding to get rid of the problems and our wonderful idiots in charge can't make a decent decision to change their lives.  When most cities are given funds to go after human trafficking, they use it to bust people that are easier to find and can create revenue, ladies that are professional providers and have nothing to do with human trafficking.  We're more likely to pay our fines and we can pay bigger fines.  We cost very little. When human trafficking victims are found, they have lots of needs...housing, food, clothes, medical care, help getting home, language barriers, education, etc.  None of that is cheap.  

If you are in the hobby, chances are you have been closer to human trafficking than you ever wanted to be without even knowing it.

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