Washington DC

You must be takking about that other holocaust, 200yrs slave ships carrief black cargo
sqitdown 56 Reviews 3952 reads
1 / 56

for providers its a biz and screening is part of your job! You should want to do it period! the way I see it providers that don't screen hurt the biz and are the blame for all this drama. screen and find the bad apples disappear and LE will slack off cause its safer..  that being said DO YOUR JOB! or go to an agency. hope the AA band is lifted..  

Girls that don't screen and have a no AA rule are ether  
1 Racist  
2 dont want to (Preference)  
3 scared  
ether way your hurting the Biz..  

rule of thumb when doing business w/strangers do a damn PAT DOWN AKA screen!  

there should be an app for the lazy one's

Tippecanoe 623 reads
2 / 56

Would solve a lot of problems.  

That being said, hard to build a fool-proof system on both sides of the screen. BP girls are BP for a reason.

priyarainelle See my TER Reviews 595 reads
3 / 56

I'm very glad that you are amenable to screening, but I find it interesting to see how clients can be so uncooperative and then cry when they end up in a sting operation or get super freaked out when a reputable provider is trying to screen them.

You see videos, news stories, and other reports of providers being attacked and robbed- even after they've screened clients and things seemed okay. But I know some ladies and gentlemen pretend like it doesn't happen. Then you have other clients who insist that they are "completely safe" and "not the police"; they outright don't care because it's not their life at stake.  
So, honestly, I typically feel little to no sympathy for people who get caught up in busts because you should've done your due diligence. And even then, you can't be too sure.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 9:08:32 PM

Tippecanoe 597 reads
4 / 56

You see videos, new stories, and other reports of providers being attacked and robbed- even after they've screened clients and things seemed okay. But I know some ladies and gentlemen pretend like it doesn't happen. Then you have other clients who insist that they are "completely safe" and "not the police"; they outright don't care because it's not their life at stake.
Exactly my point in the other thread.  

A girl's safety, or a guy's hurt feelings, sucks to be you.

sqitdown 56 Reviews 573 reads
5 / 56

BP is BP but lets face it most/some/few of these girls don't know how to run things and need a madam (not a pimp) or this is what you get.. chaos!  if you good w/o then good but don't try 2 half ass cause then you bring other issues into place racism/LE crap..  

Simple fixes:
1. work in a city where there is less crime  
2. (like they tell us) don't be cheap! hire a body guard if you scared. if you can't handle the expenses BYE! or get a madam, chances are she'll get you more/better clients and be safer.  
3. get out the biz and fill out an application!!!

what biz screens by saying "no AA" like a white male won't burn that ass!  

I blame the providers on this one 100% DO YOUR JOB!

DaTrufe 609 reads
6 / 56
LuXLaRen See my TER Reviews 488 reads
7 / 56

May I interject please lol. Screening is Vital and yes vital for both the Providers and for the Clients.  Personally I feel like if a Client is ok with a Provider that doesn't screen he sets himself up for whatever may come along. And the same goes for any Provider that doesn't verify her client. Many of us won't even consider meeting a gentlemen who feels like we don't need to know who we are dealing with, especially those of us whom are independent. If I'm meeting you, someone needs to know who is responsible for me and my body should it turn up bruised, or worst yet dead! Does that mean someone who is verified is incapable of harming you? Absolutely not! But its better to be safe than sorry.

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 535 reads
8 / 56

This post is seriously correct though, if you're looking at girls who have no AA men on their posts/Ads then your looking in the wrong areas for creditable providers.. But seriously if every client had your perspective on Screening/Verification, my job as a hooker would be less stressful, annoying & I would make millions!!!  So many have been turned away cause they don't want to send their screening info..    

Make our jobs simpler gents & as the OP suggests-Send your screening info!!! Both parties will be smiling for days!!!

digdirkler 90 Reviews 542 reads
9 / 56

Using moralizing admonitions in an illegal skin business is goofy.
Prostitution will always be with us, and lower end prostitution will always be a part of it.  Some want Condon Bleu, some want McDonalds.  BP girls will screen AA's until AA's stop being vastly more dangerous on average than non-AA's.

Plus, how does screening AA hurt "the Biz"?  It hurts AA's missing out on illegal poon, but all others benefit.  Does it diminish the otherwise sterling reputation of prostitution?
If BP girls must choose between "security guards" or "agencies" or "madams" aka Pimps, and the cut of their income from that, or screening AA, many will rationally choose screening AA.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 432 reads
10 / 56

Posted By: priyarainelle
I'm very glad that you are amenable to screening, but I find it interesting to see how clients can be so uncooperative and then cry when they end up in a sting operation or get super freaked out when a reputable provider is trying to screen them.  
 You see videos, news stories, and other reports of providers being attacked and robbed- even after they've screened clients and things seemed okay. But I know some ladies and gentlemen pretend like it doesn't happen. Then you have other clients who insist that they are "completely safe" and "not the police"; they outright don't care because it's not their life at stake.  
 So, honestly, I typically feel little to no sympathy for people who get caught up in busts because you should've done your due diligence. And even then, you can't be too sure.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 9:08:32 PM

KirkIsMyCousins 563 reads
11 / 56

Im very curious to see where these stats come from that say "AA men are vastly more dangerous?"

AmberAffection See my TER Reviews 630 reads
12 / 56

Only know of two folk who were AA & gave me trouble,

& really that was my fault because their background checks both had prior drug charges that I assumed were old enough to not count.

I think White folk just get away with such crimes more frequently than people of color.
I know I've been party to the privilege.

Life410 12 Reviews 509 reads
13 / 56

Posted By: KirkIsMyCousins
Im very curious to see where these stats come from that say "AA men are vastly more dangerous?"

Life410 12 Reviews 596 reads
14 / 56

Posted By: AmberAffection
Only know of two folk who were AA & gave me trouble,  
 & really that was my fault because their background checks both had prior drug charges that I assumed were old enough to not count.  
 I think White folk just get away with such crimes more frequently than people of color.  
 I know I've been party to the privilege.
When you redline a group of people into poverty bad things happen. Irish had problems until government let them achieve whiteness and be the police to control slaves & blacks in general.  

US government gave free land to whites, federal mortgages, & social security post civil war...... Black people denied it all.  

Illegal immigrants get protection from the police by sanctuary cities like DC...Blacks gotta stay at bottom of hierarchy and get killed and/or arrested.  

You're right whites get away with more cause laws change once whites look bad....

Tippecanoe 510 reads
15 / 56

I've heard the same thing about Indians, dot. Stinky, cheap, always negotiating on price.

I know two providers personally who won't see them. They are banned from certain agencies.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 460 reads
16 / 56

The US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the FBI
For the latest statistics:
Blacks commit 49% of all murders, yet are 12% of the population, for example.
That is a per capita homicide rate ratio Black vs Non Black  of 7 to 1
For Rape, Blacks commit 33% of the total, for a B vs Non B ratio of 3.6 to 1
For Robbery, 55% and 9 to 1
For Assault, 34% and 3.8 to 1

In all categories, that is over TWICE as much violent crime per capita, raging from about 4x to 9x as dangerous as all other groups combined. The disparities with non-Hispanic whites are even greater, and with Asians it is through the roof.


digdirkler 90 Reviews 550 reads
17 / 56

You can't both say that it was the discriminating practices of the fading past which are responsible for blacks being vastly more dangerous, and that blacks are not vastly more dangerous.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 536 reads
18 / 56

If the more than double violent crime rates of blacks (actually about double of double of double aka 8 times the rate of whites) is explained by "White Privilege"...

Then how do you explain the about 16x the rate of Asians, or about 3x the rate of Latinos?  
Are these minorities and recent immigrants so privileged that the justice system turns them the blind eye as well?  
Why are Asians 1/2 the violent crime rate of whites? is the Justice system systematically prejudice against whites?

If whites has a HUGE privilege effect for violent crime vs blacks, say 1/2 as likely to get reported, arrested, convicted (stats don't bear this out btw) ...then blacks would STILL be massively more dangerous aka FOUR TIMES, double double

digdirkler 90 Reviews 412 reads
19 / 56

it seems that the usual accusations of Nazi, klansman, homosexual prostitute, and terror of big black cock is not enough for the usual suspects.   In revenge or my insistence that a woman may rationally screen those whom they may be locked in a room with, alone, naked, I now have false accusations.  Oh well.  Such is the price of truth.  Wonder if there are reports wherein dat ole' devil Mr. FBI is a pedophile serial killer, since he is the source of the painful statistics.

Interesting spelling -"baby PHat".  Hmmm wonder if that atypical spelling quirk is a clue to the identity of that poster, Life? :-)

sqitdown 56 Reviews 505 reads
20 / 56

Some kinda way about blacks.  Point is if providers screens everybody that's makes it saver for everybody. Keeping the riff out also keeps LE away & if you see girls who don't screen that should tell you a bit more about what else she isn't doing (example) taking care of that staff infection she got from the last guy.  

Shout out the guy who said "Madams take more $ for there take home pay" clearly this guy knows nothing about business. It's called expenses & in this case it's a safety issue which isn't negotiable. Any girl in the biz won't be around long if she doesn't feel safe. Like I said if a provider is uncomfortable then leave the biz! I'm calling all providers to encourage the less adapt to screen.

These post take the cake " I'm not a racist but no AA"  that fact that you have to state it though!    

There was as Asian girl that posted on here she was hot.. feel free to DM me

DaTrufe 486 reads
21 / 56

White men are the most violent savage beast on the face of the earth ask the indians, oh you cant you damn near wiped them off the face of the earth. Ask the over 100millions slaves you killed in the passage on the transatlantic slave trade. Ask the Arab who you drop bombs on their women and children. You are a ruthless savage violent beast...Every where the white man goes you have killed, stolen and raped...If them backpage women were smart they would ban your ass...

digdirkler 90 Reviews 445 reads
22 / 56

Mr. Trufe makes a valid point that historically, including war and other violence outside violent crime, white folks have done plenty of violence.    

Now, even if the point about whitey being "violent beasts" due to all the items he names were true, this does not explain why a BP girl would care.   If the BP girl were a slave 200 years ago, perhaps she would want to "ban" whitey from enslaving her.  But an actual BP girl, living in the current USA, would still face the same stats cited about black violent crime, the sort of violence relevant for her.

On to his larger point, about a global aggregate racial guilt for violence, whites certainly are not without guilt.  But are they the worst, as asserted by Mr. Trufe?  Well, the largest per capita killer in human history was Genghis Khan, and the most deadly war was a civil war in China a few thousand years ago.   But in terms of gross numbers for war and conquest, which inflate as human population size grows over time, whites are the top, with the least in violent crime -Asians, running a close second.

Why did whitey conquer so much and have such big deadly wars?  Well, for the same reason that whitey invented almost everything (science, modern medicine, machines, computers, telephones, planes trains and automobiles etc etc etc).  Because YT discovered modern civilization which gave incredible power relative to other people groups- guns versus spears etc.  And that power was used the same way every people group used power -conquest, just bigger and better.  

But then YT also invented human rights, ended slavery, and gave health and wealth to the world thru his inventions, and has saved far far more lives than he took.  In the end, almost everything the world likes today, from low infant mortality to movies to voting to women's rights etc etc etc was created by whitey, and far more lives saved than taken.  

You are welcome.

DaTrufe 500 reads
23 / 56

You were in the caucus caved crawling around on all 4, you didnt even know how to start a fire, you jumped on an animal and bit him and ate him raw, you urinated & deficated right where you ate and slept. You had no culture, no civilization,  no knowledge. We gave you that, the black man. We are your parents, Im your daddy. See you think you are smart, but you cant pull that on me, im a black man with knowledge  of self... I know where you came from and who you are digdirkler...I know you are jealous and threatened of the blackman, cause we are the beginning and the end. Everything you say you invented its a black man behind it, you are a thief and a liar. You dont want to debate me because I will use your own scholars to embarrass you my child.

Knowledge is power

Life410 12 Reviews 524 reads
24 / 56

Posted By: DaTrufe
You were in the caucus caved crawling around on all 4, you didnt even know how to start a fire, you jumped on an animal and bit him and ate him raw, you urinated & deficated right where you ate and slept. You had no culture, no civilization,  no knowledge. We gave you that, the black man. We are your parents, Im your daddy. See you think you are smart, but you cant pull that on me, im a black man with knowledge  of self... I know where you came from and who you are digdirkler...I know you are jealous and threatened of the blackman, cause we are the beginning and the end. Everything you say you invented its a black man behind it, you are a thief and a liar. You dont want to debate me because I will use your own scholars to embarrass you my child.  
 Knowledge is power

DaTrufe 387 reads
25 / 56

Respect your parents...He ran away from the truth, and went to start a new thread, if he starts to disrepect his parents, I will straighten him out again... Daddy is watching...

digdirkler 90 Reviews 530 reads
26 / 56

So, amongst all da misspellings and poor grammar... where did you find all this deep knowledge of yourself and the anthropological data on the origins of dat ole' devil whitey and da mighty black man?  Old back issues of Final Call? This is fun stuff.  Please, do enlighten us, tell us all about how the black man invented...ohhhh, how about semi-conductors?  the telegraph?  germ theory? powered flight? the fundamental laws of motion, or quantum physics?  the steam engine?  differential calculus?  

I know you have peanut butter and hair relaxers all sewn up, and I guess Hidden Figures shows you have NASA, forget Wernher von Braun and Goddard etc....but I guess I'm ignorant about the black men behind those old honkies Tesla and Newton and Galileo and Edison and Watt and Einstein and Bell and Salk and oh damn, its a long list, you get the drift.  Please do fill in the gaps in our knowledge.  Please do chastise me with my own scholars.

DaTrufe 520 reads
27 / 56

Being this not a place to give a complete history lesson, you have only existed 6000 yrs, meaning the white race, I have been here since the beginning of time, now if you had a bit of intelligence you would know that the greeks, romans, and whites before them went to Africa to gain any knowledge of any degree, meaning mathematics, science, astrology, etc...This is why europe had a period called the dark ages, cause you had nothing and lived in complete darkness like savages. Meanwhile in africa we had civilization and economies, toilets, cooked food, spices, finest clothes, we had it all. All those so called guru's you named, did nothing but repeat what we, the black man had already perfected. Remember Im your daddy, nothing under the sun is new.  

Hope this helps, please educate yourself, before trying to challenge your Daddy.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 491 reads
28 / 56

Africans had flush toilets?  Which ones?  Oh, and which Africans had computers and satellites and steam engines and airplanes and guns and smart phones etc etc perfected, that modern European civilization just repeated?  I really want to know.  I feel so ignorant.

Here I thought Africa had the early civilization of Egypt who invented a cumbersome form of writing and some interesting artistic innovations in sculpture and architecture.  True the Greeks followed and improved on them (but they borrowed writing from Babylon, not Egypt... that's in the middle east fyi).   They had Carthage, which was about as black African as Greece and Rome (they were Phoenicians, the ancestors of modern Lebanese)... oh and below the Sahara, the black part of Africa there were... oh some minor states well below the Egyptians in stature... or so I had thought.

I feel so silly.  Didn't know Einstein's theory of relativity was just a repeat of some theory by some Egyptian genius. Huh.  Except... if they had all that stuff...

Why were Alexander of Macedonia, and Rome able to conquer Egypt with only swords and shields?  Why was early modern European civilization able to take (actually buy from black slave traders) millions of slaves from Africa?  Why was Europe able to colonize the entire continent from Egypt to South Africa (excepting Ethiopia) with only steam engines and single shot Martini Henry rifles, when Africans had nukes and airplanes and tanks?

So many questions.  Please educate me oh learned Father.

DaTrufe 516 reads
29 / 56

I have cut you 5 ways all day, long, deep, wide, continuously and consecutively...you are bleeding all over the place. Im only making you hate your Daddy more, lol.

Oh and just because you write long statements, doesnt make it any more compelling. Short and precise, thats the ticket.

wrps07 422 reads
30 / 56

You can the range of inventions and impacts on the world.


Tippecanoe 542 reads
31 / 56

Compton, the list goes on and on.

Yeah, keep selling your snake oil, while putting providers in danger.

Girls safety or your feelings, suck to be Da Trufe.

Tippecanoe 352 reads
32 / 56

Money talks, bullshit walks.  Keep on stepping.

How much did you tip the last five girls you saw?  Just curious.

Tippecanoe 419 reads
33 / 56

No wonder you're so angry and mouthy, no daddy to discipline you.

You still haven't answered any questions. How about this one, how much did you tip the last five girls you visited play'a?  Did you even tip at all?  

Angry black man in the house.  You going to post another smiley face and make it all better?

Tippecanoe 486 reads
34 / 56

You gone to the park tonight again play'a?  Kind of raining out tonight, but then nobody would see you cruz'n except the old black man talkin at you, "play'a, we know watcha doin out here".

Hahaha, big dick swings both ways.  Probably why you so angry.  About to be found out.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 378 reads
35 / 56

OK Trufe, you want short and pithy?
Name one European or European-American invention from 1600 onward that was a repeat of something already perfected in Africa previously.  

And explain how Europeans enslaved and colonized Africa... if Africans had already invented and perfected every European invention ahead of time, such as, oh, nukes, jets, tanks, machine guns etc. ?  Why didn't they use them on the slavers with flint lock muskets, or Alexander with his sword and shield tech?  Hmmmm....

DaTrufe 482 reads
36 / 56

Black people are not violent by nature, this is why we didnt create all these evil weapons, we had no need for them, we actually invited the white man in with love and open arms, gave them knowledge, only for them to turn around and use that knowledge against us. This should sound very familiar to you, as you did it to the indians, and to every other people that has welcomed you in and embraced you. You are a killer and violent at your very core digdirler. Thank you for actually solidifying my truth, even though it doesnt need validating due to your ignorance, but thanks anyway. Look at your statements are even violent, talking about nukes, guns, tanks, etc. You are just violent by nature.

Your truth is my power.. please find someone else, im to much for you my son.

Tippecanoe 530 reads
37 / 56

I heard back channel you're actually white and are trolling. The real truth.

Makes sense.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 441 reads
38 / 56

Fine. Ole' devil whitey invented the evil weapons and the black man did not, no dispute.  Plausible evidence of a peaceful nature, or perhaps just a less-inventive one.

Blacks certainly uses those weapons extensively, at least the lower tech ones, whether for the massive homicide rates in the US, or the current bloody wars of sub-Saharan Africa, featuring child soldiers and cannibalism among other things.  They do these things using weapons made outside of Africa. Even the simple machetes used extensively in many contemporary African massacres are mostly not made in Africa.

Great, we agree.

DaTrufe 421 reads
39 / 56

And what did violent esau do? He shot and killed them all except for a little boy, who played dead, in the church for God's Sake. He didnt only shoot them he had 7 magazines that held 16 bullets each, that he reloaded 7 times and emptied each magazine until he was out of rounds. And what did the black people do, stand up in court and say "We Forgive Him" because black people are not violent by nature. You are the violent one (esau) digdirkler..Im afraid of you when I walk down the street, cause I have no idea, what you might do, you are unpredictable with your violence.

Tippecanoe 386 reads
40 / 56

And what did violent da trufe do?  He dropped his pants in the stall, turned around, bent over and welcomed white men in with his wide stance. And what did they do? They angrily poked him, nine white men, because they are angry. They each emptied their load into da trufe, every drop. And what did Cain, da trufe, do? He stood up thanked every one of them with a 'yes sir'.Then Esau, da trufe, immediately went to the forum to type furiously in anger about what happened to him, even though it was of his own doing.  

Cain murdered his brother and was marked by God.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 424 reads
41 / 56

We agree that what Dylan Roof did was violent, and the actions of the black church parishioners he killed were saintly.    

We also agree that blacks are not violent by nature.   But that is too broad and simplistic a statement.  Neither are they peaceful by nature.  Neither are whites peaceful or violent by nature.  

Some blacks commit violent crime.  Some whites, like Dylan Roof commit violent crime.  Some blacks are not only peaceful, but saintly.  Some whites the same.  Individuals within groups, whether grouped by race, or age, or sex, or favorite football team, or state of residence, vary greatly.   But the groups also vary, depending on the aggregation of the behaviors of individual constituents.  Whites are more Republican, or Republicans are more white, and blacks are more Democrat, and Democrats are more black, on average.  But some whites vote Democrat, and believe it or not, about 8% of blacks vote Republican.

Statistically, as groups, average profiles differ.  Blacks overall commit more violent crime, as a group, statistically, per capita than whites as a group, statistically.  That is undisputable and that is my claim, not a claim about a common nature shared by all members of any one group.

2superamo 115 Reviews 405 reads
42 / 56
digdirkler 90 Reviews 457 reads
43 / 56

There are not good records.  100 million strains credulity, because the population of  the Congo/Guinea Slave Coast region could not have supported that scale. Remember the 13 US colonies/ states only supported 3 million people total at the time of the revolution, populations were much smaller everywhere back then.

According to National Geographic, a fairly centrist Lefty publication that is generally respectable on scientific subjects, it more like 10 million.  Most were to Brazil, because it is much closer to the Slave Coast than anywhere else, and because most Brazilian sugar cane slaves died and had to be replaced.  Another large chunk to the Caribbean, the other sugar economy.  Anglo America was the smallest destination for slaves.

The number of slaves imported to the US was about 700,000.  Interestingly, about 600,000 died fighting the Civil War ending US slavery, so perhaps Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address was prophetic, with his mention of the war continuing "until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword"

DaTrufe 501 reads
44 / 56

There are more records of slave ships than one would dream. I dont know what numbers Digdirkler is quoting he must be referring to that other holocaust, but Im talking about the hellacaust that continues today.

DaTrufe 456 reads
45 / 56

Dont try to minimize my atrocitie, I know its hard to face the violence that we have endured.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 322 reads
46 / 56

According to the current Wikipedia article, current estimate is 12 million, a bit closer to my 10 million than Trufe's 100 million.  Estimated middle passage deaths are 1.2-2.4 million.
That's a lot of enslaved people, a lot of deaths, a lot of misery. Terrible. A lot.
But it isn't anywhere near 100 million.  Facts Matter.

BTW -number lynched according to NAACP? 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings  
How many blacks killed by other blacks in 2007? 3868 (DOJ)

DaTrufe 413 reads
47 / 56

A source, I mean at least name a credible source, go to the Library of Congress they have records. You disappoint me, as you have become lazy in your state of ignorance.  
" Because most of the history on the western world has been distorted it becomes necessary for me to explain to you thes distributions." Henry Barth a European writer.....

The white man is a liar and a deceiver, he says it himself.

jspter 8 Reviews 408 reads
48 / 56

DaTrufe reminds me of the poet at the coffee house that is waxing philosphical without a single substantive fact behind anything.  Even a leftist publication like slate refutes your idiocy.  


leostar 51 Reviews 428 reads
49 / 56

If you actually look at the DOJ Data, and then filter it by age, and look at men over the age of 25 [which is the bulk of the men who providers will see]...you'll find that white men are far and away FAR more likely to be arrested for rape, and other violent crimes...

(as another point of FACT, DOJ stats are for arrests, not convictions, so there's no telling what the disposition of these arrests turn out to be)

Black men above the age of 25, are statistically less dangerous than white men of the same age...

ANiceGuyToHookUp 114 Reviews 411 reads
50 / 56

I agree that everyone should screen and do their due dilligence.  But I completely disagree that ladies should not be entitled to have preferences -- no white guys, no AA, no hispanics -- they have a right to do whatever they want.  Perfectly legal and perfectly ethical to discriminate based on gender, race, ethnicity, etc.  There is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

digdirkler 90 Reviews 393 reads
51 / 56

You misread the statistics, because you confuse aggregate (total number) crime with crime rate (per capita, ie how dangerous the group in question is per individual).    

There are far more Non-Blacks than Blacks (87% of the population vs 13%).  
If Non-Blacks commit crime at the same RATE (ie per capita), if black an non-black were equally dangerous, then there will be 7 times as many crimes committed by Non-Blacks in gross numbers, even though the rates are identical.  

If black were only  twice as dangerous as non-blacks (2x the per capita rate) then non blacks would still commit 3 1/2 times as much total crime, due to their far greater total numbers.    

 If Non-Blacks and Blacks both commit 50% each of gross crime,  equal total numbers, the Black RATE will be 7x times as high.  The average black individual will be 7 times as dangerous as the average non-black.  This is roughly the actual ratio, though it ranges above and below 50/50 for various crime categories.

zorrf 391 reads
52 / 56

You're either dumb as fuck, or you're lying and hope no one will notice.  The UCR is a tabulation of crimes reported and offenders identified.  That's pretty much it.  Even major crimes like homicides have a ridiculously low clearance rate.  Like around 60% nationally and in some places as low as 30%.  There's no data out there to underpin your racist dumbfuckery.  I'm sure you're the smartest cousin at all the family orgies, but that shit doesn't fly down here in civilization.  Keep this shit up and someone's gonna know you're stupid.  

zorrf 344 reads
53 / 56

Sure ladies CAN do what they want.  They can also take your money, give you a 1.5 second blow job, and badger you to hurry up and cum.  But you'd also be well within your right to come here and criticize them for it...Why the fuck you think that turning away black clients is deserving of some sort of bulletin board sanctity?  I'd love to see someone articulate this for once and not look dumb as fuck attempting to do so.  

Legendarylana See my TER Reviews 260 reads
54 / 56

There is a free screening app a lot of provides use. It is called mr. Number free in App Store! Providers use it as a blacklist tool! Thank me later!

HeiressOwns See my TER Reviews 124 reads
55 / 56

I swear you posted the only piece of relevant information. Thank you!

ANiceGuyToHookUp 114 Reviews 165 reads
56 / 56

have a sense of entitlement.  Respect preferences.  If a provider doesn't want to be with you for whatever arbitrary reason then simply move on --- you wouldn't have any fun anyways.  There is no point in attempting to see someone who doesn't want to see you.  It doesn't have to be any more complicated.   TER reviews only apply to ladies that you have seen for a reason.  If someone doesn't see you, then they cause you no harm or loss.    

-- Modified on 5/10/2017 5:33:56 PM

-- Modified on 5/10/2017 7:22:54 PM

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