Washington DC

Weekly 2-hour date for six weeks....
DonByas 642 reads

Ladies, PM your thoughts and what you would need for such an arrangement.  Thx,  DB

Not seeing anything really crazy here, sounds pretty straight forward.  

I am LTR friendly and montly arrangement friendly, but I wouldn't consider this an arrangement that could not be managed. Depends on your budget and what you seek; a lot of 2 hr appts have been hit by inflation!  

I am comfortable with my 2 hour staying where it is, and pretty much always has been. Can't guarantee it, but for now, 2 hrs are still my fav and I am more than happy to provide at a reasonable price point. Good luck with your search and your wallet!

My awesome website will answer anything else you need to know, so please check it out before contacting me: www.catalinarizal.com

Screening is absolutely necessary.  

My website is www.catalinarizal.com  
TER ID: 265143
P411: P170343
Date Check CA3324F
Follow me on twitter @catalinarizal  

-- Modified on 4/12/2015 9:52:59 PM

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