Washington DC

Trish Regan > Stephanie Rule
Life410 10 Reviews 282 reads

Kelly Evans > Maria TonyRomo
Kennedy > Joy Reid

i'm not old....socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I just want the monetary wrongs done to black people from 1555-2017 to be righted. By the way...i'm against illegal immigration.  

1/32 NBA Majority owners is black....while 70% of players is black and that disgust me. I'm about regaining the control that was systematically denied and being bosses!!!



Oh, And This Local board ain't about politics outside of the hobby. You need to stay on topic!!!!!
Posted By: oversteerer
Re: Sorry...I don't watch Clinton News Network.  
Posted By: Life410
Posted By: oversteerer
Damn every African American male  host on CNN is so whats your issue?  Maybe some nice prop will allow to explore both sides
 Yeah you seem like a MSNBC type of guy.  One who fantasizes about turning Rachel Madcow sorry Rachel Maddow straight. Hell they took Stephanie Ruhle who used to be a hottie on Bloomberg and turned her into Rachel wannabee.  But I am guessing Chris Matthews straightens out the wrinkles in your Dockers.

I'm an All American Brotha.....I like my meat, cheese, potatoes (vegetable in my mind cause it has fiber), and beer guy. Granted you all are professional women....but does the taste of cum bother you and depends on diet? do you like a certain flavor? Can we help you enjoy?

When I was a teen last decade during most of last decade I hated the taste of beer...but when ya want to get drunk you learn to like it. Is cum an acquired taste for you all and do you feel certain foods make it better for you all?  

For me...all the extra is cool, but it doesn't make me super hard. something about a natural pussy that has been showered like a several hours ago and is hinting mother natures musk and sour skittle flavor damn near makes me cum. That naturalness makes me feel like i'm getting the real woman and her emotions! I'm not sure how food affects women....but too much perfume smell disengages me as her being a fraud.  


Chime in ladies! gents too! this is what this board is suppose to be about!!!!!

Women on here are sexually liberal...Not someone talking garbage on Twitter and not participating,ha.

Women on here have sampled multiple men...I'm just trying to figure out if taste is a big deal and if you feel certain things affect taste & if things can be more favorable for you all.  

Teens/early 20s you got the "eat pineapple bro so she wants it's all the time etc" I'm trying to get a real answer....Not bro talk. Is taste of no concern? Is it bitter for most guys & you like it sweeter?

Posted By: TurbayVeronica

How dirty does pussy get in clean draws sitting on the couch waiting to be tended too?  

Wake up in the middle of the night (she showered before bed) and you ask your lady to go wash after sleeping for 4 hours? Hmmm....Okay. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Posted By: Tonystarks3412

Damn every African American male  host on CNN is so whats your issue?  Maybe some nice prop will allow to explore both sides


Posted By: oversteerer
Damn every African American male  host on CNN is so whats your issue?  Maybe some nice prop will allow to explore both sides

Posted By: Life410
Posted By: oversteerer
Damn every African American male  host on CNN is so whats your issue?  Maybe some nice prop will allow to explore both sides

Yeah you seem like a MSNBC type of guy.  One who fantasizes about turning Rachel Madcow sorry Rachel Maddow straight. Hell they took Stephanie Ruhle who used to be a hottie on Bloomberg and turned her into Rachel wannabee.  But I am guessing Chris Matthews straightens out the wrinkles in your Dockers.

Kelly Evans > Maria TonyRomo
Kennedy > Joy Reid

i'm not old....socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I just want the monetary wrongs done to black people from 1555-2017 to be righted. By the way...i'm against illegal immigration.  

1/32 NBA Majority owners is black....while 70% of players is black and that disgust me. I'm about regaining the control that was systematically denied and being bosses!!!



Oh, And This Local board ain't about politics outside of the hobby. You need to stay on topic!!!!!

Posted By: oversteerer
Re: Sorry...I don't watch Clinton News Network.  
Posted By: Life410
Posted By: oversteerer
Damn every African American male  host on CNN is so whats your issue?  Maybe some nice prop will allow to explore both sides
 Yeah you seem like a MSNBC type of guy.  One who fantasizes about turning Rachel Madcow sorry Rachel Maddow straight. Hell they took Stephanie Ruhle who used to be a hottie on Bloomberg and turned her into Rachel wannabee.  But I am guessing Chris Matthews straightens out the wrinkles in your Dockers.

Posted By: Life410
I'm an All American Brotha.....I like my meat, cheese, potatoes (vegetable in my mind cause it has fiber), and beer guy. Granted you all are professional women....but does the taste of cum bother you and depends on diet? do you like a certain flavor? Can we help you enjoy?  
 When I was a teen last decade during most of last decade I hated the taste of beer...but when ya want to get drunk you learn to like it. Is cum an acquired taste for you all and do you feel certain foods make it better for you all?  
 For me...all the extra is cool, but it doesn't make me super hard. something about a natural pussy that has been showered like a several hours ago and is hinting mother natures musk and sour skittle flavor damn near makes me cum. That naturalness makes me feel like i'm getting the real woman and her emotions! I'm not sure how food affects women....but too much perfume smell disengages me as her being a fraud.  
 Chime in ladies! gents too! this is what this board is suppose to be about!!!!!
Have a suggestion why dont you do a little yoga and stretching and give yourself a BBBJTCIM. That way you will have a first person review of how your spunk tastes. Best part of this it will save you a little dough and you can buy more expensive beer or maybe try a good 15yo single malt. To quote the late great Dean Wormer " Fat, drunk, and ........"

Keep up the funny shit bro,,,,,  Beats the hell out of those lame ass mongers,  pussy wanted ads!!!  Oh and Bae in Danish means, Poop......brahahahahahha.

The Standard American Diet heavily influences the way people taste, and meat (particularly red meat) can seriously make sexytime taste awful. Keeping a healthy diet that's plant-based helps a ton. I even know some providers who abstain from eating meat on days they have appointments.  

Every pussy has its own unique signature scent, and diet plus body chemistry are generally what's responsible for that.

Pineapple is known to help improve taste for men, and probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kombucha help women out (though these foods are good for everyone). Perfumes and sprays can upset pH balance for women, and I don't know about anyone else, but licking cologne or body spray off of balls doesn't arouse anything except my need for water. :P

Thanks. Body secretions will be salty...But if pineapple makes stuff more enjoyable I'm going to research things & see if I can get a reaction beyond a lady's normal lust of men. Maybe a "that's surprisingly good" comment....Haha.

Posted By: MissErinBlack
The Standard American Diet heavily influences the way people taste, and meat (particularly red meat) can seriously make sexytime taste awful. Keeping a healthy diet that's plant-based helps a ton. I even know some providers who abstain from eating meat on days they have appointments.  
 Every pussy has its own unique signature scent, and diet plus body chemistry are generally what's responsible for that.  
 Pineapple is known to help improve taste for men, and probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kombucha help women out (though these foods are good for everyone). Perfumes and sprays can upset pH balance for women, and I don't know about anyone else, but licking cologne or body spray off of balls doesn't arouse anything except my need for water. :P

I'm sad more providers didn't chime in here. Us guys all know that our jizz must taste like ice cream, lol.

and not put Life 420?

Although a valid inquiry, sometimes you are way out there man.

Posted By: Life410
I'm an All American Brotha.....I like my meat, cheese, potatoes (vegetable in my mind cause it has fiber), and beer guy. Granted you all are professional women....but does the taste of cum bother you and depends on diet? do you like a certain flavor? Can we help you enjoy?  
 When I was a teen last decade during most of last decade I hated the taste of beer...but when ya want to get drunk you learn to like it. Is cum an acquired taste for you all and do you feel certain foods make it better for you all?  
 For me...all the extra is cool, but it doesn't make me super hard. something about a natural pussy that has been showered like a several hours ago and is hinting mother natures musk and sour skittle flavor damn near makes me cum. That naturalness makes me feel like i'm getting the real woman and her emotions! I'm not sure how food affects women....but too much perfume smell disengages me as her being a fraud.  
 Chime in ladies! gents too! this is what this board is suppose to be about!!!!!

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