Washington DC

This is all so true!
Schtuperman 899 reads
1 / 18

I am searching for what used to be TER's Washington DC discussion board.

Have you seen it lately?

I used to be a steady contributor here who now rarely visits and even more rarely posts here due to the proliferation of ISO posts, complaints regarding race and general lack of consideration for those who seek information. I see more disdain for people in responses and the general lack of banter that used to drive this board to being a really good place to be.

Ever wonder why you don't see the names you used to see more often? Even from as little as a year ago? Well, if my e-mails with some of those individuals are any indication, the things TER allows here now are a big reason. Sure, some people move on, change names and the like. That is a normal ebb and flow this hobby has always shown. But a complete exodus of people who used to make this place fun and entertaining while still being able to gain credible and useful information has occurred and I'm not sure TER even realizes it.

I had hoped that this board was going through a phase and that things would eventually go back towards being fun and useful again but unfortunately it seems to have evolved into what it is now. It appears this is not just a phase.

I still use TER but in a much different way than before. For me, it's a shame what this board has become.

Maybe if this thread gets enough responses that agree with me, TER will take strides to returning this board to where it is, in my opinion, a fun and useful place to be.

Stepping down off my soapbox now. Agree or respectively disagree as you wish

fallaciouslyiced 11 Reviews 461 reads
2 / 18

Perhaps you can elaborate a little bit more on the types of changes that you'd like to see? Or expand on how this board used to be?

I'm a complete newcomer so the most I can do is just make sure not to post/comment on those kinds of topics.


-- Modified on 6/11/2015 7:06:57 AM

FitandFunny 341 reads
3 / 18

I've had those same thoughts. Shouldn't we be discussing more fun things like what wine goes best with Latin or Asian? We all know Bordeaux is best with French. Not the fun it once was. Don't mind hearing of a bad experience if it is relevant to everyone. Ex. Once made a trip to a beautful lady that was a notorious 'no show'. Because of the board I new it and of course she was a 'no show'. No surprise.  

On this board, not the ad board, about 15 yrs. ago got a Father's Day special with a lady I wouldn't have normally seen. Best one time visit I ever had. Met here first.

Often see the 'Who this week" post, but should you really have to ask? Post about the fun with the ladies not the reviews. They go in the review section. Then we'll all know. Like the lady that took 'me' out to dinner because we were having such fun.

My $.02.

JohnyComeAlready 233 reads
5 / 18

If that's what people want to post, so be it.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 376 reads
6 / 18

The board is what it has always been really. Just more of this and less of that lately. It's still informative , the ladies board is wonderful for us providers. The ISOs have always been around and they don't bother me. It allows another clever way and transparent way for the ladies to advertise. Even when threads are started by a lady , most times it's just advertising. We know this. Doesn't bother me any.  

  It is what it is and I skim through when I can. I am busy enough in my private life  that I check in here to see what's up, to post my ad and that's about it. I have been a member for quite some time here and yes there are definitely less discussions and more of the same discussions going on. What can you do? It's a board and we are allowed to post what we want. As we should be. It is a community and it is made up of us.  

  If one doesn't like something then one just shouldn't pay attention to it.  And as in most things, change comes with time. It can't be stopped. Some people that used to be regular posters have just gotten bored or have moved on. Some have said everything they could and now have nothing more to say.  

  Others just don't want to add to the drivel that is so commonly posted by the same individuals. Some things are predictable  and each board including this one, has its board personalities. The same few who always have negative comments , snarky comments and rude comments.  I know that has been enough to keep some people away from posting.  

  But it's a board and it has all the normal happenings of any board and it's community. It exists and I am happy it does. It serves a good purpose and it's better then not having one at all. I have mat some great people, men and women, thanks to this board. I have picked up some valuable and helpful information from this board.  

  Enjoy your evening everybody!!

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 318 reads
7 / 18

I find it best to put on ignore those who annoy you and carry on with your life.

Life is too short to worry about what others do and how they act.

Block them and be who you want to be. :)

Guarddog111 238 Reviews 408 reads
8 / 18

On this and other boards, there is a direct correlation to when certain (2) members were busted or outed that posting dropped precipitously.   The number of lurkers is huge, disproportionate to number of posters on other boards

JohnyComeAlready 393 reads
9 / 18
FitandFunny 273 reads
10 / 18

If I'm going to drop a few hundred dollars I'm looking for companionship and just sex. Sex is easy to get. Companionship with a lovely lady is a little more difficult. If sex is all you want go to a 'car wash' or one of the ladies that offer 15 minute for a few bucks, or the local bar.

mykel11 376 reads
12 / 18

I used to post regularly under another name.  I stopped posting when the board became a place for people to air their issues and indiscretion became the norm.  Some posters now lack common sense, bad mouthing providers. outing utr providers, giving out locations and generally making the board a lot less fun than it was in the past.  The minis were useful but anything else about a provider should be confined to a review.  The search function seems to be little used and ISO ads proliferate.  If everyone knows that LEO monitors the board you sure wouldn't know it by the lack of discretion in the posts.  I'm hoping the new format takes us back to the time when the ad board was for ads and this board was for conversation, not complaints.

Posted By: Schtuperman
I am searching for what used to be TER's Washington DC discussion board.  
 Have you seen it lately?  
 I used to be a steady contributor here who now rarely visits and even more rarely posts here due to the proliferation of ISO posts, complaints regarding race and general lack of consideration for those who seek information. I see more disdain for people in responses and the general lack of banter that used to drive this board to being a really good place to be.  
 Ever wonder why you don't see the names you used to see more often? Even from as little as a year ago? Well, if my e-mails with some of those individuals are any indication, the things TER allows here now are a big reason. Sure, some people move on, change names and the like. That is a normal ebb and flow this hobby has always shown. But a complete exodus of people who used to make this place fun and entertaining while still being able to gain credible and useful information has occurred and I'm not sure TER even realizes it.  
 I had hoped that this board was going through a phase and that things would eventually go back towards being fun and useful again but unfortunately it seems to have evolved into what it is now. It appears this is not just a phase.  
 I still use TER but in a much different way than before. For me, it's a shame what this board has become.  
 Maybe if this thread gets enough responses that agree with me, TER will take strides to returning this board to where it is, in my opinion, a fun and useful place to be.  
 Stepping down off my soapbox now. Agree or respectively disagree as you wish.  

Schtuperman 281 reads
13 / 18

Sidney, we met many years ago so I know you have been around long enough to know what happens in situations like this. Just one look now at what used to be "The BoarD" to be on in this area can show you what happens when a group of people "allow" things to happen (being passive) instead of taking action and maintaining order. They lost almost everyone from that board as its now a ghost town.

Now, there is nothing wrong with being passive. It has it's place in society and daily life to a point, just as it does here. However, it appears that this little "Discussion Board" has become a breeding ground for ISO posts. I have been somewhat passive about this until now. Will my post change anything? I don't know. I hope so but for me, being passive on this matter is not an option any longer.

The default setting on this board is to view 25 threads per page, regardless of the length of the thread. When I signed on here yesterday, I saw those 25 threads and counted 16 ISO posts, hence my original post. I know that ISO posts have always been around but they used to be reserved for searches that could not be done with the search function (i.e. - looking for "golden showers", etc.).

As I've seen many here say, I am just a guest here, this is TER's place. But, with so many guests having left, wouldn't you think TER would notice? Maye this is their plan? Who knows? Maybe TER has become passive too? Maybe a simple "nudge" is all that is needed? With TER making changes to the formatting, the new upcoming version of the board, etc., they may have "taken their eye off the ball" a bit. What good is a new, shiny, tech friendly board if nobody sees it or participates on it?  

Being passive means sitting back and not doing anything. I for one miss the shared information and insights fom respected men and women, the friendly banter and the overall upbeat attitude this board used to have, hence my speaking up.

If my original or this post makes TER take a look at things and evaluate them, then we can simply abide by their decisions. However, to see something many feel is wrong and sit back and do nothing about it and simply accept it (that would be a good definition of being passive) is not how I like to live my life.

So you asked, "what can you do?". You can speak up for what you think is right and as long as you're respectful who knows, you might actually initiate a sequence of events that effects some positive change. But you'll never know if you simply sit back and accept things, justifying things by saying, "what can you do?".

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 295 reads
14 / 18
Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 321 reads
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What can you do? It doesn't alter or affect my life in any way really if the board is full of meaningful insight and conversations or if it's full of ISOs.  It serves it's purpose for me.  I am ok with it.  

  If people want to see more convos happening then they need to start them. People are trying but it's always the same topics. Girls try but it's always the same boring topics. What do you guys like best? What should I wear to my next photo shoot? Lol these aren't conversations, it's advertising.  

  I am always happy to join in on a thread if one strikes my fancy, but I usually don't feel the need to start one. I just like to come and read when I am between appointments or on the train/plane when touring.  

  So yes I too think being passive is a negative. When it matters though. I just never found it to be a priority to liven up the boards. As I said before many people move on and it tends to die off in the warmer months because people are outside or getting around and just living! Existing! Being! I would rather be out on the beach, hiking or at the gym even then online. I can't even stand FaceBook. ;-) People are on it too much.  

  The Internet is a double edged sword. Lol

  Love us TER.

Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 290 reads
16 / 18

"I'm going to complain about people who complain ... "

It's a vicious cycle.

Ignore the people that bother you so much that you felt compelled to start this post.
Join in with the people who you enjoy having conversation with.

And for serious excitement., do as Sidney said and ENJOY THE BEACH!! :)

Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 190 reads
17 / 18

I think the ISOs are kinda interesting, actually. I am so vanilla, myself, and I like all kinds of people. So when people post that they want this activity, or a certain kind of person, I don't know. I think it's intriguing, I guess in a voyeuristic kind of way. Makes me wonder about stuff, not in a judge-y way, more in a curious way. It doesn't annoy me, at any rate.

I've been around a while -- gosh since 2006? -- and the only difference I see with the boards now is that they seem to be more polite than they once were, so for me, I see that as an improvement. Also there is more participation from the ladies, also an improvement.  

I really learn so much here. I am so impressed esp. with the insights. I like the dialogue.

Boards are by their nature self-policing. TER could moderate posts, and I am sure they do, but they would not be introducing topics based on the OPs preferences, at least, I don't think so. I mean, there are so many diff boards on diff topics. If the OP (or anyone) wants to see a certain kind of content, all he or she has to do is introduce the topic.  You know, be the change you want to see.  If he or she doesn't like a certain type of content, he or she can post about that within the limits of the TOS, right? So...I really don't see the problem. Maybe I'm missing something.

The reviews provide the information guys need. The discussions are pretty interesting. The ladies are getting paid. Everybody's getting laid! Why fix what ain't broke?

On an unrelated note, a completely off topic note, did anyone notice that the fireflies are out tonight? :) So great to see them again! I love summer!

girlfan1959 48 Reviews 192 reads
18 / 18

ISOs are easy to ignore, but the quality of discussion has definitely declined. A lot of the discussion seems to have migrated to the Reviewers Only board, which seems to have a heavy presence of DC area guys. However, I miss the perspective of some of the more interesting conversationalists among the ladies who used to frequent the DC board.

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