Washington DC

Thanks to everyone - even those who didn't make it
slipry 115 Reviews 1794 reads

It exceeded my expectations. I had a great time talking to everyone - so many...

Everyone who didn't make it - it's understandable, you were missed, but I'm not sure if there was room for many more anyway - LOL...

To all the ladies - Thank You So Much for turning the heads of every guy in the place – without you, it wouldn’t have been as special of an occasion as it was for me....

As most know I didn’t provide the list of who would be coming partly to respect those who couldn’t make it for one reason or another. Another reason was to allow a sense of surprise to everyone not knowing who it was they were putting their hand out to meet. But I also withheld the list of names for security reasons. Of couse those who posted their interest on the board could have been assumed to be on the list. But it the list I have went to know one. I will not be naming the people who showed up, if they wish to come forward and post – that’s their choice.

Lex - it's too bad you haven't worked out that thing with Miss Leuthor so that she could have come. Not posting it on the board is even more difficult and would have limited us to only those who had VIP status.

The bad news is - I quit - no longer will I be the one sending out those invitations or checking and verifying who can come and who can't. Yes, I felt like a provider screening the dates - LOL... It was sad when I was asked by a few with no reviews and told them they would not be getting the location.

But there was one of those without reviews who stepped up to the challenge of getting a review and the reference of a provider in order to come, and actually brought her to the party. I’m not saying who – but I am glad to have met him and look forward to other time we get together. To all others, I hope to meet you someday under the same circumstances – makes for a great conversation.

The good news is we have someone else who has accepted the challenge for the next one - but I'm not saying who just yes yet.

We also have a couple of places more private just for special occasions (sorry - these are not in the NoVa area)

As for moving to the south, I agree, but I'm not in charge anymore - LOL... I will suggest a place to the new Grand Marshal and hope he calls out to those in NoVa area to help find a place suitable.

Once again - thanks to all that made it and those who didn't - I had a great time.

Enjoyed the 'Meet & Greet', wish I could have stayed longer but it's almost dance time. The other half of the NoVa contingent was still there when I left but I'm sure he thanks you too. I sure thought there were more VA people on this board!

NoVa Contingent here too but sorry I was not able to head out to MD for the meet and greet. Had some family obligations. Maybe next round will be in NoVa.


I thank Slipry for a great get-together. I am the other half of the NOVA contingent..It was great to meet everybody, including all the providers who showed up..Looking forward for another meet and greet.

Hope more NOVA people show up this time..

...next time do NOT post the the date on the boards. Mrs. Luethor was waiting for me.

AQuestionAboutGreek6074 reads

I was busy enjoying a 3 hour appointment with a provider today. Both of us will have a very deep sleep tonight. On the 3rd round she gave me a superSoaker.

-- Modified on 11/11/2005 8:00:35 PM

I went to great lengths to prepare for this little soiree.  Early in the week went for the last of my hair restoration procedures, then came the dermabrasion treatment, which has left my face a nice scarlet red. Started this morning with off with a full body wax, trimmed my nose hairs and lanced that nasty boil I have between (well you really don’t want to know where).  After bleaching my teeth I then proceeded to get dressed up in my finest seersucker suit, a nice monkey shit green I might add, put on my two tone saddle shoes and my light pink fedora. Gassed up my totally restored 1972 yellow Pinto and headed  on that long trek into Maryland. You can only imagine my surprise when , at 4PM on the nose I pulled into the parking lot only to notice the address that I had been given was for Chuck E Cheese.  I can only guess that there was some kind of a mix up because these things always seem to happen to me or perhaps my dyslexia was acting up again. Oh well maybe next time.

I hope that all that managed to get the address correct had a good time.      

thanks for the invite, I was in Gathurburg working untill late, I hope to make the next one.

This NOVA resident was glad to meet. Next time let's have it in NOVA, preferably south Fairfax County or PW County Woodbridge. Sorry I couldn't stay longer.

Everyone was great and even nicer in person.

And I might have gotten a little lucky with a certain new lady from Philly, which some of you might have guessed if you stuck around and saw us kissing and ah...doing stuff (nothing more than PG rated).  No, the gentleman she was with left us alone.  I go solo on the girls now...unless of course, I book a girl duo. ;)

BTW, for anyone who was there, please don't give the 411 on me to LNQRbigdaddy.  ;)  I told him he'll just have to see for himself another time, since his excuse not to be there sounded a little weak (yes it did, Big Daddy!)  

Why tell anyone, really.  We hobbyists enjoy our privacy and I for one kind of like surprising ladies on the doorstep.  

All I will say is I never look like what people expect.  And I have a feeling that's true with other hobbyists too.  A little mystery is good in life.

Edited names to protect the innocent (or not-so-innocent).

-- Modified on 11/12/2005 6:14:25 AM

What as said, seen and done at this meeting - stays at the meeting. Please don't share particulars with anyone other then those who showed.


The intilectual assets protected by copyrights or suggesting what was said as original thought then plagiarized is only true if that was my intent and due credit to those who it originated from - so you are saying it was your original thought - LOL...

Come to the next M&G so we can debate this in person. Thanks Smarty - hope to meet you someday.

You are honest.. I think I can take some time off to take someone to lunch/drinks.. I will e-mail you next week. I might even get a certain lady friend to join us if you like for drinks.. Nothing more..lol

Girl, your "secrets" are SAFE with me.  I would NEVER reveal any of them to bigdaddy.  Besides, it is hard enough to get him to come to these things.  I would NEVER want to further enable him to be so "difficult"~~LOL.  Maybe NOW he'll come more often...HAHA

It exceeded my expectations. I had a great time talking to everyone - so many...

Everyone who didn't make it - it's understandable, you were missed, but I'm not sure if there was room for many more anyway - LOL...

To all the ladies - Thank You So Much for turning the heads of every guy in the place – without you, it wouldn’t have been as special of an occasion as it was for me....

As most know I didn’t provide the list of who would be coming partly to respect those who couldn’t make it for one reason or another. Another reason was to allow a sense of surprise to everyone not knowing who it was they were putting their hand out to meet. But I also withheld the list of names for security reasons. Of couse those who posted their interest on the board could have been assumed to be on the list. But it the list I have went to know one. I will not be naming the people who showed up, if they wish to come forward and post – that’s their choice.

Lex - it's too bad you haven't worked out that thing with Miss Leuthor so that she could have come. Not posting it on the board is even more difficult and would have limited us to only those who had VIP status.

The bad news is - I quit - no longer will I be the one sending out those invitations or checking and verifying who can come and who can't. Yes, I felt like a provider screening the dates - LOL... It was sad when I was asked by a few with no reviews and told them they would not be getting the location.

But there was one of those without reviews who stepped up to the challenge of getting a review and the reference of a provider in order to come, and actually brought her to the party. I’m not saying who – but I am glad to have met him and look forward to other time we get together. To all others, I hope to meet you someday under the same circumstances – makes for a great conversation.

The good news is we have someone else who has accepted the challenge for the next one - but I'm not saying who just yes yet.

We also have a couple of places more private just for special occasions (sorry - these are not in the NoVa area)

As for moving to the south, I agree, but I'm not in charge anymore - LOL... I will suggest a place to the new Grand Marshal and hope he calls out to those in NoVa area to help find a place suitable.

Once again - thanks to all that made it and those who didn't - I had a great time.

and the get together was tons of fun.  I apologize that I couldn't stay longer, but I am glad to have had the little time I did.

GirlinDC is right, no one looks like what you expect them to look like, but I love the mystery.


Likewise with YOU, dearest.  As I said at the gathering, you are far more ravishing than your photos even remotely reveal!

 You ARE incorrect about ONE item, however.  There are NEVER any surprises with ME.  EVERYONE knows what I look like in advance.  Marilyn's Diary saw to THAT...LOL

Thanks again Slipry for all your dedication to full screening and background checks. The gate keeper is a very important component of the Grand Marshall. It was really great to see the returning folks from the last gathering, and even better to meet several new ones. We will look to book a date after everyone gets through the busy holiday season with the parties and family time. Look for some communication in January about potential dates and locations. Thanks again to all who were there and to those who couldn't make it I hope you will be able to clear your schedule of a couple of hours next time.

I agree with Slipry, Anik, Girl in DC, that it really is interesting meeting each individual that you know so well from the boards, yet are shocked because they look nothing like what you would have thought. Those moments of surprise should be restricted to those who were present to experience it. To be able to experience this you will need to come to our next happy hour event and join the fun!

-- Modified on 11/12/2005 8:49:16 AM

Ponz, I noticed your public thank you to Slipry for not choosing you for the next GM. Yes, I picked the "old maid". Slipry said I came highly recommended ....from him. I did poke and prod him to be GM and set up the last couple meet & greet's. Polecat told me he would help, and lets face it he even had personal cards to hand out at the m&g, so he certainly has some nice organizational skills that will come in handy.

Thanks so much for taking on this happless task, Eggman.  As we ALL know, it falls into the category of SOMEBODY has to do it!  Glad you stepped forward, even if slipry was twisting your arm just a bit...lol  

 As for Polecat's cards, what can I say?  Nice touch, or WHAT were you THINKING Polecat?? LOL  Me?  No, I don't think I would go THAT far.  Too likely to be used as fuel for the riot bonfires at College Park....~~;)

Nothing more. Egg agreed willingly. What what you say Ponz - invitations have been lost before - LOL... It might be PC doing those....

Excuses, EXCUSES, slip!!  I don't wanna hear that kinda stuff out of you, Eggman...LOL

anon5566442397 reads

Ponz, maybe I did a dumb thing with the cards. Wouldn't be my first time (nor my last). There was no more information on them than is contained on TER. At least the great people at the M&G remembered me:-)

Polecat, only thing is those cards might show up anywhere.  At least people have to hunt a bit (or get the heads up) in order to find "this place".  Hopefully the "outsiders" won't know what (and who) they are dealing with, though.

 As for "dumb things", you're going to have to go a LONG WAY to outdo ME in that category.  I have one unfortunate "animal" which I thought I had "put down" a long time ago which it turns out is still "terrorizing the neighborhood" and causing untold damage to this DAY!  When I can get enough time and clear my GI system to consume more humble pie stuffed with crow meat, I will be issuing a whole new round of apologies in here.  Damn that crow sure tastes TERRIBLE.  Gonna have to figure out SOME way to gag it down, though...

anon5566442721 reads

Aw shucks, Eggman. What a nice thing for you to say.

Lindsay Love2678 reads

And as per usual, it was Slip, Autumn and myself there to the end.  Love ya, Dad!

Thanks to the gentlemen that bought me a beer. Mmmmm beer, me likey, lol.

Wow i really wanted to make this happy hour.
My plane got delayed in atlanta.
I Did not arrive in BWI till 6 15pm and could not get out of the airport till allmost 7.
I am glad to see everybody had such a good time.
I look forward to the oppurtunity of meeting many of you at the next meet and greet.
Slip it looked like you put on a great happy hour.
Job well done :)

I didn't leave until after 10 - LOL...

Tm, I was there until well after 8 myself.  You should have called me or slip.  We could have told you that it was still worth it in the "later hours".

1) I messed up, there were three (by last count) Va contin-gents there.

2) Mad at myself, left way too early and missed meeting a couple of the ladies that came (don't mind missing any guys that came later LOL).

I have been to all but one of these things (and that one was impromptu at the last moment).  Everyone, I can honestly say that THIS one was far and away the BEST of them all!  As great a time as I had, I MUST have gotten into a lot of trouble (I just haven't heard about it yet--LOL)...

 It was truly great meeting all the new folks  (as well as the "line guard regulars").  As for one of the "mystery guests" who ultimately did not attend, I have it on very good authority who that is and that they will be present at the NEXT M&G.  If so, it will definitely NOT be one to be missed!

 I add my "me too" to the thanks for all the hard work slip, especially with your extremely busy and hectic schedule.  Oh yes, my SPECIAL thanks for not making ME the next "Grand Marshal"~~LOL...;)

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