Washington DC

Shilling/Info posts - I'd like your opinions......
RCProNo1 9 Reviews 3547 reads

Two posts - labeled as shils by some, info by others - what's your opinion?

A.  Energizer Bunny adds a post to the BDJ thread saying how much he liked Jessica.

B.  KornLover tells us how jealous he is that we have his two ATFs.

I'm not looking for long dissertations here - do you think A and/or B are shills?

I'm looking for answers from the local DC posters.  I will use this informal info in my moderation duties.....

gggnnn2844 reads

my opion there are way too many shill posting.Makee u very suspect on what to believe

Short version answers
A. Suspect, but err on saying not a shill
B. No doubt, YES

Background: You read NYC Board, and it's known that BDJ offers compensation for shilling and it's so bad that there's entire threads complaining on BDJ shilling.  So I tend to distrust any post specific to those girls.  But I think it's an accepted practice on this board to post about a lady for 1) question about her, 2) rave/rant about her after just seeing her (mini review), 3) post something complimentary under her post/ad.  So EB is OK in following that custom...but I don't really put all that much weight into someone who goes to every board and puts something nice about BDJ girls.  It seems suspect to me.

Kornlover I consider a complete shill.  The ad on his favs was a while ago.  So unprompted, this guy from NY happens to read a couple pages down on DC board and then posts this really positive ad about them?  A guy if you look at his posts here on DC board ONLY has ads for women and replies to defend them?  That's a no-brainer to figure this one out.

It's not to say the ladies may be terrific and deserving of the praise.  But one thing I've liked about the DC board is I feel when people post on the ladies, it's whatever they feel is true about them.  There's no motivation to "get" something out of it.  The ladies here also don't feel compelled to offer a discount for a positive post.  If they're good, they'll get it and that's that.  

I would hate to see DC board become like NY board where you start questioning the authenticity of a compliment, and people keep up entire threads complaining about shilling.

And that, is my uncompensated 2 cents on this subject.

-- Modified on 4/20/2005 5:47:25 AM

I'm told EB has a rep for shilling on NY board and poking around there, the rep seems to be justified.  He's just slicker about it.

So yeah, I think EB's a shill too.  

Thanks, RCP, for keeping it real on this board.

I think we follow the rules on the D.C board.  RC has cut us a little slack on the mini-reviews and we appreciate that.

A couple of comments:

1. Mod. - you are doing a great job here in DC and I appreciate your efforts to gather our opinons.

2. I am in general agreement with the points made by GirlinDC. I am also impressed with her knowledge of other boards.

As GirlinDC stated I think an unsolicited new ad/post from someone out of the area is clearly a shill. This person has to be following this ladies movements and go out of their way to plug them in other locations. Whether it is true or not, leads you to think they are getting something in return for basically running a second ad.

I do not mind guys adding their two cents below a ladies ad. In these types of situations it is up to us board members to take the post for what it is worth. If someone is using an alias and his review of the young lady is different than other reviews I totally discount their post. On the other hand if the comment is made by someone from this board who consistently provides worthwhile information it is helpful. I have posted comments below a ladies ads when I think they provide a special experiance, but realize every time I do it I am putting what little crdibility I may have on the line.

If all they do is praise BDJ... shilling

There was a time when I might have been called a shill for a couple of ladies... except for the fact I was just 'one of the voices in the choir.'

Dont mean to be dumb here, just dont know what that means.
Thank you

2 entries found for shill.
shill    ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (shl) Slang

One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.
v. shilled, shill·ing, shills
v. intr.

To act as a shill.
v. tr.

1. To act as a shill for (a deceitful enterprise).
2. To lure (a person) into a swindle.



n : a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to stimulate the participation of others v : act as a shill; "The shill bid for the expensive carpet during the auction in order to drive the price up"

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
Bottom line - someone who has something to gain by talking up a (in this case) provider/agency and her/their services.

Thats pretty simple in a hobbyist mind. Not a moderator's mind.
Folowing this board closely for the past year and a half. First thought is if i do not know poster  it is probably somebody advertising for the girl.
If i know the poster its not a "shill" and i usually believe it to a certain extent "till i do my own homework"

In the case of this particular instance i dont know either poster.

So both a and b...    lol   lol
boy i hope that helps out ha ..

I don't think it's as much a problem as we may think, but does need to be monitored so it stays that way.

I for one appreciate the "mini" although I don't agree with this term, review/post.  If the full reviews didn't take so long to get approved, then there'd be no need for the quick post on a visiting provider.

Why don't the ladies just start posting all of their ATFs up here on the boards?

"Hey ladies, Joe Schmoe the shark is in town and also with fat Dick and guess what? They actually show up, pay and will show you a realllly good time. They actually look like their government ID photos and shave. Woooo! You lucky girls!"

(Technicolor yawn)

The possibilities are endless. The guys will completely freak out.
The only reason why I said something is because I know how much it bugs the crap out of other providers. Personally, I don't care. I am getting over 30+ phone calls a day from my one ad I have up, and I don't need guys from other states going up to bat for me in a town I am touring in. I have plenty of reviews up here and elsewhere for verification. However there are lots of ladies that could use a hand up. These ladies that were shilled for below already have a well-deserved reputation, and frankly I don't see why they need another feather in their hat. I haven't met them, but I am sure they are super cool and lovely, and I would love to meet them for drinks someday. Several of my clients are clients of theirs so, its been told to me how great they are.  Understood / confirmed. I just question the motives of the gents that post these pseudo ads in regional boards that they do not participate in actively. Cynical? No. I have already cashed my reality check. Have you?

A - EB doesn't appear to have reviewed Jessica. Yet the rules for regional board "Want to know what’s going on when the sun goes down? This is the place to find out – and share that kind of information." would make me question his intent. Promotional - Yes - Shill - Questionable unless previously proven he has done this before.

B - KL at least has given a review to one of the 2 he states as his ATF. And again - it is questionable unless it has been proven he has done this before. But to have started the thread - it is promotional and assisting the provider in advertising which I guess would not be acceptable under the terms of TER.

Being called a Shill (I have) is synonymous with being called a liar, cheat, con, and generally a foul name - especially if it was not your intent to deceive or receive a reward for posting your opinion or experience.

Calling someone a Shill should be backed by evidence to support it. With the rules for regional board posting apparently to limited, it would be hard to prove in my opinion. I take the information here in portions, weigh each on it’s merits and make my decisions or considerations accordingly.

It helps those who inject their opinion of either an independent provider or agency with evidence of reviews.

Also, if someone posts an opion within a thread as opposed to starting one - I see it as that - an opinion.

-- Modified on 4/20/2005 11:37:50 AM

I have to agree w/ slipry, that it's just another opinion added to the thread. If I see that the regular posters on this board say "yeah she's great" then I accept that more readily than someone I don't recognize. I have chimed in with my two cents on occasion and said something similar, consice and to the point - reaffirming the quality of a girl. I hope that doesn't make me a shill

Does it matter?  Reader beware!  Having been arround the board more than once, I feel I KNOW the poster's I can trust, and what's more, the ones I can't.  My inclination is to treat any post in response to an ad as suspect until I have checked the lady out myself or read from someone I trust.  Now, do I care if ner-do-wells post shills?  Nope!  Do I like to put the burden on the mod to make that decision?  Nope!  We can all make up our own minds, and except for the exceptionally obvious misuse of the board, let 'em post!  IMHO!

I am with you Any_Mouse. I know who to trust and who not to..Our board is no way like NY and I hope to keep it that way. The mod is treating us like adults and we should appreciate that.

...since those chaps are [relatively] frequent posters (albeit elsewhere). It's not like some unknown alias telling us the love of his life is in our town.

I guess I am a little naive.. I took both post as informational and went on. I don't know the background and the intent of either poster so I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

far too nice for a SUPERVILLIAN. Aren't you suppose to be mean and nasty... or is that just with the ladies ;-)

...that's all have going for me. When you're short, fat, bald, ugly, with a little, limp dick, you really can't afford to be mean.

both were commented on fairly quickly by local posters, so no real problem. Sometimes they start an interesting (if not really informative) thread anyway. Keep up the good work, our board seems a lot better than most.

Main Entry: shill
Etymology:perhaps short for shillaber, of unknown origin
Date:circa 1916
1 a : one who acts as a decoy (as for a pitchman or gambler)  b : one who makes a sales pitch or serves as a promoter
2 : PITCH 8a
[Source Merriam-Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary]

They are absolutely shills. I don't have a conceptual issue with shills as long as they are not engaged in sales puffery. If you want to shill, okay. But I should be able to find your name on a full review of the lady in question. If it isn't an honest review, the entire community will know soon enough and impose the proper discipline.

In this hobby, information is currency. I wouldn't choose to devalue mine and those who do should understand that the consequence is a loss of credibility.

I would probably post a response like (A.) to a lady's post if she wasn't established. That's what this board is for. I see no reason to post that I had a fabulous time with (insert favorite provider here) if the provider in question has pages of great reviews.

Both of the posts you mention are shill-like posts. But they aren't blatant. We're all old enough to make our own decisions about the poster's motives. I wouldn't moderate or delete them, but I do ask myself what motivates them to posts like these.

Slimroot; didn't we have this conversation last week on your posts? I think we talked about rates then. Why the change of heart?

There's no change of heart. The bitching about rates is just crass, and it happens _every_single_freakin_time someone comes into town with rates above $$$. It just gets old. There's more unsolicited business advice given on this board than all of the others combined. I'm just asking for a little tact, that's all. Doesn't look like I'm going to get it, but I can always hope.

The favorite provider posts, for whatever reason, don't bother me. I can see them for what they are.  But then, these type of posts aren't as prevalent on this board as they are on, say, the NY board.

Actually, this board used to be really quiet until you, Ponzone, jeopcon1, and a few others started posting. Now it's at least interesting, if not downright entertaining.

I do like the favorite posts and the mod has been cool about allowing them.. I think we all get along for the most part on this board..Or until the next thread.lol

Everyone is civil, people are generous with their information, and for the most part respectful. Even when there's a disagreement it's more tongue-in-cheek than hostile. The thread a few posts down is the first time I can recall any DC moderator stepping in and threatening to crack some heads.

I don't have any issues with the "favorite" posts either, they're harmless. And the last thing the moderator wants to do is spend half the day moderating, unmoderating, allowing, and deleting messages.

Couple months back, we had a discussion with a traveling lady on what else "her rates". Got kind of nasty with her "friends" defending her and the board lambasting them..

That was the  first major crackdown on a lot of us from RC..The thread was shrinking quickly, some of had to apologize and we moved on. RC has given us a lot of slack but we know our bounds..I thank him for that, because we do get a little silly sometime.. BTW; I like my instant post..lol

Mod, hope you don't mind a couple cents thrown in even though I don't live in DC. Some of my friends here know I am on this board because it's the best of the TER boards and you do a great job.

I followed both those posts and took both for a grain of salt approach. In fact one if not both had an actual reveiw of a lady he raved of. Can't find to much fault with that. All of us look for good times with the least amount of let down or hassel, and may even gamble for the team on occaision. That's all about doing your homework, trusting those you decide to trust and discounting those that are suspect. I have never called anyone a shill, though I myself have been called one, to which I don't even bother responding.

Actually I shilled (just a tiny bit) the other day when one of my local ladies came to DC and wanted to sick Jeop on her. Luckily nobody called me a shill, but it could have constured I suppose.

You do a great job here Mod, with the best board. (boy what a suck-up) But, there is a question, is there not better things to do with time than chase "possible" shills? Some are very blatant go get tiger.


Since people have asked, here's a little background research to give you some perspective on why we got NYC guys promoting their girls here, and NYC aliases calling them out on it.  There use to be more on NYC board when I use to read it, but the mod pulled alot of the BDJ shilling threads so they're no longer available.  Plus, so much of the shilling happens by aliases, you don't know who's really doing what.  But here you go.

How shilling is a huge problem on NYC board:
thirsty, the mod on NYC:
"Absolutely no more shill posts! NYC has been the worst board on TER regarding this type of posts as long as I can remember."

Energizer Bunny, encouraging mass postings on other boards to 'educate' them on BDJ girls.
"I just started a thread on the Chicago board about Jill from BDJ touring in their city next month. Come on guys and help me out."

And here's the most recent BDJ posting on Chicago...these guys literally follow the agency around from city board to city board posting gratuitous praise of the ladies.  Do you think that's just out of their kindness of their hearts or do you think there's compensation involved?  That's your judgment call.

Kornlover has a decent rep on NYC board.  But here's his record on DC board:  He never posts on DC board but following EB's lead, his first 2 posts promoting ladies.  His other two postings?  Defending himself as "not a shill" from mostly NYC aliases.  And he posted on the Chicago board in the thread above, almost the exact same posting.  From city to city, he follows with BDJ does and posts on his favs.  That's some commitment.

If you use to read NYC board before thirsty cleaned it up, there were obnoxious page-long threads on shilling, accusations of shilling, counter-accusation, defending etc.  NYC board is colorful, crude, rude, sometimes funny, sometimes obnoxious etc. just like the city.  It's a place that's fun to visit, but I for one wouldn't want to live there.

I much prefer the civil courtesy and light-hearted fun of DC board, which happens to be alot like the city I love to live in...minus most of the politics (thank god!)

Again, that's just my 2 cents and I respect any countering opinions.

GDC, shillin' da DC

-- Modified on 4/21/2005 2:09:20 PM

A. I did something similar myself just recently on the Philly board. (I've followed the Philly board for quite a while, and recently started following the DC board, since I get into the area sometimes.)  I recently saw Lindsay (of the Baltimore area) and posted a review. After that I saw that she posted on the Philly board that she was thinking of coming to Philly. I added a post saying she was a sweet girl and they should check out my reviews and those of others. I thought this was being helpful to the Philly guys. I don't expect to come to Baltimore for a good while and expect no reward from Lindsay. Was I shilling? That was not my intent. Now I'm wondering if it was taken that way by others.

B. I wasn't suspicious of this post at the time. On second thought, perhaps it was a shill. I'm not sure I have enough experience to decide.

I barely have time to read the Philly, DC and National boards. So I don't follow the NYC board, but from what I've just read here, I gather that if I read the NYC board I'd be more familiar with this whole issue.

I will also venture to say that the several sentence "mini-reviews" on traveling providers seems reasonable to me. Gets a brief impression out quickly.

So much for my half cent offering.

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