Washington DC

See, this is a more thoughtful response...
vanco 10 Reviews 536 reads
1 / 14

Hello All
I am a huge Detroit Tigers fan. My team is playing the Orioles on Friday afternoon. My normal baseball partner can't get off work. I'm looking for a provider who is a baseball fan who would be willing to go with me and do a session before or after. I would obviously cover the tickets and food, etc, but am really looking for someone who likes baseball and wouldn't charge me a rate for the time at the game. I'd obviously pay for the session.  
I don't know if this is something anyone would be interested in, but I won't know if I don't ask. I think it could be a fun time. PM me if interested. I obviously am willing to do screening or whatever.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 322 reads
2 / 14

Even if 99% agree with dear sweet April.
I've hung out with a provider OTC on a PURELY plutonic date before, so stranger things have happened than what this gentleman is looking for...

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 383 reads
3 / 14

There are providers that would hang out with clients off the clock. I have plenty of times seen clients for appointments and then went out afterwards OTC for drinks or lunch or dinner.  We are humans too, providers and clients alike. Not everything has to be strictly business business.  

 If a client were to email me asking for a dinner date it depends if I would charge him or not. If he wanted a two hour appointment and nothing else was going on that evening I might not charge for the hour it takes to order and eat food.  

 Now for a sporting event that's more time involved so many ladies will want some sort of fee but if they are really into sports will consider it a win win situation. ;-)

Tall6969 43 Reviews 230 reads
4 / 14

For April to respond in the manner in which she did strongly suggest she didn't read your request in its entirety and/or her reading comprehension skills need improvement.

You made it clear the request was for a pure baseball fan.  You also made it clear you understood that your request was not the norm.  In addition, your request was polite, honest, and all cards on the table.  And finally, as you noted, you wont know unless you ask.  

Ask on my brother!!!!!!!!

Hence, the intensity of Aprils rant hints to the existence of the some BSC syndrome.

AsianManNOVA 253 reads
6 / 14

Some people just don't know how to endear themselves to potential clients. But what do I know? Maybe she has enough business so she doesn't care.

yluap 63 Reviews 297 reads
7 / 14

Dude, the O's are gonna kick y'alls arse. Hope you find some other arse compensation ;-)

yluap 63 Reviews 321 reads
8 / 14

I have no trouble connecting with ladies for a nice evening, such as taking in a baseball game. When I make an appointment with a provider, I have other things in mind.

So why is it that so many providers waste a fellow's time, and money, "getting to know him" etc.? I had an appointment with a provider once who had me sitting on the bed, naked, while she rambled on about international policy. Her insights weren't that great.

My thought: Honey, no offense, but had I wanted to spend the evening discussing U.S.-Sino diplomatic history, I would have booked a date with Henry Kissinger.

yluap 63 Reviews 175 reads
9 / 14

I have no trouble finding a lady with whom to share a pleasant evening, such as at a baseball game. When I book a provider, I have other things in mind.

So why do providers waste a fellow's time, and money, "getting to know" him? I had an experience once where a provider had me sitting on the bed, naked, while she rambled on about international affairs (political, not the good kind). Her insights were not great.

My thought was: No offense, honey, but had I wanted to discuss U.S.-Sino diplomatic history, I would have booked a date with Henry Kissinger.

[I tried posting this before, but it didn't show--were my rights to free speech violated by TER?]

Guarddog111 238 Reviews 198 reads
10 / 14

While I see April's point, the response was extreme.  If the Cubs were in the playoff and somebody said they were a Cubs fan and had an extra ticket, I'd join - for free.

Guarddog111 238 Reviews 187 reads
11 / 14

Well said.  I hate using the word 'chemistry', but sometimes something just clicks on a persona level.  I've had an hour session extend an entire afternoon and into the early evening - w/o additional charges.  We had a romp and the afternoon was spent just talking.  Her phone buzzed many times, but she just ignored it.  Another asked ME out!  :)   Talk about a rush.

No, this doesn't happen often, but can see if something just clicked or a person was a huge fan, could see it.

On that note, OP should just put it out on CLs or similar, I'm sure somebody would take him up on it.  I can think of a couple female radio jockeys that would.

gradeinflation 219 reads
12 / 14

The fact that you feel comfortable enough blasting this guy for an innocent enough offer that some providers would probably take (BTW, when was the last time the Orioles won the pennant?) probably means you have no interest in baseball or are busy enough that you don't care how your comments come across, or both.  
You are entitled to your opinion of course but while you are on your soapbox because you must have enough clients that kiss your ass, let me say as someone who saw you when you first made the scene and charged significantly less, I have not been back exactly because of your change in attitude.  Free market economy at its finest

Rudy50 15 Reviews 200 reads
13 / 14

The offer does have some monetary value.  It's a sold out game and Craigslist has prices from $120-250.  The guy doesn't say whether the seat is lower level box or upper deck, so it's hard to evaluate.  Add in drinks and food and it has a little more monetary value.  The average game lasts 3 hours, so add another hour or more for getting in and out.  

It's not crazy.  A provider might respond with an offer a reduced rate for the game time combined with the regular rate for the usual session.  The event is more unusual than dinner in a restaurant.  Some gals might find it more onerous to go to a game than sit in a restaurant for a comparable time period.  To each her own.  Nothin' wrong for asking.

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