Washington DC

ROFLMAO eomteeth_smile
Blowing Chunks 745 reads


wrps072258 reads

Defending yourself from a knife attack.

If not, you should be.  Because on so many levels this is such terrible advice I hope you're just a troll.
First of all, the best way to defend yourself against a knife attack is to see a hooker in a hotel that's of high enough quality so no one with a knife will even be there.  From your frequent Chicken Little posts here it seems you frequent low-end, cheap BP providers but the rest of us don't.
Second, if confronted by someone with a knife DO NOT try to use MMA ninja moves because you'll be dead PDQ.  Just give the mugger your money and leave with your life.  Your implicit suggestion that someone should fight back is perhaps the most irresponsible advice you've given here, and that's saying something.
This is what happens to Chicken Littles who fight guys with knives

I'm going to have to agree. Anyone messing around on BP Is really bottom feeding and looking for problems.  Fighting is a no no! There is a difference between fighting for your life and risking your life. If you are willing to risk showing up to a sketchy scene to begin with,  you've already subjected yourself to danger. instead of watching videos on how to win a knife fight,  you should be reading up about well reviewed women in your area/price range.  

I've said it a million times,  but Backpage is the breeding grounds for trouble!

I fought and disarmed him using similar tactics.
I highly recommend the baser defense skills from the Aikido level of martial arts.

Its better to be in shape & calmer than the attacker.  
If you doubt you can do something, do not try. Pausing to compose yourself is the difference between life & death.

wrps07949 reads

Thanks for sharing.  Goes to show that post is useful.

Posted By: amberraeofdc
I fought and disarmed him using similar tactics.  
 I highly recommend the baser defense skills from the Aikido level of martial arts.  
 Its better to be in shape & calmer than the attacker.  
 If you doubt you can do something, do not try. Pausing to compose yourself is the difference between life & death.

I'm better equipped to handle stressful situations because, sadly, I've encountered them extensively :(

You find me foolish, & thats okay.
I find you intelligent enough to educate yourself about the abilities that we (as people) can nurture into functional skills.

If you did not understand why prices in retail stores were so expensive, (rent, utilities, shipping fees, employee wages, income taxes, property fees) you would lament the money "wasted" on the convenience of purchasing that extra phone charger immediately.  

I see all bits of information as being important in their own special way.
Most of my clients poke fun at my constantly spouting facts and prose.

Well, wouldn't you rather know what options you have available to you?
If you were to learn that by lunging and windmilling your arm to block your attacker & grabbIng his shirt by the shoulders & dropping to your ass & kicking him in the nutsack... You could disable some twat for 40 seconds and use that 40 seconds to call the cops?

There is more than that, but still...

You sound like someone who would starve in a zombie apocalypse.  


(I'm only sort of violent. Mostly, I cuddle people & tenderize meat)

Posted By: inicky46

!!!!!824 reads

. . . but I learned something from the video. The guy does say that we should be prepared to get hurt, so that's realistic. If the robber with a knife wants my money, I will give it to him. If he is determined to cut me, I will have to react. Having a good natural reflex, or being coordinated, is important. Knowing self-defense techniques helps.

If you will excuse me, I'm gonna find myself a plastic knife. :)

you can always ask wrps for his dick. rofl :D

The best advice the video gave was if you get in a knife fight, prepare to be cut.  I would only edit to replace "cut" with "die".

As personal witness to a few knife fights, there is never a good outcome.  They are usually very short in duration and, if not deadly, very messy (even if both parties are armed).

As seems to be the consensus among the other commenters, the best defense is to avoid such a situation to the maximum extent possible by using all your Hobbying wisdom.  If through unavoidable circumstances you do find yourself threatened with a knife, escape either through compliance (e.g., give up the money) or run like hell.  If things disintegrate to the point that you are in a knife fight, (a) you have failed, (b) pray, (c) make peace with dying today,  and (d) fight like you have nothing to lose.


wrps07712 reads

I believe that a few people will watch the video and get some martial arts training to protect themselves.  Some ones life will be saved as we saw a provider protected herself using this technique.  

Knife attacks are up in the dc area been in the news a lot.  

Glad to see your response laughable.

Because said "advice" is so poor it is far more likely to get someone killed than to save a life.  Are you really so mentally challenged you don't get it?  Oh, and I notice now you're suggesting people "get some martial arts training" rather than simply watching your lame video.  Nice CYA.
You really are TSTTT.

wrps07435 reads

At least I am not stupid to over pay for a piece of pussy like you.

now sounds like it involved a lot more than just the girl grabbed and dashed, and then knifed him when he pursued. Note a second person, alleged accomplice, was arrested this week. And the newspaper report indicates that his hands were bound by zip ties on his fingers. Wonder how she/they got those zip ties on him; just by threatening with a knife? Maybe, I'm not a crime expert.

iHeartMouthHugs787 reads

And let us know how that works out.

I was watching the video, then Mr. Miyagi walked in and asked, "How you learn to fight watching video." Now I'm washing old cars for some reason!

Learning self defense is a good idea.  But the notion that someone would watch a video like this and be able to handle a situation like this is well I cannot even think of the right word to describe it.

Batman knows how to handle these situations but he trained for years before he started to clean up the streets of Gotham City.   He did not just watch a video.

Posted By: iHeartMouthHugs
And let us know how that works out.  
 I was watching the video, then Mr. Miyagi walked in and asked, "How you learn to fight watching video." Now I'm washing old cars for some reason!

GaGambler718 reads

Well that is of course UNLESS pimples starts posting here again  in earnest

Do you want to be the president of my fan club?

I doubt if the membership is strong enough to require mediation.

Posted By: GaGambler
Well that is of course UNLESS pimples starts posting here again  in earnest


!!!!!859 reads

The audio is bad. Perhaps his intention is to sell his video and not to teach.

true, I just like the message that all these 7 Simple Steps to disarming an assailant with a knife Martial Arts techniques are full of crap.

AsianManNOVA702 reads

You are quickly approaching Turdy's level, and I thought that was impossible for anyone to sink that low. This might happen in Motel 6 or Super 8, but unlikely in Hyatt or Hilton. If you want to see BP crackheads, by all means. But please stop posting your junk and BP busts here. Wait! Maybe I will suggest to TER to have a new board for BP trolls like you, but only if you promise me to leave the DC and RO boards alone.

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 5:57:47 PM

StCroix754 reads

Posted By: AsianManNOVA
This might happen in Motel 6 or Super 8, but not in Hyatt or Hilton.
Realy? It can happen anywhere and did happen in the Donovan House earlier this year.

AsianManNOVA717 reads

Which one do you think is more likely to happen? You get my drift so I am not sure why you are nitpicking.

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 5:36:07 PM

StCroix711 reads

Not sure why you said it would not happen in a Hyatt or Hilton.

You are under the impression that bodily injury and death discriminate.

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
What if impressions don't sell?  TSTTT

StCroix708 reads

Posted By: AsianManNOVA
You are quickly approaching Turdy's level, and I thought that was impossible for anyone to sink that low. This might happen in Motel 6 or Super 8, but unlikely in Hyatt or Hilton. If you want to see BP crackheads, by all means. But please stop posting your junk and BP busts here. Wait! Maybe I will suggest to TER to have a new board for BP trolls like you, but only if you promise me to leave the DC and RO boards alone.
"I changed it to 'unlikely in Hyatt or Hilton.' I hope it meets your approval. eom"

No, wrps07 did not associate this with any specific event or hotel chain. You brought the hotel chain into the discussion and robberies can happen in any hotel. There was an armed robbery in a Gaithersburg Hilton this past December.  

You found fault in his post and mocked it. I have have found fault in your post.

I am not sure why a group of you have to go board to board being the board police suggesting certain people stop posting. If you do not like a post why not move on. He is just as free to post as you. You can always use the ignore feature.

You may not like the BP bust reports but I am sure someone on here appreciates the heads up of an area that might be hot. There are ladies on this board that post ads on Backpage. There are guys on this board that frequent Backpage.  

I do not see a problem with wrps07's post. I know a lady that had to use self defense against an armed client. It is good to know self defense but one should not use those techniques if not proficient. I will hand over my valuables first. I will flee second. But if my valuables are already handed over and there is no escape route I will use those techniques. I also draw the line with having my legs or hands bound. That is not going to happen.

Your comments might have merit down here when the OP and others have qualified the hell out of the circumstances under which it might make sense to confront someone with a knife.  The approach you spelled out makes a rational case for doing so when all other options are ruled out.
But the OP's original post is nonsensical on its face.  Read it again.  All he says is "Hotel Robbery Defense...Defending yourself from a knife attack." Then the lame video.
None of your qualifying circumstances there.  And without them, a simplistically irresponsible post from a guy with a history of putting up shitty advice here.

StCroix767 reads

I did not post in jest Inicky.

I read the op's posts from a different perspective than you and thus have a different interpretation.  I have faith in people to utilize common sense and judgment.  I do not expect someone to watch that video and think they can successfully use those techniques. I also do not expect someone to take a few self defense classes and expect to be able to disarm someone.  It will take years of practice to become proficient.

The op's posts always seem to lack detail leaving a person to some interpretation to what is meant by his posts. I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt about his intent. I hope he is not promoting the use of those techniques without proper training and experience and instead promoting self defense to those who currently do not have the ability to defend themselves. But if the op is promoting those techniques without proper training, proficiency, and exercising other options first then he is wrong.  

And please don't call me Shirley! ;

AsianManNOVA694 reads

If you still insist that it is just likely to get robbed in a 4-star hotel as a 1-star dump, then I don't think you are basing your arguments on facts and statistics. In that case, I have nothing more to say

Analias680 reads

But having taught hand to hand in the USMC, that video is severely lacking.

Posted By: wrps07
Defending yourself from a knife attack.  

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