Washington DC

Re:Wondering..about asking a girl to show her body before payment
iam2sekc4u2002 3 Reviews 2068 reads

That should be Itali*** XXX Kit*** you must be mentioning i guess

(I originally posted this on newbie section, but thinking more, maybe this question is best answered by the more experienced :) )

thank agains to everyone here!

Hello All,

I once saw a provider who was very beautiful, and the pictures of her were real, but there was a catch..after I paid and she started to take off her clothes..I was in for shock as she was covered with stretch marks and some other not-so nice features for me...the picture from the internet where shot so that you couldnt see her stomach and so on..almost slyly to conceal anything..but it was same lovely faced girl...

as a result of this experience I have avoided providers who dont have pictures of body parts I am care about..but there are many sometime that dont just show the stomach etc..always there can be something left out...

of course..I know I can ask up front these things..but I am wondering..still someone could lie to me..so the real question...

have any of you asked a girl to show herself before deposit, how is that taken..what is the proper etiquette for this???  I think this could send your session down a downward spiral for some.

I would be real curious to hear from hobbyist and providers on this?

Thanks in advance!

and 99.9% of the time its because its not flattering.  Strategic hand placeement, holding pillows over their stomachs, having some funny-ass wrap around their middle, all of these things are to cover up.  If you are going to go see a provider that has pictures like that, just do so knowing that she probably doesn't have a six-pack stomach.  

Before the flames come, I'm not saying that women without 6-packs aren't attractive...I am simply calling a spade a spade.  I've learned by trial and error that providers' photos do that to hide a tummy, stretch marks, etc.  I understand that one wouldn't want to make unflattering pictures available to the public, but at the same time, it can be a bit misleading for a newbie.

That should be Itali*** XXX Kit*** you must be mentioning i guess

Megatha Christie2957 reads

and try to decide.  If you can't make a decision based on my website pics and reviews then sorry please don't call.

As you hold a spotlight over me looking for imperfections you ask,  "Megatha, please turn around and touch your feet so I can be sure there is no cellulite on your rear.  Now lie on your back and remove your bra so I can see if your breasts flatten out like real ones or are those just really good implants? And while we're at it let me see if you're really a true red head and partially shaved as your reviews suggest. Do you mind if I just touch a little? Your website says you have soft skin and I have to be sure."   And on and on and on you go.  No thanks, I don't need that kind of pressure.

Would any of you ladies agree to this? LOL This is the funniest post I've read in a while.

Megatha (no stretch marks but no six pack abs either)

Pick ladies that have reviews and you can research the lady before going to see them.

dogtrained1610 reads

dude you saw a provider that was very beutiful?  you should be happy that u even got that.most faces don't even look as good as the photos.you shouldnt complain for hevens sake, that you got a provider that was, your words, VERY beutiful.  dam, pass me the info.

curious to know, did her ass and legs turn u off too?

Thank God that YMMV - it IS the variety that makes it so much fun.  I seriously doubt many hobbyiest could withstand the screening, and most of the ladies I know are usually so heavily overbooked that they can afford to be choosey.
 So lighten up a bit, screen as best as you can, then close your eyes, jump in, and enjoy.

-- Deep 'Still sponge-worthy' Heat

...I don't have a clue what it would be.

I know how I felt those few dozen times when I started to take my shirt off and the lady said, "Whoa there, Lex! Nevermind. This just isn't gonna happen. Here's your money back."

-- Modified on 6/15/2005 9:31:49 PM

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