I know of several local ladies who participate in the lifestyle; however, they prefer not to advertise it in a public forum. Please email me for details at [email protected] for details.
retired whore amongst us? I thought I read your site thoroughly but I have to admit I'm not exactly certain if you're still available for dates. Entertaining blog btw.
I know, because my guy friends are constantly asking me to go. I've gone a couple times stag, just for fun on more the single-lady themed place. Not a bad place. Ladies get in free, couples get charged more than standard club amount (I forget what, as I've never gone as half a couple) and single gentlemen are *not* allowed into the premises. Age group is mixed, generally in their 30s. I have been told that this is supposedly "the" place to go for swinging within DC. There is something in Bmore, but I don't know it as I don't party there.
It seems to be a fairly women-friendly space. Lots of nights have themes for dress-attire. No on-premise activities and that is closely monitored. But lots of couples leave together.
There is also a private party I know of--but have declined attending as it is almost all couples--held at different private residences. But the physical and financial standards are high for entrance into this particular party group.
I understand there's various websites too to join a swing party/club. Sorry, don't know them. You'll have to do a google search for that stuff.
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