Washington DC

Re:Point well taken
adrenaline 1 Reviews 8815 reads
1 / 24

I could be way out of line here and I know it depends on personal preference but doesn't it seem a little odd the some ladies who do not watch their figure, never exercise and eat whatever they want charge the same as ladies with 2 or 3% body fat, watch what they eat, work out 3 hours a day.

This is a business to them and are supposed to standout with exceptional perfect bodies, not standout out with obese bodies that we see everyday in life out in public.

Curious on some opinions on this matter

p.s.  please do not respond how some of the perfect bodies come with bitchy attitudes and they think they are above everyone, we all know that.  But this hobby is about obtaining the perfect body and it can come with baggage.

67dc 241 Reviews 6325 reads
2 / 24

I am not sure that this hobby is about the perfect body.  Some people like a girl with "a little meat on her bones".  Some like even more.  Some like a fitness buff.  The point.  Even if a woman gains a few pounds, if she provides a good service, people will see her and continue to see her.  Sure, some will find a new girl who is more fit, but others will continue to see her for the quality of their time together.  

I have physical preferences, but they are not rules in stone.  The main point is the "feel" of the visit and the quality of the time.  My .02

steeltipped 41 Reviews 4459 reads
3 / 24

Hmmm well I like women who are pleasing to my eye... sometimes yes this means very fit, toned, and lean, etc. etc. but honestly I don't go for the hyper low body fat girls... I like a woman that is in the 6-8 dress size... but I find women who are 4's and 10's that are hot...

I don't like ultra fake proportions... If breast augmentation helps the symmetry then I am all for it... but when it gets ridiculous, then, well its ridiculous! ha!

In the end it is in the eye of the beholder to determine what is the type of girl they like... for me I lean toward athletic, natural proportions, darker hair, and blue/green eyes... and if every girl was a Barbie doll/Pam Anderson/Brittney spears look alike I think we would all be bored to tears in a hurry... (At least I would) so what I am saying is let the not so thin providers have their place in the market...

hotanik See my TER Reviews 5148 reads
4 / 24

First off, the idea that any lady who is overweight doesn't take care of themselves is misplaced... we are all not meant to be 3% body fat... and that is a good thing.  If you haven't figured this out yet, this biz is not about finding someone with a perfect body, it is about finding someone who can fulfill your needs.  If this is a skinny woman for you, you will certainly find someone who meets that requirement, if you are seeking a sensual, intense experience, you will find that as well, if you want ... etc.

From you post I am assuming that you would prefer a hard-body with a b- attitude over a lady who has a few extra pounds, but a pleasing attitude... that is your choice, other men would take the second girl.



adrenaline 1 Reviews 6458 reads
5 / 24

Let's take a person new to this hobby here.....

If he went to eros or any other site to choose his first provider you know he would look for the best looking first and the best body......

Suppose he thought the hour was a little too expensive for him, he would then look for a provider who is a little out of shape assuming it may be in his budget....

then he finds out it is the same price for the hour, if not more

now after he is no longer a beginner and has some experience under his belt he may then decide someone not as fit is worth the extra $$ because of performance and attitude.....

but if you are BRAND new to this you expect to pay more for Pamela Anderson type because that's why you are doing this, getting someone you normally can't......

But then you find out a 150-180 pound woman is just as much as your dream girl "Pam"

I think some out of shape providers should think about their rates.  That's the jist of all of this!

jig3210 6062 reads
6 / 24

Aa I see it, a provider charges for her time and effort not  necessarily for how she is percieved. There are plenty of guys who don't get into the super-fit or waifish looking ladies out there. For the "shapelier" providers they frequent their time and effort is worth the same as any other provider.

hotanik See my TER Reviews 4727 reads
7 / 24

Why should they change their rates... women charge what they are comfortable with, if you are not into her body type move on.  There are guys NOT into the kind of lady you look for, you may like Pam, others may wonder what the heck you see in her, some like Beyonce, you may think she is nothing special... as long as the lady in not deceptive, you have no reason to complain.



PS - JoeBaloney and I must have posted at the same time!  LOL

-- Modified on 12/27/2004 11:41:53 AM

JoeBaloney 4860 reads
8 / 24

we all have our own unique opinion of beauty.  I know what turns me on, as do everyone else.. While I like the fantasy aspect of a really pretty/hot body for this activity, it's why we do this.  Probably, and this is not always true, but probably our gf's or spouses don't look like these ladies.  So, we live our fantasy vicariously thru them.

I've seen some ladies I'd not be interested in even if it was just a date as friends and it wasn't a fee based thing.. Then there are the super hotties I'm drooling over.  And last, I've seen reviews of ladies guys give 9/10's to for looks that I'd think were a 5/6 at best.. So, it's all relative.

I don't think the comment about women have to be perfect is fair or accurate.  What is perfect?  My perfection isn't yours.

Anik posts here and she's not a size 2.. But that doesn't make her any less sexy than the skinny model type. I personally love faces and I'll let a perfect body slide over a pretty, kissable face any day. And that's not for this stuff, but in my own real life.  One of my favorite ex-lovers, who I still think about 4 years later, had a so-so body (maybe less, as she had terrible pancreatic cancer surgery that left a huge scar, but everytime I saw her face, she'd totally captivate me with her eyes and lips. Oh well, now i'll get depressed..  

If you see someone you don't care for, move on, but to say because she doesn't meet your expectation of beauty doesn't mean she should discount her rates to appease your own opinion of what's sexy..


Al Giordino 5197 reads
9 / 24

Not every guy has the same idea about the perfect woman that you obviously do.  Many guys (even newbies) aren't looking for "Pam" 'cause she doesn't excite them like a larger lady!  

It isn't always about price - you know.....

-- Modified on 12/27/2004 11:42:21 AM

steeltipped 41 Reviews 5451 reads
10 / 24

I think it is as simple was what has already been said... if the provider feels comfortable about the rate then they should charge it... If you should choose not to see the provider why do you care what they charge??? This isn't a scale or a contest that says "seeing that you look this way you", "should charge XXX.XX"

I have found that the local economy has more to do with rates than looks (Understand I am saying on a scale of looks to location, nothing else.. location makes more impact on the rate than looks)i.e. look at Miami Companions they have different rates for different cities on the same provider...

MagicalLizzy 5350 reads
11 / 24

It depends on the escort community.  In some areas, like New York City, Los Angeles, Denver, the state of Florida & Dallas, a provider has to be model quality perfect, in order to make a decent living.  However, in other areas, such as Washington, DC, Seattle, Austin, Denver, & New Orleans, the provider’s attitude & sensuality prevails in whether or not she can make a decent living.  Once a provider has great reviews, regardless of her size, she can set her rate & visitors will beat down her door.  It is a possibility that a less than physically perfect provider would have to lower her rate in another area.


seekingthe1 1 Reviews 5369 reads
12 / 24

I for one prefer ladies with a few xtra pounds?

Why do you ask?  
While I know it is all fantasy, a perfect 10 Bo Derek telling me I'm great looking and I'm her fantasy would just turn me off because my suspension of belief is not that great.

I find women who are closer to my build more sexy because I could imagine a situation where she may be attracted to me.

I know this is all a bit of fantasy role playing we engage in,
but women with a more realistic build are the ones that do it for me.

adrenaline 1 Reviews 4873 reads
13 / 24

Very surprising that most disagree with me.  That's the way it is sometimes I guess.

Major point to this topic is when you see a "10" walking in the shopping mall most of you would give your right nut to be with her for one night and when you see some of these 150 pound+ providers listings you wouldn't.

My personal opinion is looks do matter without knowing any of the providers, so that alone should be a reason for different prices.

After one has gained experience then you would be paying on performance not a physical stature.  Until the experience is gained a man will always go for the 100 pound, blonde, DD first and we all know it and will pay more for it.

dogtrained 6353 reads
14 / 24

your right it depends.  myw ife who was a provider and is model perfct would get offended seeing fat and less pretty women charge what she did.the more she saw it the more she would raise her rate because she said it hurt her pride and ego that. women who didnt take are of themselves would be able to get the same as her who worked out veryday.  it pissed her off that discpline didnt pay off and she started to think men would bang anything.she said if a man wouldnt pay her a thousand to be with her then he wasnt worthy.  just her attitude about it whether you likeit or not.  ohwell.

and she did have a great attitude with clients.toher it was a test of who was discriminate and who would bang anhthing.

MBnewbie 104 Reviews 6019 reads
15 / 24

If that's your standard then kudos to you.  In areas like DC that tend to be a little slower paced than LA or NY I've noticed that the guys put a little more emphasis on qualities other than appearance.  DC has a huge variety of ladies available.  If one doesn't suit then move on.  The new guys will figure out how the game works in their own time.  You must be some corporate type trying to put rational economic theories into this game.  But you have failed to realize that there's only one economic theory that exists in this hobby.  The theory that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.  If the "obese" girls are getting what charge then what's the problem?  It's economics at work.  Who are you to tell them what they should charge?  Some of the best girls I've been with in this hobby have had bodies that were far from perfect.  And I've got some news for you.  No one has only 2-3% body fat.  Even your escorting model wannabes are hovering around 14%.  Professional body building males are at 4-5%.  If a women drops below 12% she stops menstruating.  Yeah that's a real turn on.  If she can get below 7-8% body fat then you had better check for her dick.

Derringer 18 Reviews 7292 reads
16 / 24

Some of this has been said, but I really want to *weigh* in too:

1. The rate that set is up to the ladies. If you see her photos and don't like what you see, (as Nancy would say,) "just say no."

2. Simple economic theory states that the market will sort this out on its own. Here's how it might play out: A provider charges $350/hr and does a decent business, but she's not booked solid and has a lot of free time on her hands. So she decides to lower her rate to $300. Then she gets the kind of response she wants. It is basic microeconomics - the supply and demand curve. In other words, it's the "invisible hand." - Adam Smith.

Note: This may or may not have anything to do with her size. It could be her ethnicity; hair/eye color; height; overall looks; service provided (such as DFK vs. LFK, or CIM vs. No CIM, etc.); whatever.

3. Different people are attracted to different things. And that is what makes the world go 'round, my friend. I'm definitely not looking for someone with a rock-hard body. I love women with a little more body to them, and I always have. I was in an airport tonight (O'Hare) and I watched as tons of people passed by my terminal as I waited for my connecting flight. The women I found most attractive were a little bit thick. It is just who I am.

Now, would it benefit me if every provider who is not a size 2 suddenly dropped their rates. Hell yeah! Because these are the ladies I am and will mostly seek out; thus it would save me $$$. However, if these providers can get more cash per visit, why shouldn't they? Obviously, I am happy to pay the price to see them. And from reading a few of these responses, I'm definitely not the only one....


While we're on this topic, here's a question for you, Adrenaline:
What if the ladies charged their fee based upon *your* size??? For instance, they may not want to be around someone who is so skinny their ribs are all poking out. Or maybe they're disgusted with someone who is obese. Should they charge more for providing that service?

hotanik See my TER Reviews 6235 reads
17 / 24

We could even have one of those fair-like features and if we don't 'guess your girth' within .25 centimetres you get on the ride free!  LOL



-- Modified on 12/28/2004 9:27:28 AM

hotanik See my TER Reviews 6276 reads
18 / 24
HazlEyes 6 Reviews 5069 reads
19 / 24

that prefer the BBW types when a poll on this subject was taken on this very board a few months ago?  Per that poll and others like it taken at other places and times over the last few years, consistently less than 4% of men prefer and seek out BBWs over height/weight-proportional, slim or athletic women.

The reality is that neither society nor nature prefers Big Blubbery Women - or Men.  People of both sexes in that state find all sorts of self-deception to make themselves feel better, such as telling themselves that "some people weren't meant to be thin."  Then there's the white knights who would rather save a woman's pride rather than tell her that deep down he really DOES want the Pamela Anderson type.

Oh, yeah, personality counts - most guys will take a sweet but  overweight girl over a Jennifer Aniston look-alike with the personality of a hungry Rotweiler.  But given the choice of a nice-and-built vs nice-but-fat, guys will take the former almost every time.

The number of overweight providers is alllll out of proportion to the percentage of guys that actually WANT that sort of woman.  The fact that so many chunkies do so well is not a measure of how much men want big girls so much as it is a measure of how far many men will go away from their ideal just to get laid.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 6845 reads
20 / 24

I missed that poll. I like "fit", but I've also seen some "plus-sized" lingerie models that I found sexy beyond words. Which I "prefer" -- fit or BBW -- depends on the woman...and my mood that day.

I am as shallow and self-centered as men come, and yet of the myriad of factors I use to select a provider, body fat is a minor consideration if it is even one at all. Now if I was looking for a lady to go rock-climbing with me for a day, well, then, I must confess, weight might be an issue, but for this "hobby"... it's FAR more important that you're clean, warm, friendly, intelligent, courteous (about my time) and, most importantly,...

...that you like what you do when you're doing it with me!

"Sexy" comes from confidence. If you really think you're sexy, chances are I will too.

HazlEyes 6 Reviews 4915 reads
21 / 24

which was that if you put two ladies side by side, both of whom are (to use your criteria) clean, warm, friendly, intelligent, courteous and enjoy their time with you, but one is fit and the other is fat, which would you take?  According to the polls, something like 97% of men would take the fit one over the fat one.

As you and I both said, there are a lot of factors besides looks in the equation.  But when you strip away all those other factors, looks matter.  And for most guys, looks are high on the list when making the decision - some higher than others, to be sure, but still at least fairly high for most.  "Looks" most definitely includes fitness or weight/height proportion or the like.  This is not just a societal thing; anthropological studies again and again show that the human animal (both male and female) instinctively makes physical fitness/appearance the very first selection criteria when sizing up a potential mating partner.  This is not "shallow", it's nature at work - "shallow" is a term fat people use to help themselves feel better when they're rejected by a member of the opposite sex because of their weight.

HazlEyes 6 Reviews 4745 reads
22 / 24

One of those 97% polls was taken here on this board, so I have to assume it's representative of hobbyists. :)  

Again, I agree that we often have other criteria than just looks, and those criteria may be override the looks factor.  But again, when all those other criteria are factored out, looks matter greatly to the vast majority of people, and fatness is a very big "looks" factor.

My issue is with people that scream how "wrong" (read: politically incorrrect) it is to judge people on their weight/looks.  Bullsh!t.  Nature designed it that way.  If you don't like it, take it up with mother nature, but don't criticize me for using it as a decision point.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 5486 reads
23 / 24

Looks do matter – weight does not.

All things being equal I *might* choose the "fit" provider on Monday, but then I'd choose the "curvy" one on Tuesday.

The problem with the "anthropological studies" you mention is that they're not "all things being equal". Most would show a thin, well-groomed, smiling woman, next to a fat, frowning woman wearing a pizza-stained sweat shirt and ask, "Which is more sexually attractive?" Those studies will always be slanted towards what the researcher wants for results. Add to that the "subject" knows that someone will see *his* answer and he's going to pick the answer that he thinks he's a "normal" person is *supposed to* pick (societal pressure on a subconscious level). As for a TER poll saying which do we prefer – that's way too broad to be objective. It leaves way too much to the hobbyist's imagination to be "all things being equal".

Art from Cro-Magnon man, through the Renaissance, right up to the 19th century showed the idealized woman as extremely plump. That's over 20,000 years. Are we supposed to believe that sometime in the last 100 years there was some sort of invisible, evolutionary, genetic change in humans so that suddenly we're predisposed to find "thin" as desirable? That's pretty unlikely. Besides, if that were the case, women who tended to be heavy would be weeded out by natural selection in a matter of generations.

But not only are plump women NOT being "thinned out" of the population, they are, according the media, appearing in every increasing numbers. That's pretty hard to explain if "fat" is something we all find sexually repulsive. Add to that the fact that started this post – that there are large number of plump providers who have no trouble charging the same amount as the "fitter" ones and I'd say the conclusion that men prefer "thinner" women is weak at best.

In fact in the "thin vs. thick" question, I'd say the *evidence* (not the polls or the studies) points to a tie. That either means that half of us men prefer thin women and half prefer curvy OR, and this is my theory,...

We really don't care.

-- Modified on 12/29/2004 9:42:10 AM

Lacey Diamond 6090 reads
24 / 24

As many of you may have noticed! I have gained a few 50lbs. over the past year or so!!
I was a size 6/7 and now I'm a size 12/13!
But, I can tell you from my own experience I am just as busy now as I was then!!
I've lowered my rates a bit, but that has to do with me being around this area for as long as I have!!
And from experience, I can tell you that my hair color has more influence on gentlemen than my weight does!!
Just my 2 cents!!
Happy New Years!

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