Washington DC

Question for guys who are regulars
PantherPT 2984 reads

I am a regular of a local provider (I've never reviewed her because she's too good and I want to keep her for myself):)

However, on my most recent visit, I got to her place on time and called.  No answer.  I called at 15 minute incriments until 45 minutes had passed.  I was just about to leave when she called me, saying she fell asleep.  I believe her whole-heartedly, but because of the situation, I had to cut the visit short (35 minutes instead of the hour).  I still paid the full amount.  

My question--I know it was my call, and I could have re-scheduled (not easy to due because of home-life constraints), but do you think I could have/should have asked for a small discount because it was her fault I had to cut the appointment short?


First of all I would not buy the sleep excuse.  More like a customer who was slow in leaving.  Secondly you should not have to ask for a reduced rate, a class act would have offered one to you.  I once had a provider, who is still active in this area, stand me up but she quickly emailed me and offered me a free session and lunch.  That is class.

Denise_Belle2349 reads

I wouldn't be so quick to assume she was late because she was with another client. Not all ladies see many clients a day, back to back. (Myself included.)
If he really is a regular client, then chances are that she wouldn't have allowed another client to press into HIS time in the first place!

As for the rate charged- if I were in her position, I wouldn't have accepted a full appointment charge. I would have gladly accepted half, with my own apologies.

Then again, maybe she plans on making it up to him at their next meeting. I know sometimes with my regulars our time is a little less on some days, but significantly more on other days. It all evens out. :)

Perhaps he should politely address this with her at their next appointment.


I guess I am a little jaded as I had a lady who I was seeing weekly for about 6 months make me wait 30 minutes because she was "running late and wanted to get the candles lit, etc."  To bad for her that I was sitting outside the motel waiting and saw the guy leave.  Then she called me giving me the same room number this gent just left from.  I went in and asked her and she said this guy was a newbie and he was late for his appt.  My question to her was "Newbies take precedent over regulars, a once a week regular, a $12,000 a year regular?  Plus it was showing me no respect at all.  That was my last visit.

PT, I suspect you will get answers "all over the map" on this one.  In my case, I probably would have just called it a day and cancelled the appointment.  I'm not into half hour sessions and hence 35 minutes just isn't worth it.  If you don't mind that sort of thing, one thing you could have done was check to see if she had half-hour rates (since you knew that was about all you were going to get).  Typically, they run about $50-75 less than the hour rates.  Even if she didn't post such rates, you could have inquired, since it was her fault.  What could she do, say NO?  If she did decline, I would figure that she really wasn't all that "up" for the session anyway (after all she had all ready slept through some of it), and that it was not likely to be very good.  
 Just this "idiot's" position on the matter.  But then I guess as you get older, the big head starts to exert at least some minimal control.

Just curious on any of your past sessions with her did you go over your hour or has she cut you off exactly when your time was up?... If you did and she did not charge you for it then I would say its a wash otherwise "fair is fair"!!

my client was calling and calling...I was in la-la land and didn't hear anything. He left and I woke up at 1 am (our appointment was for 11 pm).
Sometimes, when there is a big gap between appointments or a client ask for a "late night" engagement, I believe many girls would use the spare time to take a little nap.
In my particular case, he left totally upset with me but I mailed and called him the next morning and offered a free session with added time to make up for it.
He accepted my apologies  and everything was ok...now he jokes with me every time he calls for a "date"...
I think if the provider is the one shortcoming on a client's time she should make up for his loss, either not charging for the session or adding extra time when he books again.

My ATF has a substance abuse problem and frequently uses the excuse "I fell asleep" (in fact she often HAS fallen asleep).  I have had to stop seeing her, and have ever so slow and painfully had to cut her out of my life, painful for both of us.
Fallen asleep? perhaps...indicative of a MUCH MUCH larger problem? Could be.
-- DH

It is rather unfortunate that this is often common in this life. Not to say she was not asleep. I have taken a nap a couple of times and had that happen but always rectified the situation.
These time of sleep are needed for me at times, I do not sleep much, as you can tell by posting time.
Like I started with though, it is an all to often problem. I love a great glass of wine. Yet more than that ruins a terriffic moment.
Just me humble .333


It's amazing what guys will put up with.  It's just like when you get stood up.  Do you go home and put the money in the bank the following morning?  Hell no, you call every number you can think of trying to get something at the last minute.  "Dammit, I was supposed to get some pussy tonight, and I'm gonna get it."  

I would have waited about 15 minutes and then called it a night.  Or I would have called my backup plan.  Either way, she wouldn't have gotten my cash that night.  She may be your ATF, the question is, does she treat you like you are hers?  Or does she just happen to be the hottest piece you can get on short notice?

I was seeing an ATF, when I got there and called, no answer. I called 3 or 4 times more in 20 mins, and was about to leave, when she called. She had been on the phone, and I believed her. She even showed me something she was buying (which is why she was on the phone).
Good thing was, it was evening and I had all night. Appt still went over 2 hours, which is usual for this provider. She never rushes.

LegMan, exactly this sort of thing has happened to me MANY times.  Has it occured to you that sometimes you can't reach her because she was still with the guy who had the appointment BEFORE yours?  After all, you yourself said she doesn't rush and she has let YOUR time with her run over.  Don't you suppose while you are with her that she is considerate enough to turn off the phone, and the guy who has the appointment AFTER yours is experiencing the same thing while YOU are in there?  Just a thought.  

 That was how things transpired the last time I was with one of MY ATF's.  I didn't curse her while I was out in the parking lot calling her every fifteen minutes or so (and I waited well past my normal 30 minutes for a regular).  Why?  Because she ran over with the guy BEFORE me, JUST like she did with ME afterwards.  And my time with her was worth the wait, and then some.  

 These gals can't just "grab" that extra time they give us "out of thin air".  And they can't always be trying to schedule it in, either.  Sometimes it just comes in the "spirit of the moment" and is unpredictable.  This is one of the many reasons why I luv and speak so highly of this gal, whenever I get the chance.

 Jayla, I just can't wait until I see you Thursday!  Good luck with all your hard studying for that exam!

Ponz, anything is possible. But knowing this girl, who is independent, she doesnt schedule like an agency, back to back to back. She does max 3 appts in one day, morning, afternoon and evening. And on one occasion I got her to drive 2 hours to see me, with nobody else scheduled. She's a real gem.

Oh WELL then.  I could use a pm to find out who this Jewel IS!

CrabHappy2806 reads

If she's so good that you want to keep her for yourself and want to continue being her regular, forget about it this time and consider it a tip. Maybe on your next visit, take her a gift of an alarm clock.

I tend to agree with some of the comments. i had this happen to me once and the provider gave me a free session, to make up for it . If you are a regular.. she should give you somthing with out asking for it.
best of luck to you

I tend to agree with some of the comments. i had this happen to me once and the provider gave me a free session, to make up for it . If you are a regular.. she should give you somthing with out asking for it.
best of luck to you

patient man. I wouldn't have waited that long. Fifteen minutes and I'm gone, regular or not.

If I'm late, regular or not she's going to want and deserves some compensation on my part.

Unfortunately this is a business appointment (though we like to think otherwise). I was never late for work, business appointment or pleasure appointment and I expect the same as I give.

If she's sooo good, be quiet and enjoy what you have. If I found another that was as good as my old ATF I would.

ezlvr2161 reads

Arranged to meet a travelling lady at 9:30 am, but when I started calling her at 9:15 am to tell her I was close - got no reply.  Tried every 10 min for 30 min, without luck, and had to move on empty handed. She sent me an email to say she had overslept, apologized, but then told me that I spooked her out by ctrying to call her so many times (4).

time to move on and find a new ATF. there's lot's to pick from

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