Washington DC

Question to Hobbyists and The Ladies...
Guz 25 Reviews 9733 reads

First of all...Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all :-)!!!!

Ok, My question is...I have been wondering about this for a while now...I have wanted to take a picture or pictures of the ladies I have seen or will see but I feel as if the girls might think that is a little weird. I would do this at the end of a session after all has been done, I think it would be better so they won't think I am LE. I would like to take a face pic and a body pic and these would be strictly for my own personal collection.

Most girls and hobbyists might ask why would I want to do this...my answer is simply because I would like to remember them and that occassion. Like I said before, these would be for my own personal collection and no one else would view them.

I could see how most girls would deny this request but I'm just wondering if it would even be OK to ask a girl to allow me to take a picture of her...simply in rememberance.

SexyCurvesDC9529 reads

I'm more than happy to allow someone to use *my* digital camera to take as many photos as they like. My one constraint is that it is MY camera... thus I have control of the photos. That's important! And then I can email them to you etc later on.

But you are right... most ladies will not like that idea and more than likely it will make them uncomfy.  You may want to ask AFTER they have your screening info. :)


Dude not a bad question, but you must consider the ladies concern for "control" of the pictures. Also depends on the type of pictures being taken.

We would not question your veracity on keeping them to yourself, but that is a lot to ask of any provider.

Tamara offers a very workable solution in pleasing her clients with using her own digital camera. Nice!!! However, the TRUST factor here is huge.

My 2 cents.


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