Washington DC

Re:And whatever happened to the promised re-release of Episode VI...
Ponzone 39 Reviews 3124 reads
1 / 28

...as I very well might, take heart that you will probably still have enough to take in a flick at the local cinemax.  This is your NINE WEEK WARNING.  The countdown is at just 63 days until the GRAND OPENING of the final episode (Episode 3) of the Star Wars Saga.  May 19th, the BIG day.

  Besides, it might help ya' take yer mind off the hobby, for a couple of hours.  Yeah, SURE...

someguynamedp 2 Reviews 2573 reads
2 / 28

I'm a big scifi buff.

Although, I want to see this one just cause it's cool to watch Yoda use his lightening powers. :D

myxme1 203 Reviews 2558 reads
3 / 28

Not to sound like a SW geek, but force lighting is a darkside power. I think in the trailer Yoda was getting attacked by the lighting from one of the Sith (possibly he will fake his death because nobody knew he was still alive in the other movies).

Now...Let get back and write about the ladies!!!

Guz 25 Reviews 2556 reads
4 / 28

I'll admit the first one had the nice battle between Darth Maul and the Jedi's. They should have shown more battles with Darth Maul cause he was a bad ass Villian. But I didn't even bother seeing the second one cause it stunk up the room where ever it was playing. Now with this 3rd one I have a feeling the best part (of course) WILL be Darth Vader.

whatanidiot 2 Reviews 3242 reads
5 / 28

...that I am not the only one in here that is fully immersed in his own nerdular nerdance.


Ron_Burgundy 2623 reads
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It looks like it may be the Star Wars movie us fans have been waiting for, but don't get your hopes up that Darth Vader will be in it much at all, from what I've heard he's only in it for about the last five to ten minutes or so, I think Lucas really dropped the ball on it in that way, but overall looks like it may be far and away the most exciting of the new  StarWars movies. There is also talk of a possible Star Wars TV show that may revolve around Vader during the Jedi purge (the time in between this new movie and the 1977 original), now that sounds exciting, as long as it was on HBO or FX or some network like that.

Another cool looking movie coming out on June 17th looks to be Batman Begins, with Chris Nolan (Momento and Insomnia) at the helm and Christian Bale as the caped crusader looks like this may be the best Batman movie ever or at the very least the best since the 1989 Tim Burton/Michael Keaton movie.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2708 reads
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...to make up for "Phantom Menace" (aka, the 2-hour Toys-R-US commercial).

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2334 reads
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whatanidiot 2 Reviews 2413 reads
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Ponzone 39 Reviews 3597 reads
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I guess (as a Trekkie) you didn't particularly care for those "Tribbles", EITHER.

Ponzone 39 Reviews 3125 reads
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Guz, you sound like a guy I used to work with.  Everything you said matched his "feelings on the matter".  In fact, he was wondering if they would find some sort of way to reincarnate Darth Maul in the second episode.  

 So, you're a huge Darth Man, huh?  Well, what would those movies be without the Sith and the Darths?  That's the big appeal in this one.  How did Darth Vader come to be, anyway??

Ponzone 39 Reviews 3302 reads
12 / 28

Gee, a nerd in a Fells Point Bar on St. Patrick's Day.  Now THERE'S an image!!

Ponzone 39 Reviews 2910 reads
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sgndp, you like Yoda huh?  Well, actually Guz and I went over to "the dark side" quite some time ago.  As Snidely Whiplash said in the Dudley Doright movie: "the bad guys have all the fun".  That's why Guz and I are in the HOBBY!

-- Modified on 3/17/2005 7:43:19 AM

whatanidiot 2 Reviews 2678 reads
14 / 28

DAMNIT PONZONE!  I am just a simple counrty doctor!  But I told you those things were going to be trouble...

Honstley, as a self proclaimed "uber-nerd" I always felt that pac-man would of beat those tribbles down in a heartbeat....  and heres my proof!

Ponzone 39 Reviews 3153 reads
15 / 28

LMAOROTFGFA and EW.  That's the best one I've seen in a LONG time.  Only problem is, I can't stop laughing long enough to read all that mess....

Ponzone 39 Reviews 2371 reads
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Lex, go "sabre it out" with Darth Maul (aka Guz).  He woulda liked episode 1 if only he hadn't been killed off.  Of course it took two Jedi Knights to DO it!  

  So how is Guz typing then?  Well, we always knew "the dark side had strange powers".  What I want to know is: how is an evil "spirit" managing to fuck around with all these WOMEN? LOL

Ponzone 39 Reviews 2272 reads
17 / 28

-- Modified on 3/17/2005 8:05:02 AM

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3535 reads
18 / 28

...stormtroopers saving the day! That was cool to see. I've always like the Imperial Army. I want one of my own one day...with with to control you rabble.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2435 reads
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...great villainn, snazzy dresser, nice hair.

bikebryan 18 Reviews 2682 reads
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Why I don't care about Star Wars (as originally told by Bobcat Goldthwait):

I'm 40 years old and have been laid, so I don't really give a shit about Start Wars anymore.  The day you see your first bush, you'll throw that stormtrooper cookie jar right out the window.

someguynamedp 2 Reviews 2272 reads
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I just like cool powers.  If I had to choose the dark side to get all the cool powers, I wouldn't even hesitate!

Bwahahahaha-err, yes.

thebadgoat 255 Reviews 1852 reads
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Would this be the one where the Enterprise saves some beautiful alien women and fights the Klingons? . . .

Guz 25 Reviews 2425 reads
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Darth Man? LOL, no not exactly...I'm not even a big fan of Star Wars and I dunno why every one is going crazy over it. Well....maybe I do since I went crazy over Spider-Man (the first one) so its the same...Anyway, The whole Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader transformation is what is appealing about this and its the ONLY reason I would watch it.

secret_kiss 2364 reads
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I always thought they were going to do one that had the wookie planet in it. Or was Chewbaca just an overgrown ewok?

luv_women 28 Reviews 2920 reads
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Being that I will see it at a press screening instead of on the day it opens.

Nice to see it during the day with just a few people in a great theater without anybody talking...

The only times I go to the movies are for press screenings anymore, otherwise I wait until the DVD comes out and watch it in my home theater.

Ponzone 39 Reviews 2828 reads
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Do you have to be IN the press (or know someone in the press)to go to press screenings?  If not, then how might us "commoners" pull it off?

NoVACommuter 14 Reviews 2518 reads
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I don't think episode 3 is the "final" episode. Seems to me that Star Wars is a 9 episode serial. We started in the middle (like 50's serials, most people missed "the beginning") with IV (ie, "Star Wars"), then had V and VI. We are finishing up the "prequels" I, II, and now III, so next on the agenda should be VII, eventually followed by VIII and IX, which are actual sequels. Does anybody else know about this, or am I the only one? And I'm not even much of a SW fan!

Ponzone 39 Reviews 2539 reads
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It was originally in 9 parts.  However, George Lucas is "getting up in years" and announced that this would be the final movie episode.

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